Hotel Artemis Quotes

  • The Nurse: Code blue.

    Everest: Code blue? The fuck is a code blue?

  • The Nurse: You killed my son.

    Niagara: You made a deal with the Devil. What did you expect?

  • Acapulco: So, who's superior now, bitch?

  • Nice: You're the employee, I'm the business.

  • Nice: I kill important people.

  • Nice: You crossed the fucking line.

  • Niagara: [from the trailer] Rules? Without the rule breakers... where would you be?

  • Honolulu: Oh, man. I puked on my new suit.

    Waikiki: We'll get you another one, without all the holes in there.

  • The Nurse: This is America. Eighty-five percent of what I fix is bullet holes.

  • The Nurse: I thought you were done with all this.

    Waikiki: I got out, but you know how it goes.

    The Nurse: You're never out, not up here.

  • The Nurse: Easy fellas. Everyone's going to get fixed up. Now verify your memberships and we're off to the races.

  • Buke: This thing is covered in blood.

    The Nurse: It's always covered in blood.

  • Honolulu: Oh, that's real nice.

    Malibu Mob Diamond Courier: Believe me, you don't want it.

    Honolulu: Now, I *really* do.

  • The Nurse: We've been here for twenty-two years. This hospital was built on two things: trust and rules.

  • Nice: I'm in position to finish the job, but I need a thirty percent raise for inconvenience and because you're fucking gross.

  • Acapulco: Nice.

    Nice: It's pronounced Nice.

    Acapulco: I was talking about your ass, not your room allocation.

  • Everest: Hey, you put your dirty boots on the sofa in your own house?

    Acapulco: Oh, hey, go fuck yourself!

  • Waikiki: I'm a professional, but this woman, she's the business. If you knew what she could do with just that cup of coffee.

  • The Nurse: Okay, this is a real problem. I think I know her.

  • Everest: The Wolf King of LA.

    The Nurse: Such a dumb name.

  • Acapulco: You know, you might want to buy some scented candles or something, because it smells like someone died in here.

    The Nurse: They did.

  • The Nurse: No water in LA, but it's raining assholes in here.

  • The Nurse: Hello? How can I help? Yeah, I got two rooms left.

  • Nice: You're lucky this place has rules.

  • Nice: You can't pick what you're good at or who you love. This is what I do.

  • [repeated line]

    The Nurse: Just another Wednesday.

  • The Nurse: Things are going to Hell in a handbasket full of blood and shit!

  • Everest: Visiting hours are never!

  • Everest: When I walk away, don't jump on my back, okay? If you do, I'm going to fuck you up for real this time.

  • Waikiki: Work with what you got, not what you hope for.

  • Acapulco: You're street taco. I'm a 20 ounce sirloin.

  • Everest: I will unheal the shit out of you!

  • Morgan: Am I going to make it out of here?

    Everest: I hope so.

  • The Nurse: You know why they call him Everest? I think you do.

  • The Nurse: Did you know my son?

    Niagara: Ja. He stole my car. You know the rules: If you take something from me, I've got to give you back to the ocean.

    The Nurse: The cops said he OD'd.

    Niagara: I own the police, Jean.

  • [his last words]

    Niagara: [as Nice goes to stab him] Oh wow... so this is how it is?


    Niagara: Well send me down the river

  • [possibly her last words]

    Nice: I told you before: *don't cross my fucking line*.

  • Everest: Hey... you see that badge? That means I'm a health care professional. But that knowledge goes both ways. So if you tell anybody about The Artemis... I will hunt you down and unheal the shit out of you.

  • The Nurse: You want the good news or the bad news?

    Waikiki: Let's start with the good news.

    The Nurse: There isn't any.

  • Niagara: [pleading] Listen. I could pay you. I could make that Detroit money look like a bad tip...

    Nice: They bought your death. Don't give them your dignity for free.

  • The Nurse: *Fucking* Wednesday.

  • [last lines]

    The Nurse: [the hotel's neon-signs come on again] Keep it christmassy, babe.

  • [while securing all entry points to the hotel for Wolf King's arrival, Crosby Franklin and Trojan Nash find unconscious cops lying in the alley behind the hotel]

    Crosby Franklin: These rioters are really stepping up their game, huh? Double-tap them, to be sure.

    Trojan Nash: Is that really necessary?

    Crosby Franklin: [sarcastically] Uhhh... . I don't know. What do *you* wanna do? You wanna get into heaven, or you wanna make the Wolf King happy?

    Trojan Nash: 'ight.

    [cocks gun and proceeds to shoot the cops dead]

    Crosby Franklin: Hurry up. Dad's almost here.

Extended Reading
  • Kathleen 2022-04-29 06:01:01

    90 minutes can't hold such hardcore feelings