I'm No Angel Quotes

  • Tira: Beulah, peel me a grape.

  • Jack Clayton: You were wonderful tonight.

    Tira: Yeah, I'm always wonderful at night.

    Jack Clayton: Tonight, you were especially good.

    Tira: Well... When I'm good, I'm very good. But, when I'm bad...

    [winks at Jack]

    Tira: I'm better.

  • Tira: It's not the men in your life that counts, it's the life in your men.

  • Tira: [to Slick Wiley] What'd you do? Get your hair cut or have your ears moved down?

  • Tira: What do you do for a living?

    Ernest Brown: Oh, uh, sort of a politician.

    Tira: I don't like work either.

  • Jack Clayton: Oh I'm crazy about you.

    Tira: I did my best to make you that way.

    Jack Clayton: Look darling, you need a rest, and so do I. Let me take you away somewhere, we'll...

    Tira: Would you call that a rest?

    Jack Clayton: What are you thinking about?

    Tira: Same thing you are.

  • [after he reads her fortune, Rajah gives Tira the horoscope he has prepared for her]

    Rajah the Fortune Teller: Keep this where you may consult it frequently.

    Tira: Alright, I'll take it to bed with me.

  • Tira: Always remember, honey. A good motto is: "Take all you can get and give as little as possible". Don't forget, honey. Never let one man worry your mind. Find 'em, fool 'em and forget 'em!

  • Tira: By the way, honey, you married or single?

    Ernest Brown: Married five times.

    Tira: Five times? Wedding bells must sound like an alarm clock to you.

  • Ernest Brown: I like to get around and travel; and, believe me, I've been places and seen things.

    Tira: Mmm-hmm. I've been things and seen places. That sort of evens us out.

  • Rajah the Fortune Teller: You were born in August.

    Tira: Yeah, one of the hot months.

  • Rajah the Fortune Teller: I see a man in your life.

    Tira: What? Only one?

  • Rajah the Fortune Teller: I see a change of position.

    Tira: Sitting or reclining?

  • Tira: Am I making myself clear, boys?

    [in low voice]

    Tira: Suckers.

  • Jack Clayton: Do you mind if I get personal?

    Tira: Hmmm, go ahead. I don't mind if you get familiar.

  • Tira: Come on, can't you hurry up and get that thing fixed? I gotta get back. I'm expecting Mr. Clayton at the apartment.

    Bartons Chauffeur: I'm doing the best I can, ma'am.

    Tira: Yeah, your best is no good. Try doing your worst.

    Bartons Chauffeur: Yes, ma'am.

  • Slick Wiley: I'll see you later.

    Tira: the later the better.

  • Big Bill Barton: Tira, I've changed my mind.

    Tira: Does it work any better?

  • Tira: [Answers phone] Hello? Oh, Juror #4. Yes, I remember you. You were the one with the nice kind face. Mmm hmm. Oh, I know you were for me. Mmm hmm. I want to thank you for those beautiful flowers. They were lovely. And don't forget - come up and see me sometime.

    [Jack Clayton walks in]

    Tira: Mmm hmm. Oh, ah, yes. Yes. Alright, good-bye.

  • Alicia Hatton: I suppose you know why I'm here?

    Tira: Hardly! You see, I'm a lion tamer not a mind reader.

  • Beulah: Miss... we was thinking you're a one-man woman.

    Tira: I'm one man at a time.

  • Alicia Hatton: Then it might refresh you to know that I'm Kurt's fiancé.

    Tira: There's nothing refreshing about that.

    Alicia Hatton: You want me to swear?

    Tira: Never mind. I can do that myself.

  • Tira: Oh, Beulah!

    Beulah: Yes, ma'am.

    Tira: Peel me a grape.

  • Tira: When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better.

  • Tira: Somewhere there's a guy with a million waitin' for a dame like me.

  • Tira: [Pointing to a picture and telling her maid about her jewelry] He gimme 'em.

  • Tira: When I was born with this face, it was the same as strikin' oil.

  • Kirk Lawrence: I'll never forget you.

    Tira: No one ever does.

  • Beulah: Certainly do keep me busy keepin' track of your gentlemen friends.

    Tira: I'm gonna make it easy for you, Beulah. I'm thinking about putting in a filing system.