Mark Dargus: Cut to 13 years later, you're 44 years of age. You're flying for the shittiest-little-shuttle-fucking piece of shit Mexican airline that there is.
Max Cherry: Half a million dollars will always be missed.
Ordell Robbie: Hey, where's Melanie?
Louis: Well... that's what I want to tell you. She was being such a pain. She made us late for the pickup because she locked herself in your bathroom for hours with her bong getting high. She was nagging and complaining... so strung out. She wouldn't shut up, so...
Ordell Robbie: You left her back there?
Louis: Not exactly. I shot her.
Ordell Robbie: You shot Melanie?
Louis: Twice.
Ordell Robbie: Is she dead?
[Louis does not reply]
Ordell Robbie: Is she dead, yes or no?
Louis: Pretty much.
Louis: What is she to you?
Ordell Robbie: You know, she's just one of the bitches I got set up. I got Mel over in Hermosa Beach and I rent this little place for Simone over in Compton where you stayin', and about four blocks away I got this young 19-year-old country girl named Sheronda. I found her on the bus stop two days out of Georgia - barefoot, country as a chicken coop. I took her to my place in Compton, told her it was Hollywood.
Louis: You told her - she believed you?
Ordell Robbie: Hell, yeah. To her dumb country ass, Compton is Hollywood. Closest she's ever been, anyway.
Louis: Who's that?
Ordell Robbie: That's Beaumont.
Louis: Who's Beaumont?
Ordell Robbie: A employee I had to let go.
Louis: What'd he do?
Ordell Robbie: He put himself in a position where he was going to have to do ten years in prison, that's what he did. And if you know Beaumont, you know ain't no god damn way he can do ten years. And if you know that, then you know Beaumont's gonna do anything Beaumont can to keep from doing them ten years, including telling the federal government any and every motherfucking thing about my black ass. Now that, my friend, is a clear cut case of him or me. And you best believe it ain't gonna be me.
[repeated line]
Ordell Robbie: I can do that.
Jackie Brown: Melanie?
Melanie: Jackie?
Jackie Brown: Hey, girl, what's up?
Melanie: Hey, are you getting that suit?
Jackie Brown: Yeah. You like it?
Melanie: It looks really good on you.
Jackie Brown: You got something for me?
Melanie: You betcha.
Jackie Brown: I put a cherry on top. Booh-yah! What the fuck did Ordell ever do for us, huh?
Melanie: Thanks.
Louis: Hey, we gotta go! We're late! Come on, Mel! We gotta go! Let's go!
Melanie: Hey, kiss my ass, fuck wad!
[Louis and Melanie are looking at a picture]
Melanie: That's Japan.
Louis: Uh, looks like... I can... It shows...
Melanie: Wanna fuck?
Louis: Yeah.
[three minutes later]
Melanie: That was fun.
Louis: Yeah, that hit the spot.
Melanie: Now, we can catch up.
Louis: Yeah.
[heavy breathing]
Louis: Got a beer?
Melanie: Sure. In the fridge.
Jackie Brown: Sit your ass down on that sofa.
Ordell Robbie: See? Police start fuckin' wit' chur mind, start pittin' black against black. Thats how they do, you know. They been doin' this since the beginning of...
Jackie Brown: Shut your raggedy ass up and sit the fuck down!
Beaumont: Man, you must be out of your fuckin' mind if you think I'm gonna get in this dirty-ass trunk.
Ordell Robbie: We ain't going nowhere but to Koreatown, man. You ain't gonna be locked in here no more than ten minutes.
Beaumont: I ain't ridin' in no trunk for no minute, man.
[after shooting Louis]
Ordell Robbie: What the fuck happened to you, man? Shit, your ass used to be beautiful!
Beaumont: I'm still scared as a motherfucker, O.D. They talking like they serious as hell giving me time for that machine gun shit.
Ordell Robbie: Aw, come on, man, they just trying to put a fright in your ass.
Beaumont: Well, if that's what they doin', they done did it.
