Imagine Me & You Quotes

  • Rachel: Everyone promises you happily ever after... but life turns into a different kind of fairy tale.

  • Luce: I met this girl... but she's with someone else.

    Ella: Does she love you?

    Luce: I don't know... no... yes... but it doesn't matter.

    Ella: [gently caresses Luce's face] Oh... it's all that matters.

  • Rachel: You make me feel something I absolutely cannot feel.

  • Rachel: I can't...

    Luce: I know.

  • Heck: Well, let's hang these flowers and get that jacket in some water.

  • Rachel: She's gay...

    Heck: As a tennis player.

  • Heck: [Rachel and Heck are having breakfast in bed] I like this jam. It's really good jam. I should make jam. I could, you know.

    Rachel: 'Course you could.

    Heck: You don't think I could.

    Rachel: Not for a second.

    Heck: Anyway, I was talking to Rob yesterday.

    Rachel: That man's an ass.

    Heck: That man *is* an ass. But he's got this really sweet girlfriend. God knows what she found to love about him, but she does. He cheats on her like a nutter.

    [Rachel gets up and starts to get dressed]

    Heck: Oh, come back to bed.

    Rachel: I'm up now. Does she know?

    Heck: Well, I'm like, 'If you want to leave, tell her.' Are you really up?

    Rachel: I really am. Maybe he doesn't want to leave. Maybe he doesn't know what he wants.

    Heck: Anyway, he should figure it out before someone gets hurt... Why are you looking at me?

    Rachel: 'Cause you're a good person.

    Heck: You wait till I make jam. Then I'll rock your world.

  • Rachel: Do you guys believe in love at first sight?

    Zina: Well, it saves time.

    Rachel: No, really, that you could meet someone, or just... across a room, and with that one glance you could look in their eyes and see their soul. Do you believe that could happen?

    Beth: [long pause, takes a breath] No.

    Zina: Absolutely not.

  • Heck: It's porn, right? It's degrading. It's offensive.

    Rachel: God yes.

    Heck: Yeah. Let's watch it anyway. Come on, Rach, I mean, things have been getting slack in that department recently. I know it's my fault, and it's... yeah.

    Rachel: No, it's mine... I... uh... but I don't want to watch this.

    Heck: [sadly] Why not?

    Rachel: It doesn't turn me on.

    Heck: Makes one of us.

  • Coop: I'm 29 years old.

    Heck: You're 31.

    Coop: Precisely my point. I'm getting older. And I see you... I see what you've got with... I can see that stability. And the trust, and permanence. And I think... God, I'm glad I'm not you.

  • Heck: [Rachel wants to have sex in a park late at night] We've got a flat. It's a good one. And I've confiscated your mother's key so she can't sneak up on us anymore. I swear that woman's got a sex radar.

  • Luce: [surprised] Coop!

    Coop: It is you, isn't it?

    Luce: What are you talking about?

    Coop: I wasn't sure when he told me, but I knew.

    Luce: What did he say?

    Coop: Tell me it isn't true, girl!


    Coop: Dumb slut!

    Luce: Don't start, Coop.

    Coop: Don't start? Her husband. Her flippin' husband calls me in the middle of the night. And you want to know how he was? He was busted.

    Luce: Coop, just get out!

    Coop: What was that you said? What was that? 'Never wreck another couple.'

    [Luce looks guilty]

    Coop: Stuck to that one good, didn't you?

  • Heck: It's not you leaving that's going to kill me. It's you loving someone more.

    Rachel: No. you're not walking way. Don't... don't walk away from me.

    Heck: Yeah keep saying that. Pretend this is my choice.

    Rachel: What do you MEAN?

    Heck: Oh come on Rachel. We both know you'd have left me in the end.

    Rachel: That's not true.

    Heck: YES IT IS!

    Heck: [quieter]

    Heck: Yes it is. I want you to be happy. More than anything else I wanted to be the cause of happiness in you. But if I'm not, then I can't stand in the way, you see? Because what you're feeling now, Rachel, is the unstoppable force. Which means that I've got to move.

  • Heck: You know I want you to be happy. And more than anything, I wanted to be the cause of happiness in you.

  • Ned: I love the smell of hot dogs in the evening. Smells like... hot dogs.

  • Tessa: This man's as useless as a fart in a jam jar.

  • Luce: You're a wanker, number nine!

  • Luce: Don't forget me.

    Rachel: I won't remember anything else.

  • Heck: So, what about you? Are you married? Ever been married, ever going to get married?

    Luce: No. No. Maybe now that the law's changed.

    Heck: How do you mean?

    Luce: Well, I'm gay.

    Heck: [chuckles, then realizes that it's not a joke] Mmm... well done.

  • Rachel: What does the lily mean?

    Luce: The lily means...


    Luce: The lily means, "I dare you to love me".

  • Rachel: Alright. Well... umm... tell me about the lily.

    Luce: You don't want to know about the lily.

    Rachel: It's my favorite.

    Luce: Ask me about the azalea.

    Rachel: Oh, alright. What about the azalea?

    Luce: The azalea means 'may you achieve financial security'. See?

    Rachel: [laughs] Lovely. Now, tell me about the lily.

    Luce: The lily means... the lily means 'I dare you to love me'.

  • Tessa: Cooper, that trollop. That man would shag an open wound.

  • Coop: Fuck me if I'm wrong, but I think you want to kiss me.

    Luce: It's not going to happen.

  • Rachel: BOOM! Hold that thought!

  • Luce: The lily means "I dare you to love me".

