Hot Fuzz Quotes

  • Nicholas Angel: What's the matter, Danny? Never taken a shortcut before?

    [proceeds to leap over a series of back-garden fences]

  • [Nicholas is giving a talk to a group of school children]

    Nicholas Angel: Are there any questions?

    [Danny is sitting at the back of a group]

    Danny Butterman: Is it true that there's a point on a man's head where if you shoot it, it will blow up?

  • [last lines]

    PC Doris Thatcher: [over radio] Any officers near the church?

    Nicholas Angel: Go ahead, Doris.

    PC Doris Thatcher: Chief, we've just gotten reports of some hippie types messing with the recycling bins at the supermarket.

    Nicholas Angel: Leave it with us.

    PC Doris Thatcher: Right-o.

    Nicholas Angel: Sergeant Butterman? The little hand says it's time to rock and roll.

    Danny Butterman: [puts on his sunglasses] Bring the noise!

    [Nicholas wheels the car around, hits the siren, and floors the gas pedal]

  • DS Andy Wainwright: It's all right, Andy! It's just bolognaise!

  • Annette Roper: [over walkie talkie] That Sergeant Angel's coming into your shop. Get a look at his arse.

  • Simon SkinnerNicholas Angel: SWAN!

  • [after having been shot]

    Reverend Philip Shooter: Jesus Christ!

  • [talking about his daily role of custody officer at the police station]

    Sergeant Turner: Nobody tells me nothin'.

  • [Frank is attempting to have Angel arrested by the other officers]

    Inspector Frank Butterman: You're not seriously gonna believe this man, are you? Are you? HE ISN'T EVEN FROM 'ROUND HERE!

  • Nicholas Angel: [shouting] Have you ever wondered why, why the crime rate in Sandford is so low, yet the accident rate is so high?

  • Inspector Frank Butterman: I used to believe in the immutable word of the Law. That is until the night Mrs. Butterman was taken from me. You see no-one loved Sandford more than her - she was head of the Women's Institute, chair of the floral committee. When they started the Village of the Year contest, she worked around the clock. I've never seen such dedication. On the eve of the adjudicator's arrival, some travellers moved into Callaghan Park. Before you could say 'gypsy scum' we were knee-deep in dog muck, thieving kids and crusty jugglers. We lost the title. And Irene lost her mind. She drove her Datsun Cherry into Sandford Gorge. From that moment on, I swore that I would do her proud.

  • DS Andy Wainwright: You do know there are more guns in the country than there are in the city.

    DS Andy Cartwright: Everyone and their mums is packin' round here!

    Nicholas Angel: Like who?

    DS Andy Wainwright: Farmers.

    Nicholas Angel: Who else?

    DS Andy Cartwright: Farmers' mums.

  • [Nick is being introduced to the NWA for the first time and expresses his religious convictions to Reverend Shooter]

    Reverend Philip Shooter: Oh, you're an agnostic, then?

    Dr. Robin Hatcher: [calling out] I think I've got a cream for that!

  • [Nicholas Angel is having a crackdown on underage drinkers in the pub]

    Nicholas Angel: Oy! When's your birthday?

    Underage Drinker #1: 22nd of February.

    Nicholas Angel: What year?

    Underage Drinker #1: Every year!

    Nicholas Angel: Get out!

    Nicholas Angel: [to the second underage drinker] When's your birthday?

    Underage Drinker #2: 8th of May... 1969...

    Nicholas Angel: You're 37?

    Underage Drinker #2: Yeah!

    Nicholas Angel: Get out!

    Nicholas Angel: [turns to last drinker] When's your birthday?

    Underage Drinker #3: [high pitched] Uhhhh...

    Nicholas Angel: Out!

  • Metropolitan Police Inspector: [darkly] You don't want me to get the Chief Inspector down here, do you?

    Nicholas Angel: Yes, I would actually.

    Metropolitan Police Inspector: Very well.

    [to a man by the door]

    Metropolitan Police Inspector: Kenneth?

  • Nicholas Angel: In the meantime, why don't you check out a few of Martin Blower's clients?

    DS Andy Wainwright: Martin Blower represents damn near most of the village. Do you want us to go through the whole phone book?

    DS Andy Cartwright: Yeah, we'll put a call in to Aaron A. Aaronson, shall we?

    Nicholas Angel: Please, don't be childish. At least consider interviewing the widow. Martin Blower was clearly having an affair with Eve Draper.

    DS Andy Wainwright: Ohh, and how did you establish that?