Ordell Robbie: How old is that machine gun shit?
Beaumont: About three years...
Ordell Robbie: Three years? That's a old crime, man! They ain't got enough room for all the niggas running around killing people today, now how are they gonna find room for you?
Beaumont: I just ain't climbin' in no goddamn, dirty-ass trunk, man. I got a problem with small places.
Ordell Robbie: Well I got a problem with spendin' ten thousand dollars on ungrateful, peanut-head niggers to get 'em out of jail, but I did it! And how small was that jail cell, motherfucker?
[as Max Cherry exits the bathroom]
Ordell Robbie: Uh uh uh... I didn't hear you wash your hands.
Ordell Robbie: I'm serious as a heart attack.
[Louis has forgotten where he parked]
Melanie: Jesus, but if you two are not the biggest pair of fuck-ups I've ever met in my entire life. How did you ever rob a bank? When you robbed banks, did you forget where your car was then too? No wonder you went to jail.
Max Cherry: Is white guilt supposed to make me forget I'm running a business?
Ordell Robbie: [pause] Oh, it's like that, huh?
Ordell Robbie: Alright, I got your little thousand bucks.
[Ordell pulls large wad of cash out of waist pouch]
[Melanie and Louis are fighting over a bag of Ordell's money]
Louis: Gimme the bag...
Melanie: Watch it dipshit, you wanna rip the fucking bag.
Louis: Gimme that bag before I knock you out and take it.
Melanie: Okay take it. Jesus, what's wrong with you?
Louis: I'm carrying it.
Melanie: Okay, you got it. Just take a chill pill for Christ's sake.
Louis: Fuck you and your chill pill!
[Ray Nicolet and Jackie Brown are discussing Ordell Robbi's business]
Jackie Brown: He sells guns.
Ray Nicolet: You ever see him sell guns?
Jackie Brown: No.
Ray Nicolet: Then how do you know he sells guns?
Jackie Brown: He told me. Besides, why else would an ATF man be after him?
Melanie: When did you get ouf of jail?
Louis: Four days ago.
Melanie: Where at?
Louis: Susanville.
Melanie: How long?
Louis: Two months shy of four years.
Melanie: Four years?
Louis: Uh huh.
Melanie: What for?
Louis: Bank robbery.
Melanie: Really? Shit, I'm impressed.
Ordell Robbie: My ass may be dumb, but I ain't no dumbass.
Ordell Robbie: Here we go. AK-47. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.
Ordell Robbie: Look, I hate to be the kinda nigga does a nigga a favor, then, BAM!, hits a nigga up for a favor in return. But I'm afraid I gots to be that kinda nigga.
Beaumont: Whatchu mean?
Ordell Robbie: I need a favor, nigga!
Ordell Robbie: Goddamn girl, you gettin' high already? It's just 2 o'clock!
Melanie: [chuckling] It's that late?
Ordell Robbie: You know you smoke too much of that shit, that shit gonna rob you of your own ambition.
Melanie: Not if your ambition is to get high and watch TV...
Ordell Robbie: Oh, ya'll a couple Cheech and Chongs, huh?
[phone rings]
Ordell Robbie: Well don't get up, I got it.
Max Cherry: I'll bet, besides maybe an afro, you look exactly how you did at 29.
Jackie Brown: Well, my ass ain't the same.
Max Cherry: Bigger?
Jackie Brown: Yeah.
Max Cherry: Ain't nothin' wrong with that!
Ordell Robbie: Now that there is the TEC-9, a little cheap ass spray gun made out of South Miami. They retail for 380, I get 'em for 2, sell 'em for 8. They advertised this TEC-9 as the most popular gun in American crime. Can you believe that shit? It actually says that in the little booklet that comes with it: the most popular gun in American crime. Like they proud of that shit.
Ordell Robbie: Girl, don't make me put my foot in your ass.
Ordell Robbie: Try not to tear his clothes off, OK? They're new.
