Juice Quotes

  • Bishop: You gotta snap some collars and let them motherfuckers know you here to take them out anytime you feel like it! You gotta get the ground beneath your feet, partner, get the wind behind your back and go out in a blaze if you got to! Otherwise you ain't shit! You might as well be dead your damn self!

  • Trip: Just 'cause you pour syrup on something doesn't make it pancakes!

  • Trip: Thought you'd be lookin' for transportation outta town by now.

    Q: Trip, man. You gotta tell me what's goin' on.

    Trip: You done slid down a razor blade and landed in an alcohol river. Word is you killed Raheem. And Quillis. And Radames.

    Q: That's bullshit, man! You know me better than that!

    Trip: I don't know that.

    Q: C'mon, Trip, you known me since I was a kid.

    Trip: I known a lotta killers since they was kids.

  • Bishop: [when Radames is running from the police] I think we lost them.

    [shoots Radames]

    Bishop: Riverside, motherfucker.

  • Bishop: You know, Big Chops, I really wanted all this to work. But you and Q, you ain't crew no more.

    [points gun at Steel]

    Bishop: That's what it's all about. See how scared you are?

    Steel: Don't you get tired of this shit? What the fuck you want from me?

    Bishop: Nothin'.

    [shoots Steel]

  • Bishop: What you know about control, Big chops? What you ever control?

    Steel: I control my life.

  • Bishop: That's bullshit! I got more control over your life than you do.

    Steel: How you figure that?

  • Bishop: I'm letting you breathe, ain't I?

    Steel: You can't even walk your own block, without getting fucked up by Radimez!

  • Q: Bishop, you're crazy!

    Bishop: You know what? Last time you said that, I was kinda trippin', right? But now, you're right. I am crazy. And you know what else? I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck about you. I don't give a fuck about Steel. I don't give a *fuck* about Raheem, either. I don't give a fuck about myself. Look, I ain't shit. And you less of a man than me, so as soon as I figure you ain't gon be shit, *pow*! So be it. You remember that, motherfucker. 'Cause I'm the one you need to be looking out for... *partner*!

  • Q: Man, you know what your problem is? You got no juice.

  • Bishop: [to Steel at the video game] One, if I lose, I'm gonna beat that ass. Two, if I lose, I'm gonna beat that ass. So pop two quarters in, pop tart, and let's get this game on, I'll be gettin' that ass!

  • Bishop: You need to have respect for me. I was almost your father but the line was too long!

  • [last lines]

    Kid: Yo, you got the juice now, man.

  • Q: What the fuck you gonna do... shoot me in an elevator?

    [Bishop fires his gun in the crowded elevator]

  • Q's Mother: [First lines] Quincy, get up! It's after seven o'clock, and your gonna be late for school again. Quincy, did you not hear me? I said get up.

    Q: [as he is waking up, under his breath] It's bullshit, yo.

    Q's Mother: Excuse me young man, what did you just say?

    Q: Nothing, ma.

    Q's Mother: That's what I thought. Get up.

  • Frank: [Meeting for the first time] Q? What? Did names like Mustafa? Akbar become too hard to spell?

    Q: My real name's "Quincy" and I'm not too fond of that name so people call me "Q" or "GQ", you know like a nickname? An abbreviation?

    Frank: [Intentionally addressing him as the name his not fond of to show his disdain] well Quincy, shouldn't you be out stealing hubcaps or something like that?

    Q: [Whispers to himself] damn

    Frank: [Holding his right ear] excuse me, I can't hear you, speak up, I can't hear you boy, what'd you say?