    Danny Butterman: [pounds table] 'Cause we sat through three hours of so-called acting last night, and the kiss was the only convincing moment in it.

    DS Andy Wainwright: All right, pipe down, biggun'.

    DS Andy Cartwright: Here, what else you got, Crockett and Tubby?

    Nicholas Angel: Skid marks.

    DS Andy Wainwright: Now who's being childish?

    Nicholas Angel: There were no skid marks at the scene! Doesn't it seem a little strange that Martin Blower would lose control of his car and not think to apply the brakes?

  • [First night in Sandford]

    Nicholas Angel: I'm taking you to the station.


    Nicholas Angel: Where is it?

  • Sergeant: Hello Nicholas.

    Nicholas Angel: Hello Sergeant.

    Sergeant: How's the hand?

    Nicholas Angel: Still a bit stiff.

    Sergeant: It can get awfully hairy out there. I'm surprised you weren't snapped up sooner for a nice desk job. That's what I did.

    Nicholas Angel: I prefer to think my office is out on the street.

    Sergeant: Indeed you do! Your arrest record is four hundred percent higher than any other officer, which is why it's high time that such... skills... were put to better use. We're making you sergeant.

    Nicholas Angel: I see.

    Sergeant: [mumbles]

    Nicholas Angel: In where, sorry?

    Sergeant: In Sandford, Gloucestershire.

    Nicholas Angel: But that's in the country...

    Sergeant: Yes! Lovely!

    Nicholas Angel: Isn't there a sergeant's position here in London?

    Sergeant: Oh, no.

    Nicholas Angel: Can I remain here as a PC?

    Sergeant: No.

    Nicholas Angel: Do I have any choice in this?

    Sergeant: No!

    Nicholas Angel: Sergeant, I kinda like it here.

    Sergeant: Well, you've always wanted a transfer to the country.

    Nicholas Angel: In twenty years or so, yes.

    Sergeant: Well done you.

  • Heston Services Clerk: Sir, is there anything I can do for you?

    Nicholas Angel: No... This is something I have to do myself.

  • Nicholas Angel: Mr. Porter, what's your wine selection?

    Roy Porter: Oh, we've got red... and, er... white?

    Nicholas Angel: I'll have a pint of lager, please.

  • Danny Butterman: By the power of Greyskull!

  • PC Doris Thatcher: What makes you think it was murrderr?

  • Danny Butterman: So what made you want to become a policeman?

    Nicholas Angel: Officer.

    Danny Butterman: What made you want to become a policeman-officer?

    Nicholas Angel: I don't remember a time when I didn't want to be a police officer... apart from the summer of 1979 when I wanted to be Kermit the Frog. It all started with my Uncle Derek. He was a Sergeant in the Met. He bought me a police pedal car when I was five. I rode around in it every second I was awake - arresting kids twice my size for littering and spitting. I got beaten up a lot when I was young, but it didn't stop me. I wanted to be like Uncle Derek.

    Danny Butterman: He sounds like a good bloke.

    Nicholas Angel: Actually, he was arrested for selling drugs to students.

    Danny Butterman: What a cunt...

    Nicholas Angel: Probably bought the pedal car with the proceeds. Needless to say, I never went near it again. I just let it rust. But I never lost the profound sense of right and wrong I felt at the wheel of that pedal car. I had to prove to myself that the Law could be proper and righteous and for the good of humankind. It was from that moment that I was destined to be a police officer.

    Danny Butterman: Shame...

    Nicholas Angel: How so?

    Danny Butterman: I think you would have made a great Muppet...

  • Nicholas Angel: Pack it in, Frank, you silly bastard!

  • P.I Staker: The swan's escaped?

    P.I Staker: Yeah.

    Nicholas Angel: Right. And where has the swan escaped from exactly?

    P.I Staker: Uh, the castle.

    Nicholas Angel: Oh, yeah? And who might you be?

    P.I Staker: Mr. Staker. Yeah, Mr. Peter Ian Staker.

    Nicholas Angel: P.I. Staker?

    P.I Staker: Yeah.

    Nicholas Angel: Right. "Piss Taker." Come on!

    Nicholas Angel: [cut to Nicholas with Mr. Staker] Yes, Mr. Staker. Um, we'll do everything we can. Can you describe it to me?

  • Various: SWAN!

  • Nicholas Angel: What's the situation?

    DS Andy Wainwright: Two blokes and a fuck-load of cutlery!

  • Danny Butterman: Do you want anything from the shop?

