How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Quotes

  • Andie: Like, do blondes, like, do they really have more fun?

  • Andie: True or False: All's fair in love and war.

    Ben: True.

    Andie: Great answer.

    Ben: Good question!

  • Andie: Our love fern! You let it die!

    Ben: No, honey, it's just sleeping.

  • Andie: Benny boo boo... boo boo boo!

  • Ben: Let's take a break because the woman is driving me crazy.

    Tony: Which woman? Andie or Princess Sophia?

  • [Andie is holding a tissue in front of Ben's face]

    Andie: C'mon, blow. Nobody likes a Mr. Sniffles.

    Tony: Yeah, uh, I hate Mr. Sniffles.

  • Andie: Unattached?

    Ben: Currently.

    Andie: Likewise.

    Ben: Surprising.

    Andie: Psycho?

    Ben: Rarely. Interested?

    Andie: Perhaps.

    Ben: Hungry?

    Andie: Starving.

    Ben: Leaving?

    Andie: Now?

  • Andie: [thrusts herself onto Ben] Does Princess Sophia want to come out and play?

    Ben: Who's Princess Sophia?

    [Andie points at his crotch]

    Ben: Nah-nah-nah, nah! Whoa, whoa, you're kidding me, right? Princess Sophia?

    Andie: Little, big, little, big? I don't know. We will find out!

    Ben: Alright listen, you can't name my... my member Princess Sophia.

    Andie: Yes, I can!

    Ben: Listen, if you are gonna name m... my member, alright, you gotta name it something hyper masculine, okay? Something like a Spike, a Butch, a Krull the Warrior King!

  • Tony: [Andie gives Ben a plaid Burberry button-down shirt] It looks like the inside of a raincoat.

  • Thayer: That it?

    Tony: That's it?

    Ben: [points to purse on desk] That's it.

    Tony: Have you looked inside?

    Ben: No.

    Thayer: Do you have an ethical problem with rifling through a woman's purse?

    Ben: Uhh, yeah, I guess I do.

    Tony: Well, it's hardly a purse, dude, it's more like a... clutch or something.

    Ben: Guys, a woman's purse, alright, it's her secret source of power. Alright? There are many dark and dangerous things in there, that we, the male species, should know nothing about.

  • DeLauer Security: Look, just give me back the necklace, then you guys can go on and kill each other.

  • Ben: [to himself, on his balcony, waving goodbye to Andy before she gets in her cab] You're already falling in love with me.

    Andie: I'm gonna make you wish you were dead.

    [blows away a kiss to Ben up on his balcony]

    Andie: Poor guy.

  • Thayer: Is she on something?

    Ben: God I hope so.

    [Moves his finger in circles next to his head, to indicate that he thinks Andie is crazy]

    Andie: Are you saying I'm some kind of mental person?

    [Andie is holding a platter of veggies and flings them at the guys and the middle of the poker table, then tosses the platter onto the table]

  • Ben: That's what I'm talking about. Where's the sexy, cool, fun, smart, beautiful Andie that I knew? The one that wanted to be a serious journalist? You're up, you're down, you're here, you're there, you're like a frickin' one woman circus.

  • Andie: You can't lose something you never had.

  • Ben: So that's what I was, huh? I was a guinea pig. Somebody you can test your theories on?

    Andie: Yeah, and I was just a girl somebody picked out in a bar.

    Ben: Yeah, you know what? Big deal. Hell, now you can even use it as a little twist in your story.

    Andie: That's a good idea. Maybe we should bet on it.

    Ben: You know what, you did your job now, Andie.

    Andie: Yes, I did.

    Ben: You wanted to lose a guy in ten days, congratulations, you did it. You just lost him.

    [walks away]

    Andie: No I didn't Ben, 'cause you can't lose something you never had!

  • Michelle Rubin: Why this place?

    Jeannie Ashcroft: It's perfect. Hi, Ingrid.

    Mullen's Hostess: Hi.

    Jeannie Ashcroft: Mullen's is the apres-work watering hole for the upwardly mobile.

  • Andie: Why do they always forget my bacon?

    Jeannie Ashcroft: I can't believe you got that guy knocked out.

    Andie: Only for a few seconds.

    Lana Jong: Andie, I am loving your notes on this piece.

    Andie: [with her mouth full] Thank you, Lana.

    Lana Jong: When are you seeing him again?

    Andie: Tonight. He's inviting me over to his house for dinner.

    Lana Jong: Excellent! I've got a feeling about this one.

    Michelle Rubin: I hate it when she pops her head in like that.

    Andie: I never noticed it.

    Lana Jong: A-hem. I heard that. And Andie, tonight take smaller bites.

    Andie: Thank you, Lana.

    Michelle Rubin: Oh, my God!

    Jeannie Ashcroft: Disgusting! I can barely eat over here.

    [Andie takes an even bigger bite]

  • Andie: Hey, listen, Sparky. I have a masters in journalism from Columbia, my boss loves me, and if I do it her way for a while, I can write about whatever I want.

    Ben: Like, shoes?

  • [Ben is trying to find words to be used as metaphors for diamonds]

    Ben: How about 'Glitter'?

    Tony: Thayer's favorite movie.

    Thayer: It was underrated!

  • Ben: You see, the key to this game is being able to read people.

  • Glenda: Now Andie, I hope you know that we expect you to come back here because you have held Ben to his lowest bullshit score since his tonsillectomy and we are thrilled!

    Jack: LOWEST!

    Andie: Why, were all his other girlfriends bullshit losers?

    Glenda: What other girlfriends? You are the first girl he ever brought home! Don't you break his heart now!

  • [repeated line]

    Several characters: Bullshit!

  • Andie: [crying at restaurant after waitress asks if everything is okay] My boyfriend thinks I'm fat!

