[after his case is dismissed, and the guards try to escort him out]
Gerry Conlon: I'm a free man, and I'm going out the front door.
Gerry Conlon: That was a good day's work, McAndrew. A good day's work.
Joe McAndrew: Get away from me.
Gerry Conlon: You're not looking me in the eye when you're speaking to me. You see, I know how to look at people without blinking as well. In all my god-forsaken life I have never known what it was like to want to kill somebody until now. You're a brave man, Joe. A brave man.
Giuseppe Conlon: I want you have some respect.
Gerry Conlon: Respect for who?
Giuseppe Conlon: For yourself.
[Speaking to people outside the court]
Gerry Conlon: I'm an innocent man. I spent 15 years in prison for something I didn't do. I watched my father die in a British prison for something he didn't do. And this government still says he's guilty. I want to tell them that until my father is proved innocent, until all the people involved in this case are proved innocent, until the guilty ones are brought to justice, I will fight on. In the name of my father and of the truth!
[On the alibi for Gerry Conlon and Paul Hill]
Appeal Prosecutor: My Lord, this is new evidence.
Appeal Judge: It is shocking new evidence.
Appeal Prosecutor: My lord, this evidence was not submitted at the trial that is under appeal.
Appeal Judge: That, I believe, is the point that Mrs Pierce is trying to make. Proceed, Mrs Pierce.
[after hearing of his father's death]
Gareth Peirce: [With tears in her eyes] Well, I think they ought to take the word 'compassion' out of the English dictionary.
Gerry Conlon: I'll be older than you when I get out of this place. If I get out. Are you listening to me?
Giuseppe Conlon: I'm not talking to you.
Gerry Conlon: Now who's being childish?
Giuseppe Conlon: I've not heard a sensible word out of you in two weeks. That stuff will kill you.
[talking about drugs]
Gerry Conlon: Sure I'm dead anyway. Look I'm sorry. I'll not take it again as long as you live. Are you happy now?
Giuseppe Conlon: No.
Gerry Conlon: Why not?
Giuseppe Conlon: I don't want you to take it whether I live or die.
Gerry Conlon: Oh, give me strength. Ok, I'll do nothing to annoy you in your grave. Now are you happy?
Giuseppe Conlon: Is that a promise?
Gerry Conlon: Ay, maybe.
Gareth Peirce: It's not the stairs that are killing your father.
Gerry Conlon: Aye, what is it then?
Gareth Peirce: It's your lack of faith.
Gerry Conlon: Lack of faith? Faith in what?
Gareth Peirce: In yourself.
Gerry Conlon: No. I have faith in myself. Gerry Conlon. Lifer. 30-year sentence. And I know how to survive it, no problem.
Gareth Peirce: At what price?
Gerry Conlon: I'll pay the fuckin' price, don't you worry about it.
Gareth Peirce: The price for what?
Gerry Conlon: Aye. You're very good at the English, aren't you? You see, I don't understand your language. "Justice." "Mercy." "Clemency." I literally don't understand what those words mean. I'd like to put in an application to get all my teeth extracted. That way I could put my fist in my mouth and never speak another word of fuckin' English so long as I live. Do you see what I'm saying... Mrs. Peirce is it?
Gareth Peirce: Are you trying to impress me?
Gerry Conlon: Was I always bad, was I?
Giuseppe Conlon: Not always.
Gerry Conlon: I don't deserve to spend the rest of my life in here do I?
Giuseppe Conlon: All they done was block out the light.
[points to his head]
Giuseppe Conlon: They can't block out the light in here.
Gerry Conlon: What I remember most about my childhood is holding your hand. My wee hand in your big hand, and the smell of tobacco. I remember, I could smell the tobacco in the palm of your hand. When I want to feel happy, I try to remember the smell of tobacco.
Giuseppe Conlon: Hold my hand.
Giuseppe Conlon: I'm going to die.
Gerry Conlon: Don't be saying that.
Giuseppe Conlon: I'm scared.
Gerry Conlon: There's no reason to be scared. You have nothing to be scared about.
Giuseppe Conlon: Don't you be comforting me when I can see the truth staring me in the face. I'm scared I'm gonna die here.
Gerry Conlon: You're not dying alright?
Giuseppe Conlon: Can I not say a thing without you contradicting me? I'm scared to leave your mother behind.
Gerry Conlon: Look, you are not going to die alright? If you do, sure I can look after Ma alright.
Giuseppe Conlon: You think I'd leave Sara in your care?
Gerry Conlon: What do you mean?
Giuseppe Conlon: You haven't the maturity to take care of yourself, let alone your mother.
Gerry Conlon: When can I go back to Belfast?
Detective: Next time you'll see Belfast, they'll be flying day trips to the moon.
Gerry Conlon: I always wanted to be an astronaut.
[Gerry looks at their "Map of the British Empire" jigsaw puzzle]
Gerry Conlon: Where's all the missing pieces?
Prisoner: We eat it up, man. Before my woman sent it in here, right, she have it dipped in liquid acid. LSD, man. We've been dropping the British Empire for the last six months! You want to fly, pick a country.
[Gerry is astonished]
Gerry Conlon: Fuck sake, don't give me Northern Ireland. I don't want a bad trip.
Prisoner: Try Nepal, man. Take you to the Himalayas.
Carole Richardson: [seeing the sausages in Gerry's luggage] They have a dead pig in here!
Gerry Conlon: Just some sausages.
[everyone in the commune look disgusted]
Deptford Jim: We're all vegetarians here.
Gerry Conlon: I've vegetarian. We're both vegetarian. I was just takin' them sausages to me Auntie Annie's. I have to be around there now. I'll be back in a few minutes.
[later Gerry and Paul are eating the sausages in Aunt Annie's home]
Gerry Conlon: [holding up a sausage] Pinky.
Paul Hill: [holding up his] ... and Perky.
In the Name of the Father Quotes
Gerson 2022-03-24 09:01:38
I cried. A man's youth, his reputation, his liberty, his everything has been taken away by the government just because he is Irish, an innocent scapegoat. Finally see the light again, but how to make up for the torment of those dark days? It is unimaginable that there are so many unjust, false and wrongful convictions in China, the judiciary is unimaginably dark, and no one is fighting for it in China. There are even numb Chinese people who say that this film makes a big deal out of it
Kieran 2022-01-26 08:14:23
The historical significance is greater than the artistic value. DDL's acting skills are not outstanding in this film, but Emma is really good.