If These Walls Could Talk 2 Quotes

  • Karen: Whose right to screw frat boys was I defending? This should read,

    Karen: I fought to get this school free birth control! What, do you think I was protecting *MY* right to screw frat boys?

  • Amy: I know a lot of things about you, for starters I know you're interested. You stayed when your friends left.

    Linda: Curious.

    Amy: Curiosity turns me on.

    Amy: Hold on tighter. This isn't about sex, it's about not falling off.

  • Kal: I've got sperm!

  • Linda: So am I the woman, and you're the man?

    Amy: No.

    Linda: Then why do you dress like one?

    Amy: This is how I feel comfortable.

    Linda: Do you see yourself as a woman?

    Amy: Don't you think I know what people think of me? This is me. It can't be any other way.

    Linda: Have you ever been...

    Amy: [interrupts] What's bothering you? That if we go to breakfast together, people will know what you are because you're with me?

  • Linda: Do you have any idea what you just did? You know why you don't like Amy? Because you're scared of anything that's not like you.

  • Kal: I hate that I can't get you pregnant.

    Fran: I hate it more.

    Kal: Couldn't possibly.

    Fran: Oh yeah.

  • Fran: Do you think it's selfish, wanting to bring a child into this world?

    Kal: What do you mean?

    Fran: I mean, aside from all the craziness and the violence, and if it's our child, it'll get teased. It's gonna have to defend us.

    Kal: Maybe, but kids get teased. All kids get teased. It's a part of childhood, isn't it? And hopefully by the time our child is old enough to know what discrimination is, the world will have changed a bit.

    Fran: If it doesn't?

    Kal: If it doesn't is an interesting question because it always has. All I want to do is love you. And just keep loving you, and love our kid, and have our kid witness our love. It's all from love, how can that be wrong?

  • Edith Tree: [to Ted] If you knew your aunt at all. If you knew about all the marvelous things that she did, and how good she was, and funny. And tender. And brave. And smart. If you knew how hard she worked just to find a little peace in this life. If you knew her at all, then you'd know what she wanted. And this wasn't that. Oh my dear, it certainly wasn't that.

  • Linda: So you accept who you are. And I love that about you.

    Linda: I wanna be like you.

If These Walls Could Talk 2

Director: Jane Anderson, Martha Coolidge, Anne Heche

Language: English Release date: March 5, 2000