    Nicholas Angel: Cornetto.

  • Nicholas Angel: I may not be a man of God, Reverend, but I know right and I know wrong and I have the good grace to know which is which.

    Reverend Philip Shooter: Oh, fuck off, grasshopper.

    [Reverend Shooter pulls out a pair of derringers from his cassock]

  • DS Andy Wainwright: What are you thinking? Foul play? Maybe...

    [to Danny and Nicholas]

    DS Andy Wainwright: We're just hoping to talk to the last people to see Mr Merchant alive. Namely a Sergeant Knickerless Ass-wipe and Cuntstable Fanny Batterbum.

    Danny Butterman: [smiling] Hey, that's us!

  • DS Andy Cartwright: You wanna be a big cop in a small town? Fuck off up the model village.

  • [while holding a ginger-haired boy hostage]

    Simon Skinner: Stop, or the ginger-nut gets it!

  • Danny Butterman: Forget it, Nicholas... it's Sandford.

  • Nicholas Angel: You're a doctor, deal with it!

    Danny Butterman: Yeah, motherfucker!

  • Danny Butterman: Ever fired your gun in the air and yelled, 'Aaaaaaah?'

  • Nicholas Angel: And are they as big as he is?

    Danny Butterman: Who?

    Nicholas Angel: The mum and the sister?

    Danny Butterman: Same person.

  • Danny Butterman: [running to police car] I'll drive!

    Nicholas Angel: SHOTGUN!

    Nicholas Angel: Punch!... That!... Shit!

  • Nicholas Angel: I didn't mean to upset the apple cart.

    DS Andy Cartwright: Oh yeah, cause we all sell apples 'round here, don't we?

    Danny Butterman: Your dad sells apples, Andy.

    DS Andy Cartwright: And raspberries.

  • Danny Butterman: Point Break or Bad Boys II?

    Nicholas Angel: Which one do you think I'll prefer?

    Danny Butterman: No, I mean which one do you wanna watch first?

  • [repeated line]

    Danny Butterman: Pub?

  • [repeated line]

    Danny Butterman: Want anything from the shop?

  • [Doris knocks down a female shop assistant with a yellow "Slippery floor" sign]

    DS Andy Wainwright: Nice one, Doris.

    PC Doris Thatcher: Nothing like a bit of girl on girl!

  • Danny Butterman: What's it like being stabbed?

    Nicholas Angel: It was the single most painful experience of my life

    Danny Butterman: [nodding] What's the second most painful?

  • PC Doris Thatcher: I could have given you the tour! I've been around the station a few times!

  • Simon Skinner: Lock me up.

    Nicholas Angel: I'm sorry?

    Simon Skinner: I'm a slasher! I must be stopped!

    Nicholas Angel: You're a what?

    Simon Skinner: A slasher... of prices! I'm Simon Skinner - I run the local supermarché. Drop in and see me sometime - my discounts are *criminal*. Catch me later!

  • [repeated line]

    Michael: Yarp.

  • [Angel has knocked out Michael]

    Simon Skinner: [on walkie-talkie] Michael, are you there?

    Nicholas Angel: [pretending to be Michael] Yarp...

    Simon Skinner: Sergeant Angel's been taken care of?

    Nicholas Angel: Yarp...

    Simon Skinner: He's not going to get back up again?

    [Angel thinks for a while]

    Nicholas Angel: [hesitantly] Narp?

    Simon Skinner: Good. Proceed to the castle.

  • Danny Butterman: Where's the trolley boy?

    Nicholas Angel: In the freezer.

    Danny Butterman: Did you say "cool off?"

    Nicholas Angel: No I didn't say anything...

    Danny Butterman: Shame.

    Nicholas Angel: Well, there was the bit that you missed where I distracted him with the cuddly monkey then I said "play time's over" and I hit him in the head with the peace lily.

    Danny Butterman: You're off the fuckin' chain!

  • Danny Butterman: Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?

    Nicholas Angel: No.

    Danny Butterman: Have you ever fired one gun whilst jumping through the air?

    Nicholas Angel: No.

    Danny Butterman: Ever been in a high-speed pursuit?

    Nicholas Angel: Yes, I have.

    Danny Butterman: Have you ever fired a gun whilst in a high speed pursuit?

    Nicholas Angel: No!

  • Danny Butterman: What about... 'Lethal Weapon'?

    Nicholas Angel: No.

    Danny Butterman: You've seen 'Die Hard', though?

    Nicholas Angel: No.

