Tommy: Even if you're down there for an hour, you're down there.
Janet Cantrell: Hey, I grew up with five brothers, but I have no problem hitting a girl.
TV Anchor: This is even stupider than I'm used to.
AC Craney: People don't want heart Dick, they want wins.
Carol Vermeil: What was it that you used to say to your kids at Hillsdale High? That character is tested when you're up against it?
Dick Vermeil: Yeah.
Dick Vermeil: And that's not the problem here. He's got plenty of character.
Carol Vermeil: Who said I was talking about him?
Frank Papale: You know how I used to tell you about Van Buren scoring that touchdown back in '48?
Frank Papale: Yeah, I know.
[waving hands]
Frank Papale: I know. That touchdown got me through 30 years at that factory. Got me through all those times your mother being sick. When I told you not to get your hopes up... didn't mean that I wasn't.
Vince Papale: Excuse me my name's spelled wrong.
Locker Room Ganitor: Nothin personal but by the time I'm through with this is it really gonna matter.
[last lines]
Dick Vermeil: Thats the sound we were looking for.
Carol Vermeil: [referring to Philadelphia Eagles] These are the toughest fans there are. They threw snowballs at Santa Claus.
TJ Banks: See anything yet, coach?
Dick Vermeil: You're not worried, are you T.J.?
TJ Banks: Should I be?
Dick Vermeil: Last year, we had one of the worst defenses in the league. Offense wasn't much better. I say everyone needs to worry. See you boys at camp.
[Vince makes a catch and runs all the way to the end zone in practice]
TJ Banks: What are you doing, old man? This ain't high school!
Dick Vermeil: Hey Banks! That old man just made you look bad. That's a way to finish, Papale!
Dick Vermeil: A team with better character can beat a team with better talent. I believe that. You guys are not the team that is short on talent here today. And I swear you will never again be the team short on character. We need to find the soul of this team again. The soul that drove great Eagle players. Players like Norm Van Brocklin, Tommy McDonald, Steve Van Buren; they weren't just out here playing for themselves, they played for a city. People of Philadelphia have suffered. You are what they turn to at times like these. You are what gives them hope. Lets win one for them. Lets win one for us. Bring it in.
Invincible Quotes
Destini 2022-04-20 09:01:58
A group of old men who barely make ends meet fall and high-five in the mud on a rainy day. This is the true meaning of sports~
Chandler 2022-01-01 08:02:36
It’s another adaptation of a real-life story, but I’m not excited after watching it. I always feel that the degree of inspiration this movie wants to express is not deep enough, 3 stars