It Comes at Night Quotes

  • Paul: [Paul takes off the bag covering Will's head, who he's tied to a tree] I just want to talk, and I want honest answers. Do you have any idea what's going on out there?

    [Will shakes his head]

  • Paul: I'm going to try and help you and your family.

    Will: I want to thank you again for letting us stay here.

  • Paul: I'm just going to turn through a few things. When we go out during the day we like to stick to groups of two, just for safety. The red door, it's the only way in and out of the house. That stays closed and locked all the time. I have the keys, this is the only set.

    [he shows them the keys tied around his neck]

    Paul: The most important thing, we never go out at night. Got it?

  • Travis: [as the dog starts to bark at something in the woods] What's he see? What's he see?

    Will: He heard something.

    Paul: Let's get back in the house! Now!

  • Paul: Could have been an animal, another person. Just to be safe the red door stays closed and locked all the time.

  • Kim: Oh, my God. You scared me.

  • Kim: How are you, Travis?

    Travis: Just empty.

  • Paul: I like the man.

  • Travis: Dad, dad, somebody's in the house!

  • Paul: I think that Will and I should be the only ones who go outside for a while. We don't know what made Stanley sick, we don't know anything. Nobody touched him so I think we're fine, right?

    Will: Positive. You just opened the door, right, you didn't go in?

    Travis: I didn't touch the door.

    Will: You did what?

    Travis: It was already open.

    Kim: What? What's happening?

    Sarah: The door was already open when you got there?

    Travis: Yeah.

    Sarah: Then who opened it?

  • Will: You're positive the door was already open?

    Travis: Yes.

    Sarah: Well then who opened it?

  • Paul: You can't trust anyone but family.

  • Kim: How old are you, Travis?

  • Paul: [to Will] If you're lying to me, I will kill you. No doubt about it.

  • Travis: I think they're sick. You don't get it, if they're sick, then I am too.

  • Will: [pointing a gun at Paul who's wearing a gas mask] Why is your mask on? Nobody's sick here.

  • Sarah: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

  • Kim: Please just let us go!

  • Sarah: It's okay, sweetie. It's going to be okay.

  • [first lines]

    Sarah: Can you hear me? Dad, can you hear me?

    Bud: [nodding a weary yes]

    Sarah: You don't need to fight it. You can just let it all go. Everything's okay.

    [pan reveals that she is speaking with a mask on]

    Sarah: I love you, dad. I do. I'm so sorry. Oh, god...

    [gets up to go]