Jackie Brown: Now sooner or later, they're gonna get around to offering me a plea deal, and you know that. That's why you came here to kill me.
Ordell Robbie: I ain't come here to kill you...
Jackie Brown: No, no, it's OK, it's OK, now. I forgive you.
Ordell Robbie: Is that what I think it is?
Jackie Brown: What do you think it is?
Ordell Robbie: I think it's a gun pressed up against my dick.
Jackie Brown: Well, you thought right. Now take your hands off from around my throat, nigga.
Winston: Look man, there's only three reasons why you can't make your court date. One, you're in a hospital. Two, you're in jail. Three, your ass is dead.
Ordell Robbie: This you and me talking, is this like a lawyer-client thing, and you can't repeat nothing I tell you?
Max Cherry: You're not my client until you get busted and I bond you out.
Ordell Robbie: Well, if we ain't got no - what's that shit called? - confidentiality, why should I tell you a thing?
Max Cherry: Because you want me to know what a slick guy you are. You got stewardesses bringing you fifty grand.
Ordell Robbie: Now why would a stewardess be bringing me fifty grand?
Max Cherry: Now you want me to speculate on what you do. My guess is you're in the drug business, except the money's moving the wrong way. Whatever you're into, you seem to be getting away with it, so more power to you.
Ordell Robbie: Jackie can tell me any story that comes into her pretty little head, just so long as at the end of that story she hands me my motherfucking money.
Winston: I don't have to know what I'm doing, just so long as you know.
Max Cherry: I think I do. Good enough?
Winston: You bet.
Ordell Robbie: My money's in that office, right? If she start giving me some bullshit about it ain't there, and we got to go someplace else and get it, I'm gonna shoot you in the head then and there. Then I'm gonna shoot that bitch in the kneecaps, find out where my goddamn money is. She gonna tell me too. Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you, motherfucker. You listen: we go in there, and that nigga Winston or anybody else is in there, you the first motherfucker to get shot. You understand?
Max Cherry: Yeah.
Ordell Robbie: There ain't nothing you want to tell me before we get out of this car, is there?
Max Cherry: No.
Ordell Robbie: Last chance, motherfucker. You sure?
[Max nods]
Ordell Robbie: You better be, motherfucker. All right, let's roll.
Max Cherry: Jackie wants to give it to you herself, she wants to collect her ten percent. She also wants to explain why she had to hang on to it.
Ordell Robbie: Oh, and I want to hear that shit!
Ordell Robbie: [Ordell has bailed Beaumont out of jail] Look at you and your free ass. Come here, boy, gimme a motherfuckin' hug.
Beaumont: Good lookin' out, man. I don't know what to say. Thank you, thank you...
Ordell Robbie: Uh-huh. Who was there for your ass?
Beaumont: You were there for my ass.
Ordell Robbie: Who?
Beaumont: You.
Ordell Robbie: Who?
Beaumont: You!
Ordell Robbie: Whooo?
Beaumont: You nigga, damn!
Ordell Robbie: You goddamn right. That's how that shit works: you get your ass in trouble, I get your ass out. That's my motherfuckin' job. And I don't mind telling you, nigga, it's steady work.
Ordell Robbie: Yeah, woman, damn!
Ordell Robbie: How'd you find me?
Max Cherry: Winston found you.
Ordell Robbie: How the fuck did he find me?
Max Cherry: That's what Winston does. He finds people who don't want to be found.
Ordell Robbie: Well bully for that nigga!
Ordell Robbie: What the fuck you doin' knockin on the door like the goddamn police? You wanna die?
Max Cherry: I thought you might be asleep.
Ordell Robbie: You keep fuckin' with me, you're gonna be asleep forever.
Ordell Robbie: You can't trust Melanie. But, you can always trust Melanie to be Melanie.
Ordell Robbie: Melanie real good about throwing a fuck a nigger's way. I mean, she ain't no damn good at it, but she likes to fuck.
Louis: Oh, so, she ain't your girlfriend.
