Hank: [to Sean] Pop your pecs.
Hank: [to Sean] I'd rather take the Titanic.
Alexander: [On Sean's sprained ankle] On three. One...
[Pops ankle back]
Hank: What happened to two and three?
Sean: Yes, what happened to two and three?
Alexander: Two. Three.
Alexander: Who's up for an adventure?
Sean: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
Hank: the mysterious island.
Hank: What in the blue heck is that?
Gabato: That is the finest helicopter in Palau!
Sean: I'd hate to see the worst.
Sean: [looking at Kailani] Actually, Hank... Now that I look at it, this chopper's pretty freakin' gorgeous.
Kailani: Who are these guys?
Sean: Uh... I am a scientific explorer. Hi.
Sean: Told you it'd work.
Hank: You were right. I can't believe we made it.
Sean: It's Jules Verne, man. You gotta believe.
Kailani: What was that?
Gabato: It's a scary noise in a dark cave. Keep moving...
Sean: [Kailani is chased by a giant lizard] Hey, Godzilla!
[the lizard heads his way]
Sean: Oh, crap...
Hank: You know, I think it's best we get out of here. Besides, after that mating call of yours, she may have ideas about making you her husband.
Alexander: Oh, witty. Good for you, Henry.
Hank: [laughs sarcastically] The name's Hank. It's never Henry. Just Hank.
Alexander: Ah. I see you're a man of incisive decision. Why don't you lead the way? Oh, actually, we want to live through the night. Yes. So maybe you should all follow me.
Kailani: [after Sean catches her in her fall, riding a bee] You saved me!
Sean: [proud] Yeah... I guess I did!
[the monstrous bird comes back]
Sean: Or maybe not!
Hank: [singing] I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom, for me and for you. And I think to myself: What a wonderful world! I see giant bees, and I could have told ya: Don't trust Alexander - he's older than Yoda. And I think to myself: What a wonderful world! The island that we stand on... Well, it's currently sinking. Sending those secret codes - what the heck were you drinking? But it's all in the past, we wiped the slate clean! We're going to find Nemo's submarine! And you'll think to yourself: What a wonderful world. Oh, yeah...
Kailani: Hey, I can't believe we actually made it off the island!
Sean: Yeah...
[they look at each other]
Hank: [whispering into Sean's ear] Pop your pecs.
Sean: [turns to face Hank, whispering back angrily] I'm not gonna pop my pecs.
Hank: Now's the perfect time to pop your pecs. She's gonna love it, believe me. You...
Sean: I'm not gonna pop my pecs!
Hank: Do it, do it...
Sean: No, I'm not gonna pop my pecs!
Hank: She would love it, believe me!
Sean: No...
Kailani: Ahem!
[Sean turns back to her]
Kailani: You two done yet?
Hank: [whispering into Sean's ear] Pop your pecs.
Kailani: [puts her hands around Sean's neck] Thank you. For everything.
[she kisses him]
Hank: [to himself] That works too.
Hank: [fighting a giant lizard with a flare] Not now, Sean. She's scared!
Sean: No, it's cold-blooded and it's attracted to heat.
[the lizard bites the flare]
Hank: That's emasculating.
Sean: Now what?
Hank: Now there's only one thing left. The thunder cookie.
[clenching his fist at the giant lizard and punches it]
Hank: I think I just made it worse.
[the lizard growls at them]
Kailani: Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.
Gabato: I hope she doesn't like food with poop in its pants!
Hank: It takes a big man to play a little guitar.
Alexander: And a bigger one to listen.
Sean: You know, if we die down there, mom is gonna kill us.
Hank: It looks like the liquefation has tripled overnight.
Kailani: What does that mean?
Hank: It means this island is sinking a lot faster than we thought.
Alexander: I thought you said a couple of days.
Hank: Now it looks more like a couple of hours.
Sean: A couple of hours?
Hank: We need to get to that sub now or we're all gonna be 20,000 leagues under the sea.
[first lines]
Alexander: [voiceover] In the 19th century Jules Verne wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told. Novels such as "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and "The Mysterious Island." Most consider these works of science fiction. Vernians know otherwise.
Hank: I was looking to talk to you. You know, very concerned adult to somewhat troubled youth.
Sean: Which one am I in that equation?
Gabato: I've taken hundreds of people out to sea. I come back with them almost every single time.
Kailani: [about her father] Last summer I was trying to get a job, so he flew all over Palau dropping thousands of copies of my résumé from his helicopter.
Sean: That's embarrassing. Isn't that the worst when they try so hard?
Kailani: No... I mean, the worst would be if they didn't try at all.
Kailani: [off-screen; conversing with Sean] Happy birthday.
Hank: [to Liz] You raised a great man.
Liz: No...
Kailani: [off-screen; conversing with Sean] So sorry I'm late.
Liz: ....WE are raising a great man.
[last lines]
Alexander: [presenting Sean with a birthday gift] I wanted to give you... this.
Sean: [receiving the gift] A book?
Alexander: Oh, it's not just a book: it's a trip I want us to go on... All of us, as a family.
[Sean unwraps his gift and gives a knowing look to Hank]
Sean: [showing the book to everyone] "From the Earth to the Moon".
Alexander: What do you say?
Kailani: Well, I think there's only one thing to say.
Sean: So who's up for an adventure?
[Alexander giggles]
Liz: No, no, no!
Hank: Oh, honey, what could possibly go wrong? It's only the moon.
Kailani: [the group's helicopter is being sucked into a hurricane; calmly] We need to get out of here.
Gabato: [whimpering fearfully] I was thinking the same thing!
Gabato: [the group has stumbled upon a batch of gigantic lizard eggs and are force to tread softly in order to avoid detection] Oh, we are literally walking on eggshells!
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Quotes
Dorcas 2021-12-17 08:01:11
It’s still very hilarious to lower your mind to under ten years old~
Desmond 2022-04-24 07:01:09
It belongs to children's films. It is enough for 15 years old. It is a standard adventure film. The plot is flat to the end, the scenery is beautiful, the characters are funny and cute, and you can finish it after watching it.
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Director: Brad Peyton
Language: English Release date: February 10, 2012Related Articles
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