Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles Quotes

  • Louis: 1791 was the year it happened. I was 24, younger than you are now. But times were different then, I was a man at that age: the master of a large plantation just south of New Orleans. I had lost my wife in childbirth, and she and the infant had been buried less than half a year. I would have been happy to join them. I couldn't bear the pain of their loss. I longed to be released from it. I wanted to lose it all... my wealth, my estate, my sanity. Most of all, I longed for death. I know that now. I invited it. A release from the pain of living. My invitation was open to anyone. To the whore at my side. To the pimp that followed. But it was a vampire that accepted it.

  • Yvette: [to Louis] Are you not hungry, sir?

    Lestat: Aux contraire, mon cher, he could eat the whole colony.

    [starts to laugh]

    Louis: [as Yvette starts to pick up Louis's plate, he grabs her arm and looks at the veins in her neck] I'll finish it, Yvette. Now leave us.

  • Yvette: Ummm... Monsieur Louis. You don't want any supper ,no?

    Louis: No, ma chère.

    Yvette: We're worried about you, master. Why is it that you don't go riding in the field? And how long since you've been to the slave quarter? Everywhere there is death. Are you still our master at all?

    Louis: That will be all, Yvette!

    Yvette: I will not go unless you listen to me! You must, you must send away this friend of yours. The slaves, they are all frightened of him... and they are frightened of you.

    [touches Louis's hand]

    Louis: I'm frightened of myself.

    [indulges in close contact with Yvette. Then begins to bite her wrist. She starts to scream out. For a moment he is too caught up in biting her. She cries out louder and he snaps into reality. He puts his hand over her mouth, wrestles her to the floor and kills her]

    Louis: [Louis walks outside carrying Yvette's lifeless body. He speaks to the slaves who have come to see what all the screaming was about] Hear me now! This place is cursed, damned, and yes, your master is the devil! Get out while you can! You are all free men! You hear me?

    [Louis gives Yvette to a nearby slave and takes hold of a torch]

    Louis: Run, flee, save yourselves!

    [waves torch wildly at slaves to make them leave and then goes inside to set the house on fire]

  • Louis: Her blood coursed through my veins, sweeter than life itself. And as it did, Lestat's words made sense to me. I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard her heart in that terrible rhythm, I knew again what peace could be.

  • Louis: For 30 years I had avoided that place. Yet I found my way back there with hardly an upward glance.

  • Louis: You lack the courage of your convictions, sir. Do it!

  • Lestat: No one could resist me, not even you, Louis.

    Louis: I tried.

    Lestat: [smiling] And the more you tried, the more I wanted you.

  • Claudia: Locked together in hatred. But I can't hate you, Louis. Louis, my love, I was mortal till you gave me your immortal kiss. You became my mother, and my father, and so I'm yours forever. But now it's time to end it, Louis. Now it's time to leave him.

  • Louis: Do you think I would let them harm you?

    Claudia: No, you would not, Louis. Danger holds you to me.

    Louis: Love holds you to me.

  • Claudia: You... fed on me.

    Louis: Yes. And he found me with you, and he cut his wrist and fed you from it, and you were a vampire and have been every night thereafter.

    Claudia: You both did it.

    Louis: [crying] I took your life... He gave you another one.

    Claudia: And here it is, and I hate you both.

  • Louis: You see that old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and you will never die.

    Claudia: And it means something else too, doesn't it? I shall never ever grow up.

  • Lestat: Your body's dying. Pay no attention, it happens to us all.

  • Lestat: You are a vampire who never knew what life was until it ran out in a big gush over your lips.

  • Louis: Lestat killed two, sometimes three a night. A fresh young girl, that was his favorite for the first of the evening. For seconds, he preferred a gilded beautiful youth. But the snob in him loved to hunt in society, and the blood of the aristocrat thrilled him best of all.

  • Louis: Where are we?

    Lestat: Where do you think, my idiot friend? We're in a nice, filthy cemetery. Does this make you happy? Is this fitting, proper enough?

    Louis: We belong in hell.

    Lestat: And what if there is no hell, or they don't want us there? Ever think of that?