Ordell Robbie: Is that what you thought?
Louis: Nah, I wasn't sure, you know.
Ordell Robbie: But you fucked her anyway, though, huh?
Louis: Well - the not your girlfriend part I felt more about.
Ordell Robbie: Oh,, I hope you felt appropriately guilty afterwards.
Louis: Afterwards, I did.
[Louis and Ordell both laugh]
Ordell Robbie: [Speaking on the phone to Mr. Walker in Mexico] Come on man! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't HAVE that motherfuckin' boat!
Ordell Robbie: [Listening to Mr. Walker's response] Oh, yeah, yeah, right. I'm seein' who my motherfuckin' friends are right... Hello? Hello?
Ordell Robbie: [Staring at the phone in his hand] Motherfucker hung up on me. You believe this shit? Ingrate nigga! See? You bring a motherfucker up. Next thing you know, they breakin' ya off some goddamned disrespect. Motherfuck. Shit.
Winston: [Phone rings] Bail bonds.
Ordell Robbie: Yeah, Max there?
Winston: He ain't here right now, man.
Ordell Robbie: Well, where he at? Out of town?
Winston: He's AROUND, man.
Ordell Robbie: Well, gimme his home number.
Winston: No, I'll give you his BEEPER number.
Ordell Robbie: All right. Break off the beeper number, nigga.
Jackie Brown: Well, I've flown seven million miles. And I've been waiting on people almost 20 years. The best job I could get after my bust was Cabo Air, which is the worst job you can get in this industry. I make about sixteen thousand, with retirement benefits that ain't worth a damn. And now with this arrest hanging over my head, I'm scared. If I lose my job I gotta start all over again, but I got nothing to start over with. I'll be stuck with whatever I can get. And that shit is scarier than Ordell.
Ordell Robbie: Somebody with a grudge blew Beaumont's brains out. Oh shit, that shit rhymes! "Blew Beau-mont's, brains out!"
Max Cherry: If you've got time, you think you can find out where he's staying?
Winston: Cops can't locate him, huh?
Max Cherry: They don't have your winning personality.
Robbie Ordell: I got some "for-your-eyes-only" shit to show you.
Ordell Robbie: See, that shit works my nerves, you being all buddy-buddy with that motherfucker.
Jackie Brown: If I wasn't so buddy-buddy with that motherfucker, none of this would work.
[Jackie and Ordell need accomplices for the money exchange]
Jackie Brown: So I sit down at the table, eat my food, then your girl comes along. Oh, you have anybody yet?
Ordell Robbie: Yeah, I got someone.
Jackie Brown: Who?
Ordell Robbie: What you care?
Jackie Brown: What I care is my ass facing the penitentiary. If you send some hard-headed rock whore up in here...
Ordell Robbie: Hey, hey, hey, hey. She ain't gonna be no "rock ho." She gonna be cool. Promise.
[first lines]
Girl at Security Gate: Flight 710 to Cabo San Lucas, now boarding Gate 103, first class only. Flight 710, Cabo San Lucas, now boarding Gate 103. First class only.
Jackie Brown: [greeting passengers] Buenos dias. Welcome aboard. Welcome aboard.
[last lines]
Jackie Brown: I'll send you a postcard.
Max Cherry: Will you?
Jackie Brown: I sure will partner.
[They kiss. Both are silent for a moment after, then the phone begins to ring. Max hesitates to answer it]
Jackie Brown: You're running a business Max.
Max Cherry: [answers phone] Cherry Bail Bonds. Uh, What is it your son's charged with?
[Jackie leaves the office, Max watches her go]
Max Cherry: Yes, that's a very serious offense. Is your son still in school? Does his father still live in the house? Could I excuse myself? Would you call me back in about half an hour? Yes, thank you.
[Hangs up the phone and watches Jackie drive off out the window]
Beaumont: Man, you catch a nigga off-guard with this shit.
Max Cherry: Ordell, this isn't a bar. You don't have a tab.
