Hot Summer Nights Quotes

  • Hunter: [to Daniel] You're a smart little fuck, you know that? But too smart for your own fuckin' good.

  • Daniel: I think you should start collecting the fireflies again.

    McKayla: You can't hold on to everything.

    Daniel: I think some things you can.

    McKayla: [pause] Then I hope you're good at being hurt.

  • [Last lines]

    Narrator: To this day, I can't tell you why I looked out that window. But when I saw her standing there, somehow I knew *neither* of us would ever be the same. I'm the last person in town to see her alive. And I don't know how I feel about that. I really don't.


    Narrator: When she left town, she killed the dreams of every boy whoever knew who she was. Even if they were little dreams, like catching a whiff of her perfume, or tasting a piece of her gum. Or even, may be one day, that she would know our names.


    Narrator: She was last seen in a dinner outside Peoria, Illinois and headed west. I wonder if she got there okay... wherever she was going. And I wonder where she is now, and how she's doing. I guess... I'll always wonder.