Il divo Quotes

  • Giulio Andreotti: We learn from the Gospel that when they asked Jesus what truth was, he did not reply.

  • Giulio Andreotti: You always find the culprit in crime novels but not always in real life.

  • Giulio Andreotti: A good man's meanness is always very dangerous.

  • Giulio Andreotti: The most difficult dictatorship to hate is your own.

  • Giulio Andreotti: I know I am an average man but looking around I do not see any giant.

  • Giulio Andreotti: Thinking ill of your fellow man is a sin, but you have guessed right.

  • Giulio Andreotti: I have no minor vices.

  • Giulio Andreotti: It is not always easy to explain our country to foreigners. In Italy the slowest trains are called "fast" and the evening news come out in the morning.

  • Giulio Andreotti: I don't believe in chance, I believe in the will of God.

  • Giulio Andreotti: One can never be too cautious about the company one keeps. After all, Jesus had Judas amongst his disciples.

  • Paolo Cirino Pomicino: Niceness is detrimental to politics.

Il divo

Director: Paolo Sorrentino

Language: Italian,English Release date: May 28, 2008

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