    Danny Butterman: 'Bad Boys II'?

    Nicholas Angel: No.

    Danny Butterman: You ain't seen 'Bad Boys II'?

  • Nicholas Angel: With respect, sir, you can't just make people disappear.

    Chief Inspector: Yes I can, I'm the Chief Inspector.

    Nicholas Angel: Well however you spin this, there's one thing you haven't taken into account. And that's what the team are gonna make of this.

    [gets up and opens the door, where the team standing below a sign reading 'Good Luck Nicholas']

  • Nicholas Angel: Shit just got real!

  • [Angel is woken in the middle of the night with the report of a suspicious death]

    Nicholas Angel: [on the phone] "Decaffeinated?"

    [cut to shot of two decapitated heads]

  • Danny Butterman: Well, I couldn't see his face, could I? I'm not made of eyes!

  • [Mr. Skinner has tripped and landed with his chin impaled on a miniature church spire at the model village]

    Simon Skinner: Ow! Thish really hurtsh... I'm gonna need shome ice-creeeem.

  • [after being told they are reassigning Angel, in the middle of his career, to a nice village which he originally planned for his retirement]

    Nicholas Angel: I don't know what to say.

    Metropolitan Police Inspector: [prompting Angel] Yes.

    Sergeant: [prompting Angel] Yes, thank you.

  • [Andy takes a swig of beer, leaving a "moustache" of froth on his moustache]

    Nicholas Angel: You've got a moustache.

    DS Andy Wainwright: ...I know.

  • [Nick Angel and Danny are returning from the pub]

    Danny Butterman: Fancy a coffee?

    Nicholas Angel: No thanks, don't drink it.

    Danny Butterman: Cup of tea?

    Nicholas Angel: I don't drink caffeine after midday.

    Danny Butterman: A beer?

    Nicholas Angel: [pauses] Umm...?

  • Dr. Robin Hatcher: I brought you into this world, Danny. I think's rather fitting I should take you out of it!

  • [indicating the CCTV footage that will act as his alibi]

    Simon Skinner: [smiling] Feel free to spool through!

    [Skinner pulls a pose identical to the one in a photo on the wall behind him]

  • [at the scene of Leslie Tiller's death]

    Sergeant Tony Fisher: Hang about, hang about... you're saying this wasn't an accident?

    [Angel grimaces and drops money into the swear box]

    Nicholas Angel: Leslie Tiller was FUCKING murdered!

    DS Andy Cartwright: Just like Tim Messenger?

    Nicholas Angel: Yes!

    DS Andy Wainwright: George Merchant?

    Nicholas Angel: Yes!

    DS Andy Cartwright: And Eve Draper?

    Nicholas Angel: Yes!

    DS Andy Wainwright: Martin Blower?

    Nicholas Angel: No, actually.

    DS Andy Cartwright: Really?

    Nicholas Angel: [shouts] 'COURSE HE FUCKING WAS!

    [Danny drops a coin into the swear box]

    Nicholas Angel: Thank you, Danny!

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: Police Constable Nicholas Angel: born and schooled in London, graduated Canterbury University in 1993 with a double first in Politics and Sociology. Attended Hendon College of Police Training. Displayed great aptitude in field exercises, notably Urban Pacification and Riot Control. Academically excelled in theoretical course work and final year examinations. Received a Baton of Honour, graduated with distinction into the Metropolitan Police Service and quickly established an effectiveness and popularity within the community. Proceeded to improve skill base with courses in advanced driving... and advanced cycling. He became heavily involved in a number of extra-vocational activities and to this day, he holds the Met record for the hundred metre dash. In 2001, he began active duty with the renowned SO19 Armed Response Unit and received a Bravery Award for efforts in the resolution of Operation Crackdown. In the last twelve months, he has received nine special commendations, achieved highest arrest record for any officer in the Met and sustained three injuries in the line of duty, most recently in December when wounded by a man dressed as Father Christmas.

  • [in a crime scene, where everyone is masked and wearing the same clothes]

    Nicholas Angel: Janine, I've been transferred and I'm moving away for a while.

    'Not' Janine: I'm not Janine.

  • [looking at a suspicious-looking passerby]

    Nicholas Angel: All right, what about this guy? Ask yourself, why has he got his hat pulled down like that?

    Danny Butterman: He's fuck-ugly.

    Nicholas Angel: Or, he doesn't want you to see his face.

    Danny Butterman: 'Cause he's fuck-ugly.

  • Inspector Frank Butterman: And he had one thing you haven't got.