    Louis: But there was a hell, and no matter where we moved to, I was in it.

  • Louis: I'm flesh and blood, but not human. I haven't been human for two hundred years.

  • Louis: Claudia, don't!

    Claudia: [Beginning to cut her hair] Why not? Can't I change, like everybody else?

  • Santiago: But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach.

  • Santiago: Suppose death had a heart to love and to release you, to whom would he turn this passion? Would you chose a person from the crowd there? A person to suffer as you suffer?

  • Armand: The world changes, we do not, there lies the irony that finally kills us.

  • Lestat: Mon dieu, what melancholy nonsense. I swear you grow more like Louis each day. Soon you'll be eating rats!

    Claudia: Rats? When did you eat rats, Louis?

    Louis: It was a long, long time ago. Before you were born, and I don't recommend them.

  • Louis: How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful, magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? "Drink", you ask me, do you have any idea of the thing you will become?

  • Claudia: Madeleine, Louis is shy.

    Madeleine: Drink.

    Claudia: Do it, Louis, because I cannot, I haven't the strength. You saw to that when you made me.

    Louis: You haven't the vaguest conception under God what you ask.

    Madeleine: Au contraire, Monsieur, I have.

    Claudia: You have found your new companion, Louis. You will make me mine.

  • Lestat: Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.

  • Louis: That morning I was not yet a vampire, and I saw my last sunrise. I remember it completely, and yet I can't recall any sunrise before it. I watched the whole magnificence of the dawn for the last time as if it were the first. And then I said farewell to sunlight, and set out to become what I became.

  • Louis: We reached the Mediterranean. I wanted those waters to be blue, but they were black, nighttime waters, and how I suffered then, straining to recall the color that in my youth I had taken for granted.

  • Claudia: Goodnight sweet prince, may flights of devils wing you to your rest.

  • Claudia: Who will take care of me, my love, my dark angel, when you are gone?

  • Claudia: Do you know what his soul said to me, without saying a word? 'Let him go', he said. 'Let him go'.

  • Claudia: I promise I'll get rid of the bodies.

  • Louis: Vampires pretending to be humans, pretending to be vampires.

    Claudia: How avant-garde.

  • Lestat: The trick is not to think about it. See that one there? Widow St. Clair. She had the gorgeous young fop murder her husband.

    Louis: How do you know?

    Lestat: Read her thoughts.

    [Louis looks at him inquisitively]

    Lestat: *Read* her thoughts.

    Louis: [attempts to read her thoughts] I can't.

    Lestat: The dark gift is different for each of us. But one thing is true for us all, we grow stronger as we go along. Just take my word for it. She blamed a slave for his murder. Imagine what they did to him. Evildoers are easier, and they taste better.

  • Armand: You are beautiful, my friend. Lestat must have wept when he made you.

    Louis: Lestat? You knew Lestat?

    Armand: Knew him well enough not to mourn his passing

  • Armand: They had forgotten the first lesson, that we are to be powerful, beautiful, and without regret.

    Louis: And you can teach me this?

    Armand: Yes.

    Louis: To be without regret?

    Armand: Yes.

    Louis: Then what a pair we could make, but what if it's a lesson I don't care to learn?

    Armand: What do you mean?

    Louis: What if all I have is my suffering, my regret?

    Armand: Don't you want to lose it?

    Louis: Why? So you can have that too? The heart that mourns her, her that you burnt to a cinder.

    Armand: Louis, I swear that I...

    Louis: Ah, but I know you did. I know. You, who regrets nothing, you, who feels nothing. If that's all I have left to learn, I can do that on my own.

  • Claudia: Which one of you did it? One of you did it! Which on of you made me the way I am?

    Lestat: What you are? A vampire gone insane that pollutes its own bed?

    Claudia: And if I cut my hair again?

    Lestat: It will grow back again.

    Claudia: But it wasn't always so. I had a mother once, and Louis, he had a wife. He was mortal the same as she and so was I.

    Louis: Claudia!

    Claudia: You made us what we are, didn't you?

    Lestat: Stop her, Louis.

    Claudia: Did you do it to me?

    [slashes Lestat's face, and it heals immediately]

    Claudia: How did you do it?

