Customs Agent Bill Meehan: You got a lot of skills Kate. Acting isn't one of them.
Customs Agent Bill Meehan: He slapped her!
Kate Morozov: I am a team player.
Annie Gray: The mall will never be the same after this.
Annie Gray: Do you want to trade my ring for your bracelet? I'm kinda bored with it.
[Trades the ring and the bracelet]
Annie Gray: Best friends forever.
Nadia Tagarov: Thank you God! Thank you for bringing my father to me!
Viktor Tagarov: No, Nadia, don't bring God into this. Because here, it's hell.
[Meehan has agreed to give Kate a job at ICE]
Kate Morozov: [smiles gratefully] Thank you, sir. I promise you, you won't regret this.
Customs Agent Bill Meehan: I got a lot of regrets. Don't promise me that.
Andrei: [preparing to rape Helena] In case you ever think of running away? Don't be stupid. Just think of your little daughter. She's safe, as long as you behave.
Customs Agent Bill Meehan: [addressing a news conference on TV] An ounce of cocaine, wholesale...
Kate Morozov: [to Mischa, as they watch the news report on TV] That's my boss.
Customs Agent Bill Meehan: $1200. But you can only sell it once. A woman, or a child, $50 to $1000, but you can sell them each day, every day, over and over and over again. The markup is immeasurable. Human trafficking, ladies and gentlemen, is the business of the future for crime organization.
Helena: Just hearing Sergei's voice used to make me nauseous. But then, you know, we were in the same room, talking. And despite all this hell he put me through, you know... I would catch myself almost forgetting who he was.
Kate Morozov: The devil's not without his charms.
Helena: Do you think it's possible, when you have lost your humanity, to ever find it again?
Kate Morozov: Yes, I do. But it's yours to find. No one can take it away from you. Not one man, not a hundred.
Sergei: You say I killed someone? Then arrest me.
[Meehan laughs, and says nothing]
Sergei: I didn't think so.
Customs Agent Bill Meehan: It's just a matter of time. You're on our radar. It's a whole new ball game.
Sergei: [smirks] Isn't that what they used to say on those old TV cop shows?
Customs Agent Bill Meehan: Well, I'm an old cop. So what did you expect?
[Manila police are raiding Tommy's child brothel]
Tom Halloran: You American?
Dr. Smith: Y-y-yes.
Tom Halloran: [glancing at the young Filipino boy with Smith] Well, you better start praying for extradition, tough guy. 'Cause they're gonna rape your white ass all day and all night in a Manila jail. You know something? I just might lose your paperwork for a couple of weeks.
Customs Agent Bill Meehan: You keep your promises.
Kate Morozov: Sir?
Customs Agent Bill Meehan: At that first time at the office, you promised that if I hired you, I wouldn't regret it. Well, I don't regret it.
Kate Morozov: [smiles] Thank you, sir.
Kate Morozov: In 1865, President Abraham Lincoln and the U.S. Congress ratified the 13th amendment to the Constitution, which states, 'neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist within the United States.' No sensible person believes slavery could happen in the 21st century, much less on our shores. We couldn't be more wrong. Slave traffickers around the world have rediscovered how profitable it is to buy and sell people. Each one of these girls could be your sister. Your best friend, or... as Annie Gray showed us, your daughter. None of these fifty-seven girls would have lasted more than four years in our country. Each one of them would have been worked to death as a sex slave in a brothel, murdered for an infraction of her masters' rules, or contracting hepatitis or AIDS. Human trafficking has emerged as a tragic whiplash of the economic transition that has occurred over the past several years in Eastern Europe. Men like Sergei Karpovich know how to take advantage of this. Now, we stopped him. But there are many more waiting to take his place. But no matter how difficult our battle is, it is vitally important that law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, that we all keep working together as a team to battle these ruthless criminals. At the same time, we need to create a climate of hope for their victims. We need to give these young women the idea that their lives are still worth living, without shame, after all the desperation and hardship they've endured. And perhaps, most importantly, we must face the fact that none of this horror would be possible if our culture didn't create a demand for it. Ladies and gentlemen, the United States is one of the largest markets for sex slavery in the entire world. We need to realize that modern-day slavery is only occurring because we choose to ignore it. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.
Final Title Card: Approximately 800,000 people are trafficked annually across international borders. After the illegal sale of drugs and weapons, the most profitable criminal business is HUMAN TRAFFICKING.
Sergei: The situation's really very simple. You wanted to come to America, and we got you here. But it all cost money. Your passports, visas, tickets, boarding... it all adds up. By now, each of you has accumulated a debt worth tens of thousands of dollars. Plus interest and other expenses. It means until you finish paying that money back to us, usually in a few years or so, we own you. Please understand. It's not my intention to cause you misery. We are in this together. But, be very certain, that if you try to run away, someone will pay the price. I have all your information. Where you live, how many brothers and sisters you have back home, everything. So if you get the urge to do something that might threaten our arrangement, and you will get that urge... and control it. Or inevitably, someone close to you will be hurt.
Human Trafficking Quotes
Extended Reading