Louis: Hey, keep your fucking mouth shut, all right? I mean it not one fucking word!
Melanie: Okay, Louis...
[Louis pulls a gun and shoots Melanie twice]
Cockatoo Bartender: What's your drink brother?
Ordell Robbie: Let me have a screwdriver homes.
Cockatoo Bartender: And what about you?
Jackie Brown: Oh, I'm fine.
Cockatoo Bartender: Yes you are
[they all laugh, the bartender leaves]
Ordell Robbie: Damn, I bet you come in here on a Saturday night, you need nigga repellent to keep them motherfuckers off your ass.
Jackie Brown: Oh, I do okay.
Ordell Robbie: Bull shit, Jackie. You a fine motherfucker. I bet chu do a damn sight better than okay.
Louis: [exhales smoke, heavy coughing]
Melanie: You ok?
Louis: Just... gettin' old.
[continues coughing]
Louis: Seems I can't smoke all that now without coughing.
Melanie: Coughing's good! It opens up the capillaries. You know, when you cough you're pulling in air, or in this case - smoke, into parts of the lungs that don't normally get used. So, coughing's good, it gets you higher.
Ordell Robbie: Definitely know a lot about that! Look here Louis, I got to run out for a little while so uh, if you like gettin high so much, why don't you hang out here with Mel' n' watch a little TV.
Louis: Way ahead of ya.
Ordell Robbie: See I get high later on when I come back, see I get high at NIGHT, when I get through with all my business.
Jackie Brown: Aw, the milk went bad while I was in jail.
Max Cherry: Black's fine.
Jackie Brown: Cool.
Ordell Robbie: [Sits in silence for a few moments, thinking, then finally realizes who stole his money] It's Jackie Brown.
Louis: Well, if she got to it, why didn't she take it all?
Ordell Robbie: I'll be sure to ask that bitch before I blow her brains out.
Ordell Robbie: Goddamn girl, how you live like this?
Sheronda: Like what?
Ordell Robbie: [points at filthy room] Like this! This some repugnant shit!
Max Cherry: You know, a good cop will never let you know he knows you're full of shit.
Max Cherry: I'd say you're in the drug business, except the money's moving in the wrong direction.
Jackie Brown: What's the matter, haven't ever borrowed someone's car before?
Max Cherry: Not after they're dead.
Max Cherry: I'm 56 years old. I can't blame anybody for anything I do.
Ray Nicolet: You've no idea what happened to the 50,000 dollars. You're clueless about the money, right? You've no idea about the 50 grand.
Jackie Brown: I have no idea.
Ray Nicolet: Not... You've no idea? You don't know?
Jackie Brown: Nuthin', no.
Ray Nicolet: Could have gone here? Could have gone there?
Jackie Brown: No, no. I don't know.
Ray Nicolet: You don't know? No clue? You're clueless.
Jackie Brown: I know nothin. Not a clue!
Ray Nicolet: No idea?
Jackie Brown: I don't have any idea where the mothafuckin' money is.
Ray Nicolet: Not even a little idea? Maybe?
Jackie Brown: Not even... Not even a little tiny motherfucking idea.
Ordell Robbie: And let me tell you something about my lawyer. This brother's name is Stassen Gowens.
Jackie Brown: ...the money won't convict him, guns will.
Max Cherry: You're rationalizing.
Jackie Brown: Well that's what you do to go through with the shit you start, you rationalize. I can do it, Max, I know I can. I just can't do it without you.
Ordell Robbie: Now, the thing is, I ain't never done business with these Koreans before. Now I ain't worried, because, by and large, Asians are very dependable, they don't want no trouble. You might argue with them about price and shit, but you don't need to worry about them shooting you in the back, you know what I'm saying?
Ordell Robbie: Louis, Louis, Louis. You gonna tell me who you saw?
Louis: Yeah, Max Cherry.
Ordell Robbie: Max Che...
