Wayne: Yeah it's a mess back there.
Dracula: Welcome To Hotel Transylvania!
Dracula: It's ok we all get stomachaches Mr Big Foot.
Dracula: Good morning Mavey Wavey.
Mavis: Ha-what-what?
Mavis: Oh, hi humans.
Dracula: Hey you don't need a manikin!
Dracula: Evil villain you will never win!
Mavis: Who was that?
Dracula: Who was what?
Jonathan: Are these monsters gonna kill me?
Dracula: Not as long as they think you're a monster.
Jonathan: That's kinda racist.
Mavis: You sure? It'll be fun.
Jonathan: Ok.
Mavis: Is it true, are you a human?
Martha: Your zing will come, cherish it my love, love mommy.
Dracula: House-keeping!
Jonathan: Look at me, I'm a Frankenhomie!
Dracula: [against the window of an airplane, sees a Twilight movie playing] This is how we're represented, unbelievable.
Jonathan: [on opposite sides of an airplane window] Drac, I can't understand you!
Dracula: What? My hands in a tan shoe?
Dracula: [after noticing Mavis kissing Jonny]
[rushes in between them and shouts at Jonny]
Dracula: How could you? After I shared my pain with you?
[repeated line]
Mavis: Holy rabies!
Eunice: English, please! Your voice is REALLY annnoying!
Jonathan: I'm Dracula, Bleh, bleh-bleh!
Dracula: I've never said that in my life. 'Bleh, bleh-bleh.' I don't know where that comes from!
Mavis: Uhm... who is that?
Dracula: Who was what?
Jonathan: [groans]
Dracula: Oh that. That is ahh... nobody.
Mavis: Seriously dad?
Jonathan: Dad?
Mavis: Yeah, I know Dracula's daughter. Everyone freaks out at first.
Jonathan: Dracula?
[Quasimodo kicks a suit of armor in the groin]
Suit of Armor: Ow! Why did that hurt me?
Dracula: Listen to me, you are never to return here. Your are to stay away and tell no humans about this place. Or I will track you down, and suck every ounce of blood from you body, until you look like a deflated whoopee cushion!
Jonathan: Uh, can I just ask? What exactly is this place?
Dracula: What is this place? It's a place I built, for all those monsters out there lurking in the shadows. Hiding from the persecution of human kind. A for them and their families to come to and be themselves. A void of torches, pitchforks, angry mobs. A place of peace, relaxation, and tranquility.
Jonathan: Cool, so it's like a hotel for monsters?
Dracula: [irritated] Yes, exactly. A hotel for monsters, way to sum it up.
Dracula: [thinks Murray passed gas] You're kidding me. Right in my lobby?
Murray: Drac, I swear, man, I don't run like that.
Gremlin Lady: Excuse me. One of your piranhas in the lake is very rude. He ate my sister-in-law.
Dracula: I know I lied. I was wrong. But you have to believe this: Johnny wasn't a bad guy. The truth is, I don't know if humans are bad anymore. Frank, come on, buddy. You understand.
Eunice: He's not talking to you. First you tell us humans are bad, now they're good, what else? Up is down, cold is hot, gremlins don't smell.
Gremlin Man: Hey!
Wayne: What? Now there's no sheep in the road. Let's go.
Murray: That was pretty sick, man.
Wayne: You eat lamb chops, it's the same thing.
Dracula: [Runs after Quasimodo to rescue Jonathan, but is stopped by Mavis] Mavis? Why are you still up? The sun is out. It could kill you, my honey-gut.
Mavis: I couldn't sleep. You know where Jonny went?
Dracula: I don't know. He -
[Turns around & eyes her down angrily]
Dracula: Why do you want know?
Mavis: Oh! Uh,
Quasimodo: When you bump with the hump, you land on your rump!
Jonathan: Yeah, well, I was afraid your dad was gonna suck all the blood out of my body if I didn't say that.
Dracula: I wouldn't have... No, he's right, I would have done that.
Mavis: Dad.
Dracula: I was wrong, Devil-chops.
Dracula: [holding Jonathan and looking at Mavis] Someone closer to your age, help plan the party.
Mavis: [looking at Jonathan] You're my age!
Jonathan: Sure, oh, well, how old are you?
Mavis: 118.
Jonathan: 100 and...
[Dracula elbows Jonathan in the stomach]
Jonathan: Yeah, I'm 121.
Mavis: Really?
Dracula: I do not say, "Bleh bleh bleh"!
Dracula: [Dracula reading a tale book to little Mavis in the bed] And then the monsters ran away and were forced into hiding. But Harry the Human found them and jumped out from under their bed.
Young Mavis: [Mavis hides the bedding] I'm scared!
Dracula: And burned their clothes, and bit their toes!
[Dracula seeks bedding and not seen little Mavis]
Dracula: And took their candy!
[Dracula looks down little Mavis in the bedroom's hide]
Young Mavis: Don't take my candy.
Dracula: Babyclaws, you don't need to be frightened. I promised your mommy I would protect you forever.
Dracula: No one will harm her here.
Young Mavis: What out there?
Dracula: Oh, we never go out there. Ever.
Foreman: But, of course, be smart. No bonefires, no fireworks shows
Dracula: Yeah, yeah. No, no. No fire. I get it, i get it.
Mavis: It's amazing.
Dracula: She was kill by your kind.
[last lines as she's eating letters on the ending credits]
Elderly Gremlin: I didn't do that.
[first lines]
Dracula: Peek-a-boo!
Baby Mavis: [crying]
Dracula: No, no, no, no, no. I didn't mean to starle you, my little baby. Shh, shh, shh.
Dracula: [Dracula singing to baby Mavis] Hush, little vampire, don't say a word / Papa's gonna bite the head off a bird
Dracula: A-bitty-goo-bah! I vant to kiss your *tush.*
[Dracula kissing tush to baby Mavis and changes the diaper]
Dracula: I vant to kiss your *tush!*
Mavis: [Mavis angry yells to Dracula] This is all your fault!
Murray: [to his female mummy friend after Frankenstein's flatulence is blown into the fireplace creating a large explosion] I was NOT the cause of that!
Wayne: [as his many children are in the process of destroying the hotel lobby] Hey, kids, reel it in! You're only supposed to make mom and dad miserable!
Frankenstein: [after seeing Johnny dressed as a monster] That was... trippy.
Frankenstein: [jumps off the diving board] Geronimo!
Frankenstein: I like Johnny. Cousin or no, he told me fun stories.
Frankenstein: [having just given a deafening roar to a cheering crowd] I'm trying to scare you! The real Frankenstein!
Murray: Here comes the PARTY!
Hotel Transylvania Quotes
Weston 2022-03-22 09:01:28
There are so many cute monsters that are dazzling, and they have the style of Monster Power Company, but I think they are still lacking something. zing