    [flicks food at Ben]

    Andie: And I can't eat in front of him! I can't eat in front of you! I have to go to the bathroom.

    Ben: [receives dirty looks from other customers] Honey, I don't think you're fat! I don't think she's fat!

  • [Andie is making Ben's place girly, putting "chick" CDs in his CD player]

    Andie: Sheryl, Tori, Sinead, Jewel, Fiona, Carly... Gang's all here!

  • Ben: Look, look, look, wait a minute. The one night we even thought about having sex, all right, she up and decides she's going to nickname my...

    Michelle Rubin: Penis?

    Ben: Yeah. "Princess Sophia." You want to talk about shooting a man's horse? Whop! Come on!

  • Andie: I love you, Binky... but I don't have to like you right now.

  • Michelle Rubin: So, tell me, how long have you guys been seeing each other?

    Andie: Seven days.

    Michelle Rubin: Seven days. Interesting.

    Ben: Is that too soon to be seeing a therapist?

    Andie: Well, Ben, seven days isn't like a lifetime, or anything...

    Ben: It's like a week.

  • Sensitive Moviegoer: Now, I'm going to go back inside and finish watching "Sleepless in Seattle". Nobody screw with me.

  • Tony: Drunk and tone-deaf. Never a good combination.

  • [first lines]

    Jeannie Ashcroft: [reading] "And only then will the people of Tajikistan know true and lasting peace." Andie, it's brilliant. It's really moving. But it's never going to appear in Composure Magazine.

  • [last lines]

    Ben: Look who made the trip with me.

    Andie: It's our love fern! Oh, Bennie-boo-boo, boo-boo.

  • Thayer: We, you know, we got a whole bunch of work we have to do, but we're still on for poker at your house this weekend?

    Ben: Oh, you count on it.

    Andie: Whoo! Boys' night.

    Tony: Whoo!

  • Ben: Excuse me, ma'am.

    Jeannie Ashcroft: Holy crap!

    Ben: Where's Andie Anderson?

    Jeannie Ashcroft: Uh, she's not here.

    Ben: Where is she?

    Michelle Rubin: She quit.

    Jeannie Ashcroft: She's got an interview in Washington.

    Ben: When is she leaving?

    Jeannie Ashcroft: Today.

    Ben: When?

    Jeannie Ashcroft: Well, like, now.

    Ben: You're not a therapist, are you?

    Michelle Rubin: Oh, haha... no.

    Ben: Good job, though. You owe me three hundred bucks.

  • Andie: I have to crack this guy. I mean this is Defcon 5, and I have to do something truly appalling. It's not funny.

    [Michelle and Jeanie laugh even harder]

  • Michelle Rubin: Oh, you are never going to pull this off.

    Andie: Watch me. Tonight, I'll hook a guy. Tomorrow, pull the switch. Before the ten days are up, I'm going to have this guy running for his life.

    Jeannie Ashcroft: You're not going to burn his apartment down or bite him, or anything?

    Andie: No! I'm going to limit myself to doing everything girls do wrong in relationships. Basically, everything we know guys hate. I'll be clingy, needy...

    Jeannie Ashcroft: Be touchy-feely.

    Andie: Yeah.

    Jeannie Ashcroft: Ooh, call him in the middle of the night and tell him everything you had to eat that day.

    Michelle Rubin: What's wrong with that?

    [Andie & Jeanie stare at Michelle]

    Michelle Rubin: I'm kidding.

  • Tony: Couples therapy, it'll buy you at least four days.

  • Lana Jong: Who's that chic Buddhist Richard Gere is always cavorting with?

    Jeannie Ashcroft: The Dali Lama?

    Lana Jong: He's fabulous!

  • Andie: I don't think I can be with someone who doesn't like animals and thinks I'm a mental person

    [waves her fingers and goes cross eyed]

  • [Andie starts crying when Ben places food in front of her]

    Ben: Hey, what's wrong?

    Andie: Nothing. It's beautiful.

    Ben: Thank you.

    Andie: You're beautiful. The game, the whole thing. It's just... I wish I ate meat. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb... You have to take it away before I gag.

    [Andie dry heaves]

  • Jeannie Ashcroft: Drama, drama, drama.

  • Jack: [Jack is introducing Andie to the family] You gotta watch him, he farts like a howitzer. But he's family, what are you gonna do?

    Uncle Arnold: Intestinal complication!

  • Andie: I'm taking this love fern with me!

  • Andie: Does Krull the Warrior King want to come out and play?

    Ben: No.

    Andie: Krull...

    Ben: You know what, due to intense humiliation, the king has momentarily abdicated his throne, okay?

    Andie: Oh. Uh-oh!

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andie: Well, in that case, I better get going. Take care of our love fern, honey.

  • Andie: I want you to respect me.

    Ben: I do. And, I want your respect.

    Andie: I respect you for respecting me.

    Ben: I respect that.

  • Ben: [introducing Andie to his family] And this is Joey Jr.

    Glenda: [to Jack, playing BS] Bullshit!

    Ben: Now the whole family suffers from tourette's, I hope that's not a problem.

  • Ben: Hanging with her for 10 days is gonna be no problem.

    Tony: Right. That's only nine days longer than you've ever spent with any other chick, huh?

Extended Reading
  • Lizzie 2022-03-22 09:01:25

    From the perspective of the heroine, the original English name is "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days", but from the perspective of the hero, it feels a bit like "Ten-Day Dating Manual", but he wants to make her fall in love with him within ten days. There is no "dating manual" to follow... All in all, the Chinese translation is a bit misleading about my expectations of the storyline.

  • Hubert 2022-03-16 09:01:03

    Another vulgar commercial. The female pig is very pp, but she can't hide her bad acting skills, especially when she laughs, especially when it's too fake to watch