Jupiter: [from trailer] Spots, if he's alive, may very well be living even at this moment as a captive prisoner.
Rex: [from trailer] To the North; a long rickety causeway over a noxious sludge marsh, leading to a radioactive landfill polluted by toxic chemical garbage. That's our destination. Get ready to jump.
Nutmeg: Will you help him, the little pilot?
Chief: Why should I?
Nutmeg: Because he's a twelve year old boy, dogs love those.
Rex: I used to sleep on a lamb's wool beanbag next to an electric space heater. That's my territory, I'm an *indoor* dog.
King: I starred in twenty-two consecutive Doggy Chow commercials. Look at me now, I couldn't land an audition.
Boss: I was the lead mascot for an undefeated high school baseball team.
Boss: I lost all my spirit, I'm depressing.
Duke: I only ask for what I've always had, a balanced diet, regular grooming, and a general physical once a year.
Rex: I think I might give up.
Duke: What, right now?
Rex: Right now.
[turns around]
Rex: There's no future on Trash Island.
Duke: [sneezes, then turns to Boss and King] You heard the rumor, right? About Buster?
[All the four dogs murmur]
Boss: Who's Buster?
Duke: Uh, my brother from another litter.
King: What happened to him?
Duke: Suicide. Hanged himself by his own leash.
Boss: Aw, boy...
Rex: I want my master.
Chief: [scoffs in disgust] You make me sick.
[vomits off to the side and walks up to the four dogs]
Chief: I've seen cats with more balls than you dogs.
[shouts at Duke]
[Duke looks around awkwardly with his tongue out. Chief walks up to Boss]
Chief: You hungry? Kill something and eat it.
[walks up to Duke]
Chief: You sick? Take a long nap.
[walks up to King]
Chief: You cold? Dig a hole in the ground, crawl into it, and bury yourself.
[walks up to Rex]
Chief: But nobody's giving up around here, and don't you forget it, ever. You're Rex. You're King. You're Duke! You're Boss! I'm Chief. We're a pack of scary indestructible alpha dogs. You're talking like a bunch of housebroken... pets.
Rex: You don't understand. Uh, how could you, I mean you're a...
Chief: Go ahead say it. I'm a stray, yeah.
Chief: [Trying his first Puppy Snaps treat] Hmm, crunchy, salty, supposedly it cleans your teeth. This is my new favorite food. Thank you.
Chief: [to the Owl] You'll meet a bitch named Nutmeg. Tell her Chief says, "I'll see you in Megasaki."
Duke: I wish somebody spoke his language.
[the alpha dogs are being run through a trash compactor]
King: I suppose if it worked, we'd be dead already.
Oracle: It may snow tonight.
Boss: Really? Thank you very much, wow.
Oracle: To whom it may concern.
Boss: She sees the future!
King: Ha! No. She understands TV.
Rex: Anyone in favor of kicking Chief out of the group and never speaking to him again?
Boss, Rex, King, Duke: [falling down] Aye!
[repeated line]
Chief: I bite.
Chief: Don't ask me to fetch that stick.
Chief: We'll find him. Where ever he is, if he's alive, we'll find your dog.
Spots: That's highly confidential. Um, anyway, I'm not the mayor's accountant's dog. That's Butterscotch, and she got crushed in a glass compactor the day before yesterday. No, my duties are, uh, focused entirely on the protection of the mayor's ward, Atari. I'm not supposed to be his friend, but I love him very much, but that's a private matter. Um, the only reason I even said that was because we're all probably going to die out here and I'll never see him again.
Atari: [to Mayor Kobayashi, in Japanese] You took me in, like a stray dog.
Chief: That kid is gonna get us all put to sleep. Euthanized. We won't find the dog, but we will die trying.
Rex: Not a bad way to go.
Chief: Rex! King! Duke! Boss! You made it!
Rex: What happened to you?
Chief: I took a bath.
Rex: What, he's got soap?
Chief: Just a little.
Rex: You're too fluffy.
Chief: We played fetch.
Rex: With a stick?
Chief: With a hunk of rubber radiator tubing.
Rex: And you brought it back to him?
Chief: Yeah. He's a good boy.
