How I Live Now Quotes

  • Daisy: No one calls me Elizabeth. Except my dad, and he's an asshole. So if you don't mind, my name is Daisy.

  • [first lines]

    Daisy: Imagine yourself being successful.

  • Daisy: Well, I think my dad's probably trying to get through to me, so...

    Piper: [sitting clueless]

    Daisy: I'd kinda like to yell at him in private.

  • Piper: I keep thinking about mom.

    Isaac: Mom's in Switzerland. Nothing ever happens in Switzerland.

  • Daisy: Before the war I used my willpower for stupid stuff, like not eating chocolate. I think I thought if I could control myself, then maybe the world around me would start to make sense. I guess I was pretty naive back then.

  • [last lines]

    Daisy: It's like I said all that time ago, if the world doesn't end I wanna be here at home, with you. And that's how I live now.

  • Daisy: [shooting someone] That was for touching my cousin... with YOUR DIRTY FILTHY HANDS!

  • Isaac: If you want, I can make you a sandwich. We've got some really nice cheese.

    Daisy: No, I don't do wheat or cow cheese.

    Isaac: Why don't you eat "cow cheese"?

    Daisy: Because it's basically solidified cow mucus. It stays in your gut for like five years.

  • Daisy: [to Edmond] What if we can't get through this and there's life on the other side? If there is, I wanna be here. With you. This is how I wanna live. And if all this isn't here and you don't survive, then I don't wanna live at all.

  • Isaac: Hey we're gonna go swimming before Sally gets here and makes us eat vegetables. Wanna come?

    Daisy: I don't swim.

    Isaac: It's like a really special place, you'll love it. Last chance to have some fun before the fascist regime.

    Daisy: Uh huh. Maybe next time.

    Isaac: Okay.