[first lines]
Amelia Stuart: [narrating] My father was diagnosed manic depressive in 1967. He'd been going around Cambridge in a fake beard calling himself Jesus John Harvard. When he got better, he started working in public television in Boston. He met my mother there. He walked up and took her picture. On their first date, he took her on a driving tour of New England and told her all about his nervous breakdowns. She didn't care. She said it was a crazy time. Half the people they knew were going bananas. So they got married and they had me... and then my sister. We were happy. I know there is more to it than that. There always is.
Cam Stuart: Any of you kids have a light?
Cam Stuart: There is a semi-private stairwell
[Maggie bursts out laughing]
Cam Stuart: in our apartment building. What do you say?
Maggie Stuart: Oh. My stairwell days are over.
[Walks away]
Cam Stuart: You had stairwell days?
Cam Stuart: Well, I guess I'll just tell the Charles river to go fuck itself.
Amelia Stuart: [scroffs] Well, I've heard the Charles river's a real asshole.
Infinitely Polar Bear Quotes
Alexander 2022-06-04 13:43:05
The meaning of parents is to always be there for you, Mark Ruffalo played really well. The words of the two children are all subtext of my adolescence. The last paragraph of "Don't cry, don't look back" and "I know, but I can't help" cry directly. Only cool parents can teach cool kids! !
Christa 2022-06-04 21:00:16
When the heartwarming sketches look good, but the symptoms of the movie show are mania, not bipolar disorder, director