Juliet of the Spirits Quotes

  • Giorgio: Jose owns one of the biggest bull farms. Sometimes at night this madman puts on his own bullfight.

    Giulietta Boldrini: What courage! Isn't it dangerous?

    Giorgio's friend: No, signora, it's poetry. Poetry is never dangerous. My best friends are toreadors. They compose music, write verse, and abhor blood.

  • Giulietta Boldrini: I don't care about the clemency you offer me but the salvation of my soul.

  • Doctor Raffaele: Take a swim, buy a horse, jump obstacles. But above all, tell your husband to make love more often. Nothing's better for toothaches and spirits.

  • Giorgio (Giulietta's husband): Look what your friend Val brought you.

    Giulietta Boldrini: Thanks. What is it?

    Valentina: Its a charm against spirits! You must hang it here.

  • Dolores: Sculpting, cooking and making love: my three vocations!

  • Valentina: Enchanting! Such an intoxicating perfume! Look at the dew. This is dew, isn't it? Such purity. My heart aches, it's all so beautiful. I want to roll around naked in it.

    Giulietta Boldrini: Why don't you?

    Valentina: I can't. We've become so complicated, so uncivilized.

  • Valentina: He's a fabulous clairvoyant. A man-woman with the secrets of both sexes! An oracle. He can change your life, reveal all.

    Giulietta Boldrini: He's an Indian?

    Valentina: Indian, Tibetan -- who cares? Bhisma belongs to the world

  • Bhisma: Giulietta, do you know the Kama Sutra? Sexual intercourse is a conflict. To be happy, you must behave as if in combat. The place to be fought over is the body.

    Giulietta Boldrini: The body?

    Bhisma: And within the body, the shoulders and between the breasts.

  • Bhisma: Love is a religion, Giulietta. Your husband is your god. You are the priestess of this cult. Your spirit must burn up like this incense, go up in smoke, on the alter of your loving body.

  • Giulietta Boldrini: Here's what's happening. It's as if everything's been lost since last night. I'm afraid my husband has another woman.

    Bhisma: Learn to better please your husband, Giulietta.

  • Bhisma: Did you buy those stockings?

    Giulietta Boldrini: No. What stockings?

    Bhisma: The black fishnets. Women want to be treated like angels, but they don't do their job -...

    Giulietta Boldrini: Is love a "job"?

    Bhisma: I didn't say "job." I said "the art of love."

    Giulietta Boldrini: I got it right. You said "job." Whoring - some advice!

  • Bhisma: Sangria, it quenches the thirst of those who drink it. It quenches our secret thirsts too. They call it the potion of oblivion.

  • Giorgio's friend: Rosa Aurata. A name like poetry. I used to grow them, too. My garden in Cordoba was famous. You're very lucky. Flowers are grateful when loved. These plants get lots of love. It shows. You must be a very loving person to give so much every day.

  • Giorgio's friend: What matters is the fluidity of the movements. The balance. A good toreador must have a pure heart and clear thoughts, like monks or dancers.

  • Giorgio's friend: A calculated spontaneity, a pure sentiment, a clear mind, an exact gesture, and the monster will be defeated.

  • Giorgio's friend: "No one understood the perfume of the dark magnolia of your womb. No one knew you tormented a hummingbird of love between your teeth." You love Lorca's poetry, right? Destiny plays some strange games. I was in Madrid and I didn't want to leave because of a foreboding. Now I am happy to be here. There's nothing to life if you take away nights like this one. I owe you a happy moment and hope it won't be the last.

  • Adele: He stole your youth, your peace, your trust. He's the worst kind of thief.

  • Lynx-Eyes: Let's hear from our psychologist.

    Lynx-Eyes' agent: Looking at the photograph, I say he's about 40, difficult personality, cold rages, a ladies' man. Be careful, 'cause he's capable of rash gestures. Hidden fear. A great need for his mother.

    Lynx-Eyes: And who doesn't need his mother?

  • Dolores: You haven't seen my new works. Looking at my statues isn't enough. You must touch them. Try. I touch them, I shiver. They feel alive. Michelangelo shouted at his Moses: "Speak!" I'd like to shout at these powerful forms: "Love me!" I really would.

  • Dolores: My art is deeply spiritual. You say no, eh? Let's give back to God his physicality. I was afraid of God. He crushed me, terrified me. And why? I imagined him abstractly. But no. He's got the most superb body ever. In my statues, he's a physical God, a perfectly shaped hero that I can desire and make my lover.

    [excited laughter]

  • Grandfather: This is crazy! You go up and get roasted if you dare show your legs! What do you teach these creatures? You'll make madwomen out of these innocents!

  • Friar: Health and prosperity. And may God make you each day more beautiful for His glory!

  • Giulietta Boldrini: "Get revenge." "Forgive." Who should I believe? "Make yourself beautiful." "Life is a sacrifice." "Be more feminine. We'll teach you." My life if full of people talking, talking! Go away! Get out, all of you!

  • Giorgio's friend: Water. When I need something absolutely pure, something sincere, I always ask for water. Simple things are so important in life. Things that don't conceal something else. Water is like a sincere glance that conceals nothing. Don't be afraid of the truth. The truth sets us free. After all, who cares about other people's opinions? In my country there's a saying : "I am my own roof, window and hearth. I feed upon my words and drink from my thoughts. Therefore I am happy."

    Giulietta Boldrini: Are you real, yes or no? And what advice can you give me? Tell me, what should I do?

    Giorgio's friend: I wouldn't know. I just want you to live happily.

  • Psychodramatist: Tall old trees are the most impressive symbol of this way of life, deeply rooted in the earth, branches stretched out into the sky, opening in all directions. Theirs is a spontaneous growth. This is the great yet simple mystery we must learn: to fulfill ourselves spontaneously, avoiding passions and desires.

  • Psychodramatist: Your only fear is to be happy again.