[Ordell sighs audibly]
Ordell Robbie: You seen Max Cherry in the dress department where we... Man look at me when I'm talking to you! You see that muthafucka in the dress department when we bout to get a half million dollars and you don't think nothin' 'bout him being there?
Louis: No, why? They know each other?
Ordell Robbie: Hell yeah they know each other! He bonded her out of county.
Louis: How am I supposed to know that?
Ordell Robbie: You know he's a bail bondsman don'tcha? You know all them muthafuckas is crooked as a barrel of snakes don'tcha?
Louis: Why should I think something's weird if I don't know nothing about them knowing each other?
Ordell Robbie: I don't wanna hear no fuckin' excuses Louis!
Louis: I ain't givin' you fuckin' excuses. Man I'm tellin' you I don't fuckin'... I'm giving you fuckin' reasons.
Ordell Robbie: Oh oh oh oh. You gonna tell me the reason you lost every goddamn cent I got in the world?
Louis: Hey. Hey man.
Ordell Robbie: You gonna tell me reasons?
Louis: You better...
Ordell Robbie: Let me tell you the reason muthafucka. The reason IS yo' ass ain't worth shit no more.
Louis: You better fuckin' back off man.
Ordell Robbie: [Ordell shoots Louis] What the fuck happened to you man? Your ass used to be beautiful.
Max Cherry: So you need a ten thousand dollar bond. What do you have for collateral?
Ordell Robbie: Gonna have to use cash.
Max Cherry: You have it with you?
Ordell Robbie: Got it right here in my Raptor bag.
Max Cherry: You have cash. What do you need me for?
Ordell Robbie: Come on, man, you know how they do. Black man shows up with ten thousand in cash, the first thing they want to know is where I got it. Then they're gonna want to keep a big chunk of it, start talking that court cost shit. Fuck that noise, Jack. I go through you.
Max Cherry: It'll cost you a thousand for the bond.
Ordell Robbie: I can do that.
Max Cherry: Who's it for, a relative?
Ordell Robbie: Fellow named Beaumont. He got arrested for drunk driving, they wrote it up as possession of a concealed weapon. Dumb monkey-ass had a pistol on him.
Max Cherry: Beaumont Livingston.
Ordell Robbie: Livingston, huh?
Max Cherry: On his prior, he served nine months, he's working on four years probation.
Ordell Robbie: You don't say.
Max Cherry: You know what he's on probation for?
Ordell Robbie: Ain't got a clue.
Max Cherry: Possession of unregistered machine guns.
Ordell Robbie: Damn. Now, they gonna consider that a violation of his probation?
Max Cherry: They *do* consider this a violation of his probation. Your boy's looking at ten years, plus the concealed weapon.
Ordell Robbie: He ain't gonna like that. Beaumont ain't got a doin' time kind of disposition.
Beaumont: I'm ready, man. What's the problem?
Ordell Robbie: There ain't no problem, it's more like a situation. You remember them three M-60 machine guns I sold last year outta the five I got?
Beaumont: Yeah.
Ordell Robbie: Well, I'm gonna sell the other two tonight. There's this group of Koreans over in Koreatown, starting' this neighborhood watch thing. They need some weapons so they can show the neighborhood niggers they mean business. Now, I'm gonna sell them the other two machine guns, all right? The problem is, I ain't never done business with these Koreans before. Now I ain't worried, 'cause by and large Asians are very dependable, they don't want no trouble. You might argue with them about price and shit, but you ain't gotta worry about them shooting you in the back, you know what I'm saying? But I got me a rule: Never do business with people you ain't never done business with before without backup. And that's why I need you: backup.
Ordell Robbie: Man, you put this bad boy on a flick, every motherfucker out there will want one. I'm serious as a heart attack. When them Hong Kong flicks came out, every nigger in the world had to have a 45. And they didn't want one, they want two. 'Cause all them niggers want to be the killer!
