Journey to the Center of the Earth Quotes

  • Sean: [running from a dinosaur] Haven't you ever seen a dinosaur before?

    Trevor: Not with skin on it!

  • Trevor: [in complete awe] Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the center of the Earth.

  • [Sean and Trevor have fallen behind Hannah, tired of climbing]

    Sean: I got dibs on the mountain guide.

    Trevor: You're thirteen.

    Sean: Sorry, called it.

    Trevor: Thirteen-year-olds don't get dibs.

    Sean: Get over it.

  • Trevor: [as they are climbing] Hey, look at all the schist.

    Sean: What?

    Trevor: It's a metamorphic rock. Green schist, white schist, mica-garnet schist...

    Sean: Oh. Schist.

  • Hannah Ásgeirsson: [all climbing down] Okay, Sean, just make conversation with me.

    Sean: So, Hannah, uh. Do you come here often?

    [Hannah laughs]

    Trevor: Oh' give me a break. That can't be the best line you can come up with.

    Sean: [yells] I'm making conversation with her!

    Hannah Ásgeirsson: [laughing] No, Sean, l do not come here very often.

  • Trevor: [sees Sean playing a PSP] Is that one of those Game Boys?

    Sean: It's a PSP.

  • Trevor: [holds up Max's yo-yo] This was your old man's PSP.

  • Sean: [coming across a dinosaur skeleton] Man, I really wish I'd read that book.

  • Hannah Ásgeirsson: No one gets dibs on the mountain guide.

  • Sean: Oh, we're in deep schist.

  • Trevor: We're still falling!

  • Sean: Rubies...

    Hannah Ásgeirsson: Emeralds...

    Trevor: Feldspar!

  • [noticing the mountain behind them]

    Trevor: That's Mount Vesuvius! Hey Sean, if your mom asks you what you did this weekend, you tell her uncle Trevor took you to Italy.

    Sean: Italy?

    Trevor: Si.

  • Trevor: What are you doing?

    Sean: I am Googling at 30 thousand feet.

    Trevor: Are you supposed to be doing that?

    Sean: Welcome to the 21st century.

  • Hannah Ásgeirsson: That's two you owe me now.

    Trevor: Who's counting?

    Hannah Ásgeirsson: I am.

    Sean: [Sean came] That was... awesome!

  • Trevor: Where are we?

    Sean: [Reading from the map] Have we passed... Hvamsvik?

    Trevor: Havamsvich? I don't know.

    Sean: Have we passed... Engarsstadir?

    Trevor: No.

    Sean: Reynivir?

    Trevor: I don't know.

    Sean: Hasvik?

    Trevor: No!

    Sean: Glaundarhol?

    Trevor: No!

    Sean: Stiflastadir?

    Trevor: Stiflardstarter?

    Sean: How about Köldukadarskijökull?

    Trevor: What?

  • Trevor: Max was right. He was right!

    Trevor: [shouting] Max! Was! Right! Ha ha!

    Trevor: [to Sean] Your dad was right. He was right.

    Sean: [to Hannah] Hannah, your dad was right too.

    Trevor: They both believed in something that everyone told them was impossible. He was right!

    Trevor: [echoing] He was right!

  • Trevor: Enormous fossilised mushrooms.

    Sean: Sort of like humongous fungus?

  • Elizabeth: Say hi to your uncle.

    Sean: Hi to your uncle.

  • [first lines]

    Max Anderson: [yelling while falling to his death] Trevor!

    Trevor: [wakes up suddenly] Max!