I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore. Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Mrs. Hamble: [watching news report about a riot from her hospital bed] Just look at those goddamn monkeys.

    Ruth: Why don't we turn this off, huh?

    Mrs. Hamble: The way they shoved this country right down the fuckin' stinker. Keep your gigantic monkey dick out of my good pussy.

    [then breathes her last]

    Mrs. Hamble's Son: [a short time later her doctor] Did...? Did she have any last words?

    ER Doctor: [looks over to Ruth]

  • Ruth: Patient died today. I was in the room.

    Angie: Oh. She was special, huh?

    Ruth: No. She sucked. Oh, yeah. She was a real shithead. But it doesn't matter. They'll roll her out... and she'll become smoke. Just... carbon. My grandma Sally, that was her silver that they stole, you know?

    Angie: Yeah.

    Ruth: She literally breathed life into people who'd been exploded. She was a war nurse.

    Angie: Yeah, I remember.

    Ruth: Spent her retirement bringing dinner to folks with cancer. And then she had a stroke... and she was just... just carbon too. And now I'm the only one who remembers any of that, and pretty soon... I'll just be carbon. So none of it matters.

  • Ruth: Were you praying?

    Tony: You asked for help, I asked for help. That's how things get done. Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you.

  • Detective William Bendix: [looking at her cast of a footprint out of her garden] What do you do, Miss Kimke?

    Ruth: Uh... Well, I'm a nursing assistant.

    Detective William Bendix: Now, suppose I came down to where you do that... Your hospital...

    Ruth: It's a post-op facility.

    Detective William Bendix: Okay. Well, suppose I came down there and I said, You know, maybe not that medication, Ruth, maybe this one instead, don't ya think?

    Ruth: No, that's what... That's not what I meant by...

    Detective William Bendix: You present a certainty that the owner of a vehicle you happened to see at a garage sale is the same individual who burglarized your home. And... His footprint. And that his foot, according to this, is made out of scrambled eggs!

  • Chris Rumack: Look, I don't condone my son's behavior, but anyone can do anything if you let them. Huh? Welcome to the world.

    Ruth: I see why he turned out like he did.

  • Marshall: [trying to distract her] Have you ever eaten cat meat?

    Ruth: You mean cat food?

    Marshall: No. The meat... of a cat.

    Ruth: No. No, man. I never ate any cat meat.

    Marshall: Well, it makes you invisible. Did you know that?

    Ruth: [throws a rock at his head] I see you. Fucking weirdo.

  • Angie: Just be gentle with yourself, all right? You got all the time in the world.

    Ruth: I don't know what that means.

    Angie: Yeah, it's just something people say.

  • [last lines]

    Tony: [arguing at the grill] These are looking good.

    Dan: You don't need to push...

    Tony: Nah, you're supposed to get the... the juice out of them.

    Dan: No, no, no, you *want* the juice in the burger.

    Tony: Gotta squash 'em down.

    Dan: You wanna flip...?

    Tony: No, these are... I'm telling you, these are gonna be perfect.

  • Tony: It's not your lawn tiger.

  • Ruth: I don't want a pay-off.

    Chris Rumack: Well, then I'm confused. What do you want?

    Ruth: For people to not be assholes.

  • Marshall: [after seeing Ruth non-stop vomiting during the shootout] Stop doing that!

  • Ruth: I mean, why... why you don't want to help me?

    Detective William Bendix: Help you?

    Ruth: Yeah... I just why? Isn't that your job?

    Detective William Bendix: My job?

    Ruth: Yeah.

    Detective William Bendix: I am doing my job. You're asking me about my job, right now.

    Ruth: Yeah, I'm coming in here...

    Detective William Bendix: You come to my work place...

    Ruth: I have evidence here...

    Detective William Bendix: ...and you ask me about my job. Just because you left your door wide open for some punk to stroll right in, you think the universe revolves around you. Well grow up! We have a man beaten unconcious in his drive way.

    Ruth: That's awful.

    Detective William Bendix: Now, yes, awful. And now, now Ruth, he has skull fragments in his brain. The world is bigger than your silverware. People are experiencing bigger problems! There are people out there

    [pausing because he's almost crying]

    Detective William Bendix: I'm... I'm being divorced. First time I said it out loud.

    Ruth: Sir, I'm very...

    Detective William Bendix: Uh-uh, move it, move your hand. Go home, Ruth.

  • Meredith Rumack: You know, TMI... but Chris always made me kind of nervous even before all that. Did you ever see The Omen? That little kid? You never know. He would just throw you down the stairs.