Ordell Robbie: [hangs up the phone] See what I'm talkin' about? Now that was about a man in New York, wants a 9 millimeter Smith & Wesson model 59-46. And why does he want it? 'Cause its the same gun that nigger in 'New York Undercover' uses. 'Cause of that nigger, I'm gonna make 12-50 off of this nigger.
Ordell Robbie: Don't clown on me, bitch.
Ordell Robbie: Who's that big, Mandingo-lookin' nigger you got up there on that picture with you?
Max Cherry: That's Winston. He works here.
Ordell Robbie: Damn!. He's a big 'un, ain't he?
Ordell Robbie: Man, they ain't got room in the joint for all these niggers out here killing people now. How they gonna find room for you?
Beaumont: That ain't what they're telling me.
Ordell Robbie: Thats why they call it 'fuckin' wit chu'.
Ordell Robbie: Let me tell you how we're going to retaliate. All right? Tomorrow, I'm gonna pick you up, take you over to Century City, introduce you to my lawyer. And let me tell you something about my lawyer. This brother's name is Stacin Goins and this nigger is a junkyard dog. He my own personal Johnny Cochran. Matter of fact, he kicked Johnny Cochran's ass. And like Johnny Cochran, this nigger hate cops. I'm serious, man, he live to fuck wit de police. Now, as a favor, I had him look at your case and he say you ain't got shit to worry about. They're just fuckin' wit' chu. So we're gonna sick the junkyard dog on their ass and make 'em stop fuckin' wit' chu.
Ordell Robbie: Look here, look here, look here. I tell you what - when we get through fuckin' with these Koreans, me and you go to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles on me. Think about it now. That 'Scoe's Special, smothered in gravy and onions, side of red beans and rice, some greens. That's some good eatin'.
Simone: [picks up the ringing phone] Hello. Oh, hello, baby. Well, you know, I'm just doin' that thing I do, baby.
Ray Nicolet: Jackie, I hope you don't mind if I call you Jackie. Those guys down in Customs? They're a bunch of fuckin' pricks. Excuse me, but they are. There's something about that job makes those people really hard to get along with. Now, you can go down and talk with those guys, who are really suspicious and just really disagreeable human beings or you can talk with a couple of good-hearted guys like Mark and myself. Its up to you.
Mark Dargus: You been in the service industry 19 years and all you make is 16,000 plus benefits? You didn't exactly set the world on fire, did you, Jackie?
Mark Dargus: If you refuse to cooperate and you continue to cop a shit attitude like you're doing now, we will give you to Customs and they will take you to court and with your prior, the judge will give you two years. Now, you'll probably only end up serving a year and some change; but, if I was a 44-year-old black woman, desperately clinging on to this one shitty, little job that I was fortunate enough to get, I don't think that I'd think I had a year to throw away.
Ordell Robbie: Man, they fuckin' with her. They callin' that shit 'possession with intent.'. A 44-year-old black woman caught with less than two ounces, they callin' that shit 'intent'. The same thing happen to a movie star, they call it 'possession'.
Max Cherry: This stewardess - you know her last name?
Ordell Robbie: Brown. Jackie Brown.
Max Cherry: [Jackie offers a cigarette] No, thanks. I quit three years ago.
Jackie Brown: Gain weight?
Max Cherry: Ten pounds. Take it off and put it back on.
Jackie Brown: That's why I don't quit.
Jackie Brown: I ain't playin' with you. I'm gonna unload both of these motherfuckers if you don't do what I tell you to do. You understand what I'm sayin'?
Jackie Brown: Silly? You want to see some motherfuckin' silly? If I have to tell you to shut up one more time, I'm gonna shut you up.
Jackie Brown: I couldn't wait to get home last night and wash the jail outta my hair.
Max Cherry: You never got into the whole CD revolution?
Jackie Brown: Oh, I got a few, but I can't afford to start all over again. I mean, I've invested too much time and money in my albums.
Max Cherry: Yeah, but you can't get new stuff on records.
Jackie Brown: I don't get new stuff that often.
[puts on an LP]
Max Cherry: Its pretty. Who is this?