  • Luce: I think you know immediately. As soon as your eyes... Then everything that happens from then on just proves that you have been right in that first moment. When you suddenly realize that you were incomplete and now you are whole...

  • Rachel: [reading to coworkers] In her acceptance speech, the distinguished scientist paid tribute to her husband, Dr. Chris Davis. Tomorrow the pair celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary after eloping together on the day they met. When asked how they could possibly have known that it would all work out. Professor Harrison replied in true scientific fashion: "We don't know, you can never be sure. But you take the plunge anyway. Sure is for people who don't love enough."

  • Heck: Edie, are you gay?

    Edie: Am I gay?


    Edie: I'm ecstatic!

  • Coop: Later on tonight, we're going to fall madly in bed.

  • Ella: [Coming into room dressed to go out, and seeing Luce looking rather dejected sitting on the couch] Sweet shit in a bucket,

    [Face softening as she sees that Luce is genuinely miserable]

    Ella: What's wrong with you?

  • Luce: [It's the day after Luce and Rachel's "date" where Rachel almost kissed Luce. Upon seeing Rachel approaching her store, Luce, beams a smile] Hi!

    Rachel: [In a rush walks into the store] No! No! You're not happy to see me! You can't! I don't want you to be happy to see me!

  • Rachel: Okay. So do you see? You have to see. I... I can't do this. I can't actually do this. So whatever it is, or was, it's got to stop, and it's got to stop now, do you understand? It's over.

  • Luce: Thorns! Thorns! In my bum! Ow!

  • Coop: I am a cure for lesbianism.

  • Edie: She's not just heterosexual, she's barbie heterosexual!

  • Tessa: Will you fuck off with the fucking candles?

  • H: Heck, I've got a question.

    Tessa: Not now.

    Heck: What's the question, H?

    H: What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

    Heck: [thinks for a few seconds, then replies] I haven't got a bastard clue, I'm afraid.

    Tessa: There you are, you see. Now we can let him get married in peace.

    [She starts to lead H to the church to find a seat for the wedding]

    Luce: [Catches H before Tessa can take her away completely] It never happens. If there's a thing that can't be stopped, it's not possible for there to be something else which can't be moved, and vice versa. They can't both exist. You see, it's a trick question is the answer.

    H: [as Tessa leads her to the church] Can she sit with me?

  • Luce: What's your name, anyway?

    H: Everyone calls me 'H'. They tell me it's short for Henrietta, but it's not. It's short for Jesus "H" Christ. That's what my mummy said when she found out she was pregnant with me.

  • Coop: [Standing at the altar with Heck] I fancy that flower girl.

    Heck: [Craning around to see if Rachel's coming] Yeah, yeah, I know you do.

    Coop: She likes me, right? I got a vibe that she likes me.

    Heck: Coop, it's my wedding day. Can we talk about me?

    Coop: Sure, yes.

    [Turns with Heck to see if Rachel's coming. Waits a few seconds, then whispers]

    Coop: Did you get the vibe that she likes me?

  • Luce: [Has come for a glass of punch, but finds Rachel blocking the way] What, is something wrong? I'm here to help.

    Rachel: My ring. I was getting some of this punch crap and...

    Luce: Your wedding ring?

    Rachel: It fell off. Off and in there. My wedding ring is in there.

    Luce: And you tried the ladle?

    Rachel: Nothing.

    Luce: And you can't empty...

    Rachel: No.

    Luce: No, it's too big. Right. Only one thing to do. Cover me.

    [Starts to roll up her sleeves]

    Rachel: What?

    Luce: Use the dress.

    [Moves Rachel so that her body covers Luce's actions]

    Luce: I'm going in.

    Rachel: You can't just...

    [Looks over her shoulder as Luce prepares to fish around for the ring]

    Rachel: Oh, yes, really, you can.

    [Luce sticks her arm in the punch bowl]

  • Edie: You need a love life.

    Luce: I have a like life. It suits me fine.

  • Ned: So, who's the lucky chap? What's his name?

    Rachel: Her name... is Luce.

    Tessa: Luce? As in a woman? As are you a woman? So you mean you two are lesbifriends?

    Rachel: It doesn't matter what you call it, it's not going to happen.

  • Beth: So, Ned. How long have you guys been married, then?

    Ned: Thirty Years.

    Beth: [tenderly] Oh.

    Ned: If I'd killed her when I first thought about it, I'd be out by now. A free man.

  • Luce: You should ask her, you know.

    Heck: Bless you but... I couldn't ask Rach if there is anything wrong that would be way too scary.

    Luce: Why?

    Heck: What if there is?

  • Rachel: I forgot to pee.

  • Luce: You can put an end to this!

    Rachel: How?

    Luce: Tell me to go. Tell me that's what you want, and I will walk away and you will never see me again.

    Rachel: Is that what you want?

    Luce: I want *you.*

    Rachel: Luce...

    Luce: I know.

    Rachel: I can't...

    Luce: I know.

  • Luce: Well, it should be a breakup bouquet, and it should be hydrangeas. They mean "It's over, but think of me well."

  • [Last lines]

    Heck: How long is the flight anyway? Do you know?

    Anna: About 24 hours. More than enough time.

  • H: Do penguins have knees?

  • Ned: And where did you two meet ?

    Rachel: At my wedding.

    Tessa: but it's such a short time, how can you be sure ?

    Rachel: I knew after three seconds.

    Ned: I've heard of love happening that fast, The French call it Le Flash.

    Tessa: They would, bloody perverts.

Extended Reading
  • Sandrine 2022-03-22 09:02:53

    There are many familiar people

  • Russel 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    Impatient after seeing it.