Jessica Jones Quotes

  • Kilgrave: Bitches, right?

  • Luke Cage: Sweet Christmas!

  • Jeri Hogarth: You're coming across as paranoid.

    Jessica Jones: Everyone keeps saying that. It must be a conspiracy.

  • Jeri Hogarth: The real world is not about happy endings. It's about taking the life you have, and fighting like hell to keep it.

  • Jessica Jones: No matter where I am, even if I'm behind bars, if you try anything I will find out, I will come for you, and it will hurt.

  • Jessica Jones: Would you put day drinking under experience or special abilities?

  • Jessica Jones: Main Street. Birch Street. Higgins Drive. Cobalt Lane.

  • Jessica Jones: My weakness? Occasionally I give a shit.

Jessica Jones

Director: Jennifer Getzinger, Rosemary Rodriguez, S.J. Clarkson, Michael Rymer

Language: English Release date: November 20, 2015