    Lestat: Why should I tell you? It's in my power.

    Claudia: Why yours alone? Tell me how it was done.

    Lestat: Be glad I made you what you are. You'd be dead now if I hadn't, just like that damned corpse. Now, get rid of it!

    Claudia: You get rid of it.

  • [first lines]

    Louis: So you want me to tell you the story of my life?

  • Daniel Molloy: What did you see?

    Louis: No words can describe it. May as well ask Heaven what it sees; no human can know.

  • Lestat: Perfect! Just perfect! Just burn the place! Burn everything we own! Have us sleeping in the field like cattle!

    Louis: You thought you could have it all...

    Lestat: Oh, shut up, Louis! Mon Dieu! Come here.

  • Lestat: I'm going to give you the choice I never had.

  • Lestat: Do we forgive each other then?

  • Claudia: It's time we were on our way. I'm hungry, and the city awaits.

  • Lestat: Don't be afraid. I'm going to give you the choice I never had.

  • Daniel Molloy: So, what do you do?

    Louis: I'm a vampire.

    Daniel Molloy: Hmm. That's something I've never heard before. You mean this literally, I take it?

    Louis: Absolutely. I was waiting for you in that alleyway: watching you watching me. And then you began to speak.

    Daniel Molloy: What a lucky break for me.

    Louis: Perhaps lucky for the both of us.

    Daniel Molloy: You said you were waiting for me. What were you going to do? Kill me, drink my blood, all that stuff?

    Louis: Yes, but you needn't be concerned with that now.

    Daniel Molloy: You really believe this, don't you, that you're a vampire?

    Louis: We can't begin this way. Let me turn on the light.

    Daniel Molloy: I thought vampires didn't like the light.

    Louis: We love it. I only wanted to prepare you.

  • Lestat: We are predators, whose all-seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment.

  • Lestat: Merciful death. How you love your precious guilt.

  • Claudia: I came to make peace with you, even though you are the father of lies.

  • Lestat: It's your coffin, my love. Enjoy it. Most of us never get to know what it feels like.

    Louis: Why do you do this?

    Lestat: I like to do it. I enjoy it. Take your aesthete's taste to purer things, kill them swiftly, if you will, but do it. For do not doubt: you are a killer, Louis.

  • Lestat: Oh Louis, Louis. Still whining, Louis. Have you heard enough? I've had to listen to that for centuries.

  • Lestat: I am afraid, madam, my days are sacrosanct.

  • Lestat: Lord, what I wouldn't give for a drop of good old-fashioned Creole blood.

    Louis: Yankees are not to your taste?

    Lestat: Their democratic flavor doesn't suit my palate, Louis.

  • [to Malloy]

    Lestat: I assume I need no introduction.

  • Daniel Molloy: So there are no vampires in Transylvania? No Count Dracula?

    Louis: Fictions, my friend. The vulgar fictions of a demented Irishman.

  • Louis: Bear me no ill will, my love, we are now even.

    Claudia: What do you mean?

    Louis: What died in that room was not that woman. What has died is the last breath in me that was human.

    Claudia: Yes, Father. At last we are even.

  • Claudia: Louis, what's happening to her?

    Louis: She is dying. It happened to you, too, but you were too young to remember.

  • Lestat: Come to New Orleans, then. The Paris Opera's in town. We can try some French cuisine.

    Louis: Forgive me if I have a lingering respect for mortal life.

  • Louis: Whatever happened to Lestat I do not know. I go on, night after night. I feed on those who cross my path. But all my passion went with her golden hair. I'm a spirit of preternatural flesh. Detached. Unchangeable. Empty.

  • Louis: But the world was a tomb to me, a graveyard of broken statues, and each of those statues resembled her face.

  • Louis: I walked all night, I walked as I had walked years before when my mind swam with guilt at the thought of killing. I had thought of all the things I had done, and couldn't undo. And I longed for a moment's peace.

  • Lestat: Listen, Louis. There's life in these old hands still. Not quite Furioso. Moderato? Cantabile, perhaps.

    Claudia: How can it be?