Jackie Brown: The Delfonics.
Max Cherry: Its nice.
Jackie Brown: Mmm-hmm.
Ordell Robbie: Hey, girl.
Melanie: Hola!. Hey! Hey-hey-hey! Looks like somebody got some new clothes.
Ordell Robbie: Yeah, we did a little shopping. You know, I couldn't have my boy running around looking like no bum.
Louis: I don't know. I didn't look like a bum.
Ordell Robbie: Come on now, man. You know you had that Salvation Army thing going.
Ordell Robbie: Why don't you walk me to the door, space girl?
Ordell Robbie: I suppose you see a piece of this for yourself?
Jackie Brown: Its my plan. We're in this together.
Ordell Robbie: Yeah, but its my money and I don't need no fuckin' partners.
Jackie Brown: I ain't your partner. I'm your manager. And I'm managing to get your money out of Mexico, into America, in your hands, and I'm managing to do it all under the nose of the cops. So, therefore, I'm your manager, and a manager gets 15%.
Ordell Robbie: No, a manager gets 10%.
Jackie Brown: No, thats an agent. A manager gets...
Ordell Robbie: I'm gonna give you 10.
Jackie Brown: No. No. A manager gets 15%, agent gets 10. I'm getting 15%, all right?
Ordell Robbie: All I'm gonna give you is 10.
Jackie Brown: And the same deal as before.
Ordell Robbie: I can do that.
Melanie: You got to admit, he's not too bright.
Louis: Oh, I wouldn't go so far as to say that.
Melanie: He moves his lips when he reads. What does that tell you?
Louis: Can I ask you a question?
Ordell Robbie: Oh, man, I mean, you ain't gonna get serious while we're in here chillin', is you?
Louis: No. Its just about Melanie
Ordell Robbie: Oh, you know what? I'm real sorry about that, man, but I had to be somewhere all of a sudden. I figured, well, shit, Louis ain't had no pussy for a while; so, I thought, let him kick it here with Mel.
Louis: I don't understand why you keep her the fuck around.
Ordell Robbie: I told you, man. She's my fine little surfer gal. You know, she ain't pretty as she used to be and she bitch a whole lot more than she used to; but, she white.
Jackie Brown: If you had the chance, unemployed now, to walk away with a half a million dollars, would you take it?
Jackie Brown: What's up? What are you going to be doing during all this?
Ordell Robbie: Now that you got 'em watchin' my ass, I'm gonna be in a titty bar downtown waitin' on Louis to call me and tell me everything's cool.
Ordell Robbie: That shit works my nerves, you and that motherfucker being so buddy-buddy.
Jackie Brown: Hey, if I wasn't so buddy-buddy with that motherfucker, this wouldn't work.
Jackie Brown: She knows everything. She's not a part of it and she's pissed off that she's not a part of it.
Ray Nicolet: I'm glad you pointed that out,'cause it saves me the trouble of pointing it out to you.
Ordell Robbie: Go in there, grab that bitch by the hair, drag her fuckin' ass outta there!
Ordell Robbie: Goddamn. In all the time I've known her, I ain't never heard her scared like that. Usually, she too cool for school.
Jackie Brown: [singing] 110th Street, Pimps trying to catch a woman that's weak, Across 110th Street, Pushers won't let the junkie go free, Across 110th Street, Woman tryin' to catch a trick on the street, Ooh, baby, Across 110th Street, You can find it all in the street...
Max Cherry: Bail Bonds. Is this your way of getting out of your responsibilities? Is this the way you act?
Jackie Brown Quotes
Isabell 2021-10-20 19:01:52
The film was made surely, which is a bit interesting :) The director and actors all played high and took us to the road. This group of people got together and turned out to be so awesome.
Hans 2022-04-24 07:01:02
I should have looked at all the movies directed by Quentin, and this one is my least favorite. The dreary and long rhythm of the first two hours combined with the unpleasant heroine and the poor subtitles of the elementary school students is a disaster!