I Capture the Castle Quotes

  • Neil Cotton: Why are you all dressed in green?

  • Cassandra: There is only one page left to write on. I will fill it with words of only one syllable. I love. I have loved. I will love.

  • Cassandra: This is a crisis Simon, not a treat.

  • Cassandra: I don't want to go through life like my mother, afraid that I'm not really loved, even if it meant I could go through life with you.

  • Cassandra: Still, better all that hurt than to have known no pain; learnt nothing.

  • Cassandra: I look a lot prettier when I'm not standing next to Rose.

  • Simon: You always were wise beyond your years.

    Cassandra: No I wasn't. I used to be consciously naive.

  • Rose: Well, I shall not forthcome again.

  • Thomas: It's good you're feeling so angry - harness the rage!

  • Cassandra: But dreams are like a drug: the magic doesn't last and then the pain is worse than knives.

  • Cassandra: I said I would never fall in love; I said love was a murderous thing; And it is, and I'm floating on air.

  • Cassandra: No towel in the world is worth marrying a bearded man you hate.

  • Cassandra: Father. 'Jacob Wrestling' was a wonderful, groundbreaking book. There was never going to be a sequel overnight!

    James Mortmain: Meaning?

    Cassandra: Meaning, it will come!

    James Mortmain: How old are you?

    Cassandra: Seventeen.

    James Mortmain: And you still believe in fairy tales.

  • Cassandra: I have put my own father back in prison.

  • Cassandra: Is that all you think you're worth?

    Topaz Mortmain: It's what I have to make my mark.

    Cassandra: You've made your mark with us! Thomas. And Rose. And me.

    Topaz Mortmain: But I'm not your mother.

  • Thomas: Don't worry, Topaz. Rose is dabbling in the occult.

    Topaz Mortmain: Oh. Well, full marks for enterprise.

  • [first lines]

    Cassandra: I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.

  • Cassandra: Can you smell bluebells?

    Rose: I can smell heaven.

  • Cassandra: [about Simon] You don't love him, do you?

    Rose: No. I don't think I do. Shame really.

    Cassandra: Well... do you want me to tell him?

    Rose: Tell him what? I'm still going to marry him.

    Cassandra: That's a wicked, wicked thing to do!

  • Rose: You can't leave now! What am I going to tell people?

    Cassandra: You're already living a lie, Rose. Tell them what the bloody hell you like. And then go home and count your peach coloured towels.

  • Rose: I'd marry a chimpanzee if he had money!

  • Topaz Mortmain: He's been in London with her - Elspeth. They've had an assignation. At the British Museum!

    James Mortmain: Elspeth is my patroness! We were doing some research!

    Topaz Mortmain: [Scoffs] People use that place for nothing BUT assignations. I used to meet you there myself when I was married to Edwardo... in the mummy room!

  • Stephen Colley: [on being kept by an older woman] She takes care of me, you know. With clothes and that. Besides, I don't *mind* the other part of it. It's like acting in a movie.

    Cassandra: Only how do you know when you're acting and when you're not?

  • Cassandra: I used to be consciously naive.

  • [first lines]

    Cassandra: [narrating] I have relived this particular day many times. The weather is always flawless, and so is Father's mood. It is a golden memory, and I am suspicious of it. I keep looking for one black cloud in the sky, for some premonition of what was to come, but I can't find anything. Not a single clue.

  • Rose: Don't you see? Simon has to propose to me now, before he meets somebody else - or gets to know me better.

  • Aubrey Fox-Cotton: Something is dampening your fire, Mrs. Mortmain.

    Mother: [under her breath] My fire dies when it is not required...

  • James Mortmain: I am the head of this household. I'm entitled to respect!

    Cassandra: You aren't respected. You're indulged.

  • [last lines]

    Cassandra: [narrating] Still, better all that hurt than to have known no pain... learnt nothing. There's only the last page left to write on. I'll fill it with words of just one syllable. I love. I have loved. I will love.

Extended Reading
  • Montana 2022-04-21 09:03:19

    Adapted from the novel written by the original author of "101 Dalmatians" during World War II, the heroine who is so troubled to maintain a divided family, the story of you love me love him should be sticky, but it has a sense of lightness. I have to push Romola: it can be glamorous (Daniel's half-life relationship, the focus moment) or elegant (this one is about redemption), how malleable it is! http://hou26.org/zeta/british.htm#rg

  • Liliane 2022-03-18 09:01:08

    British style is small and fresh. I watched it because of the two heroines in this movie. Romala Garri and Rose Byrne are my favorite beauties. The story is simple. The two sisters have completely different personalities, have different views and hopes on love in life, and both misunderstood their love. Including their father and stepmother, they didn't know exactly what kind of life they wanted at first.