    Lestat: Ask the alligator. His blood helped. Then on a diet of the blood of snakes, toads, and all the putrid life of the Mississippi, slowly, Lestat became something like himself again. Claudia... You've been a very, very, naughty little girl.

  • Louis: We kept to ourselves, pondering the mystery of each other.

  • [watching a nude prostitute]

    Lestat: Now that is pure Creole. Trust Claudia to have found her. What, don't you want her?

    Claudia: I want to be her.

  • Daniel Molloy: So a vampire can cry.

    Louis: Once, maybe twice in his own eternity. Maybe it was to quench those tears forever that I took such revenge on them.

  • Lestat: Whining coward of a vampire that prowls the night killing rats and poodles; you could have finished us both.

    Louis: You've condemned me to Hell.

    Lestat: I don't know any Hell.

  • Lestat: [dancing around with the corpse of Claudia's mother] There's still life in the old lady yet.

  • Louis: The statue seemed to move, but didn't. The world had changed, yet stayed the same. I was a newborn vampire weeping at the beauty of the night.

  • Louis: A little child she was, but also a fierce killer, now capable of the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding.

  • Louis: They know about us. They watch us dine on empty plates and drink from empty glasses.

  • Louis: Blood, I was to find, was a necessity as well. I woke the next evening with a hunger I had never felt.

  • Louis: Thirty years had passed, yet her body remained that of an eternal child. Her eyes alone told the story of her age, staring out from under her doll-like curls, with a questioning that will one day need an answer.

  • Louis: Though the fire seemed to spread through the quarter, I stood on that deck, fearful he would come out again from the very river, like some monster, to destroy us both. And all the while, I thought, 'Lestat, you deserve your vengeance. You gave me the dark gift, and I delivered you into the hands of death for the second time.'

  • Louis: Then out of curiosity, boredom, who knows what, I left the old world and came back to my America. And there, a mechanical wonder allowed me to see the sun rise for the first time in two hundred years. And what sunrises, seen as the human eye could never see them: silver at first, then, as the years progressed, in tones of purple, red, and my long lost blue.

  • Louis: In the spring of 1988, I returned to New Orleans, and as soon as I smelled the air, I knew I was home. It was rich, almost sweet, like the scent of jasmine and roses around our old courtyard. I walked the streets, savoring that long lost perfume.

  • Louis: So it was, when I'd given up the search for vampires, that a vampire found me.

  • Lestat: Should we put out the light? And then put out the light. But once put out thy light, I cannot give it vital breath again. It needs must wither.

  • Lestat: Have you said your good-byes to the light?

    [bites Louis]

    Lestat: I've drained you to the point of death. If I leave you here, you die. Or you can be young always, my friend, as we are now, but you must tell me: will you come or no?

  • Claudia: Where's mama?

    Lestat: Mama... mama has gone to heaven, Chérie, like that sweet lady right there. They all go to heaven.

    Louis: All but us.

    Lestat: Shh. Do you want to frighten our little daughter?

    Claudia: I'm not your daughter.

    Lestat: Oh, yes, you are. You're mine and Louis' daughter now. You see, Louis was going to leave us, he was going to go away, but now he's not. Now, he's going to stay and make you happy.

    Claudia: Louis.

    Louis: You fiend.

    Lestat: One happy family.

  • Armand: I know nothing of God, or the Devil. I have never seen a vision nor learned a secret that will damn or save my soul. And as far as I know, after four hundred years, I am the oldest living vampire in the world.

  • Lestat: It's so easy you almost feel sorry for them. You'll get used to killing. Just forget about that mortal coil. You'll become accustomed to it, all too quickly.

  • Louis: My God, I've failed again.

  • Lestat: Claudia... Claudia. Claudia! What have you done?

    Claudia: What you told me to do!

    Louis: Leave a corpse here to rot?

    Claudia: I wanted her. I wanted to be her!

  • Lestat: [after Claudia kills the piano teacher] Claudia, what have we told you?

    Claudia: Never in the house.

  • Lestat: [to Louis] Feed on what you will. Rats, chickens, poodles, I'll leave you to it and watch you come around. But just remember, life without me would be even more unbearable.