Rex: Don't you tell me that! I was the one that tried to make you be loyal to him in the first place!
Chief: Stop, *stop*! This is the rendevous! Where's that trash-tram taking you?
Rex: You think we booked this flight through a travel agent? We were fighting for our lives in a high-velocity trash-processor while you were getting scrubbed and brushed!
Chief: Jump!
Rex: Where?
Chief: Here!
Rex: When?
Chief: Now!
Rex: Why?
Chief: *What*?
Spots: I've become the leader of a group of outcasts that depend on me for their survival, and I'm going to be a father. With deepest sadness and humility, I must ask you to relieve me of the duties of my position, effective immediately.
Chief: You son of a bitch! If we don't drown, I'm gonna strangle you myself. I don't care how many exploding teeth you try to spit out at me. Do you have any idea what that little pilot just went through to try to rescue you? How dare you?
[first lines]
Jupiter: Ten centuries ago, before the Age of Obedience, free dogs roamed at liberty, marking their territory. Seeking to extend its dominion, the cat-loving Kobayashi Dynasty declared war and descended in force upon the unwary four-legged beasts. On the eve of total canine annihilation, a child warrior sympathetic to the plight of the besieged underdog dogs, betrayed his species, beheaded the head of the head of the Kobayashi clan, and pledged his sword with the following battle-cry haiku. I turn my back - on man-kind! He would later be known as the Boy Samurai of Legend, RIP. At the end of the bloody dog wars the vanquished mongrels became powerless house-pets: tamed, mastered, scorned. But they survived and multiplied. The Kobayashis, however, never forgave their conquered foe.
Chief: Was... was I the runt?
Spots: Not anymore.
Chief: I'm not doing this because you commanded me to. I'm doing it- because I feel sorry for you.
[Mayor Kobayashi speaking in Japanese as Simul-Translate Machine translates]
Simul-Translate Machine: As you know, we all hate dogs. Chairman Fujimoto-san, President of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. You secretly introduced mega-quantities of infected fleas and contagious tick-larvae into a metropolitan city center, creating an unprecedented animal disease outbreak. Thank you.
Simul-Translate Machine: General Yamatachi-san, Commander of the Megasaki Municipal Task Force. You oversaw the deportation of over 750,000 caged-animals to a nearly uninhabitable offshore refuse center. Good work.
Simul-Translate Machine: Supervisor Kitano-san, Director of Kobayashi Robotics. You developed the most promising artificial life-form in the history of corporate technology and a powerful new weapon, to boot. Well done.
Simul-Translate Machine: Yakuza Nakamura-san, Head of the Clenched-Fist Gang. You eliminated all Pro-Dog opposition through the use of bribery, extortion, intimidation, and violent force. My compliments.
Simul-Translate Machine: Brains have been washed. Wheels have been greased. Fear has been mongered. Now we prepare for the final stage of our conspiracy theory: the permanent end to the Canine Saturation Crisis.
[Two packs of feral dogs growling at each other over a garbage bag potentially containing food]
Rex: Wait a second. Before we attack each other and tear ourselves to shreds like a pack of maniacs, let's just open the sack first and see what's actually in it. It might not even be worth the trouble.
Igor: Alright.
Rex: A rancid apple core, two worm-eaten banana peels, a moldy rice cake, a dried-up pickle, tin of sardine bones, a pile of broken egg-shells, an old smushed-up rotten gizzard with maggots all over it...
Chief: Okay, it's worth it.
[All dogs proceed to fight]
[repeated line]
Atari: Bisuketto.
Atari: [his first English line] Sit-o!
Isle of Dogs Quotes
Pearlie 2022-03-23 09:01:52
The images are too familiar and comfortable, and I noticed that in addition to symmetry, more picture layers are used, and the narrative of the small chapters is clear and rhythmic. No dog is a delicate pet. The disadvantage is that the time line is interspersed in a mess, and the emotional relationship between the boy and the dog and other people is not enough, and the ending collapses. In WA's work, it's only average, but I still like it very much. If there is a Shiba Inu, it will be five stars!
Robert 2022-03-21 09:01:52
Two votes against, seven consecutive terms will kill you, think clearly!