  • Santiago: Just as this flesh is pink now, soon it will turn gray and wrinkled with age.

    Mortal Woman on Stage: [weeping] Let me live. I don't care!

    Santiago: Then why should you care if you die now?

  • Lestat: For you, Louis. You can pretend it's wine.

  • Lestat: There's nothing in the world now that doesn't hold some sort of...

    Louis: Fascination.

    Lestat: Yes. I'm bored of this prattle.

    Louis: But if we can live without taking human life? It's possible.

    Lestat: Anything's possible. Just try it for a week. Come to New Orleans. Let me show you some real sport.

  • Louis: Perhaps you'd like another cigarette?

    Daniel Molloy: Yeah, I suppose I would. It's not bothering you, is it?

    Louis: No.

    Daniel Molloy: No, I don't assume that it would be, I mean, it's not like you're gonna die from cancer or anything, is it?

    Louis: No, I don't think so.

  • Daniel Molloy: What about crucifixes?

    Louis: Crucifixes?

    Daniel Molloy: Yes, can you look at them?

    Louis: Actually I am quite fond of looking at crucifixes.

    Daniel Molloy: What about the old stake through the heart?

    Louis: Nonsense

    Daniel Molloy: Coffins? What about coffins?

    Louis: Coffins. Coffins, I'm afraid, are a necessity.

  • New Orleans Whore: [fearful whispering] It's a coffin, it's a coffin.

    Lestat: What's that, my love?

    New Orleans Whore: It's a coffin.

    Lestat: Why, so it is. You must be dead.

    New Orleans Whore: I'm not dead, am I?

    Louis: No, you are not dead.

    Lestat: Not yet.

  • [Claudia has just killed her seamstress]

    Lestat: Claudia! Claudia! Now who are we going to get to finish your dress? These impracticalities, cherie! Remember: never in the home!

  • Lestat: [Lestat follows a trail of bloody dead rats to a tunnel] All I need to find you, Louis, is follow the corpses of rats.

  • Santiago: Do you know what it means to be loved by Death? To become our bride?

  • Lestat: Claudia. You've been a very, very naughty little girl.

  • Lestat: Enough! Enough! Stop!

    Claudia: I want some more.

  • Louis: We searched village after village, country after country. And always we found nothing. I began to believe we were the only ones. There was a strange comfort in that thought. For what could the damned really have to say to the damned?

  • [last lines]

    Lestat: Don't be afraid... I'm going to give you the choice I never had.

  • Lestat: Do you still want death or is this enough?

    Louis: Enough.

  • Lestat: Louie... I'm so glad you're here. I've dreamed... of this moment. She never should've been... one of us.

    Louis: It's all past, isn't it?

    Lestat: Yes. Past.

    [He slowly turns around in his chair to face Louis, now a mere shadow of his former self]

    Lestat: Still beautiful, Louie. You always were the strong one.

    Louis: [Lestat jumps back in fear as Louis approaches him] Don't be frightened. I mean you no harm.

    Lestat: You've come home to me then?

    [Louis gently shakes his head]

    Lestat: You remember how I was? The vampire that I was?

    Louis: Yes, I remember.

    Lestat: [sighs] No one could refuse me. Not even you, Louie.

    Louis: I tried.

    Lestat: [Gently laughing] Yes, you tried. And the more you tried...


    Lestat: ... the more I wanted you.

    [as a helicopter hovers over with Lestat frightened]

    Lestat: Oh, I can't. Stop it, Louie! I hate such lights. And that noise! They make the night brighter than the day!

    Louis: [Kneeling down in front of Lestat] Lestat... It's false light. It can't harm you.

    Lestat: [Whispered] If you stay with me, I could venture out again... become the old Lestat.

    Louis: I must leave now.

    [He leaves Lestat]

  • Lestat: Have you said your goodbyes to the light?

Extended Reading
  • Crawford 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    Maybe ten years ago, I would have thought it was full of beauty, right? I just feel sick now

  • Jeffry 2021-10-20 19:02:19

    I only like Lao Tang, how slender, pale and gorgeous he was at the time... BP was just a muddy leg in comparison!