    Nicholas Angel: What's that, sir?

    Inspector Frank Butterman: A great, big, bushy beard!

  • Nicholas Angel: Yes, sir. Why is everyone eating chocolate cake?

    Inspector Frank Butterman: The Black Forest gateau is on Danny, as punishment for his little indiscretion.

    Nicholas Angel: His...? Sir, I don't think driving under the influence can be called a "little indiscretion."

    Inspector Frank Butterman: No, the gateau is for misplacing his helmet the other week. Last night's incident will require something a rather more serious. Do you like ice cream?

    Nicholas Angel: I'm sorry, sir. I don't follow.

    Inspector Frank Butterman: Let's just say that we won't be short of Chunky Monkey for the next month.

    Danny Butterman: [annoyed] Daaaaaad!

  • Nicholas Angel: You don't mind a bit of manpower, do ya Doris?

    PC Doris Thatcher: [laughing] Oh, dirty bastard!

  • Nicholas Angel: Why are you wearing a police officer's uniform?

    Danny Butterman: 'Cause I am one?

  • Nicholas Angel: Ow! You cheeky fucker!

  • [Tom is seated at the command centre, waving a pointed finger at CCTV photos of a street entertainer]

    Tom Weaver: If we don't come down hard on these clowns, we are going to be up to our *balls* in jugglers!

  • Dr. Robin Hatcher: I've told him several times "You shouldn't eat late at night".

    PC Doris Thatcher: Oh, I dunno. I quite like a little midnight gobble. Haha!

    PC Bob Walker: ...cocks.

  • Inspector Frank Butterman: I suppose you're wondering why we call them the "Andies"?

    Nicholas Angel: They're both called Andrew?

    Inspector Frank Butterman: [delighted] They said you were good!

    Danny Butterman: Also because talking to them is an uphill struggle, isn't it, Dad?

    [Danny gets hit on the head with a wastepaper basket]

    Danny Butterman: Fuck off!

    Inspector Frank Butterman: Thank you, Danny.

  • DS Andy Wainwright: Angel! Don't go being a twat, now.

    Nicholas Angel: I wouldn't give you the satisfaction!

  • Danny Butterman: [about PC Doris Thatcher] She's our only policewoman.

    Nicholas Angel: She's not a policewoman.

    Danny Butterman: [whispers] Yes, she is, I've seen her bra.

  • Simon Skinner: My, my, here come the Fuzz.

  • Nicholas Angel: [to Inspector Butterman] With respect, sir, geographical location shouldn't factor in the application of the law.

    [Danny tries to hand him a piece of cake]

    Nicholas Angel: No thanks.

  • Roy Porter: Another *cranberry* juice, Sergeant Angel?

    Nicholas Angel: No, I'm good, thank you.

  • Nicholas Angel: If you had paid attention to me in school, you'd understand it's not all about car chases and excitement.

    [someone speeds by, triggering Angel's radar speed gun]

    Nicholas Angel: Fire up the roof.

    [they chase and catch the speeding car]

    Danny Butterman: Now that was *brilliant*.

  • Leslie Tiller: I can never find my scissors.

  • [Frank Butterman is fleeing in a police car but crashes into a tree when he is distracted by the swan that Nicholas and Danny captured earlier]

    Nicholas Angel: I feel as if I should say something smart.

    Danny Butterman: You don't have to say anything at all.

  • [after supposedly stabbing Sgt. Angel, Danny is waving a sachet of tomato ketchup]

    Danny Butterman: Ta-daaa!

    Nicholas Angel: Danny, this is murder.

    Danny Butterman: It's not murder, it's ketchup.

    Nicholas Angel: It's Frank! He's appointed himself Judge, Jury and Executioner.

    Danny Butterman: [agitated and defensive] He's not Judge Judy, an Executioner.

  • Danny Butterman: [searching for the swan] Honk!

  • Nicholas Angel: How could this be for the greater good?

    Neighbourhood Watch Alliance: The Greater Good.

    Nicholas Angel: Shut it!

  • Leslie Tiller: [as Nicholas Angel is buying a Peace Lily in Leslie Tiller's flower shop] You know that fella who blew up?

    Nicholas Angel: George Merchant?

    Leslie Tiller: [speaking rapidly] Well, George Merchant - God rest him - wanted to buy this land. So he sent round his legal fella Martin Blower - God rest him. I thought I might take them up on it. I haven't really got that much family round here, save my cousin Sissy. So I thought I might take them up on the offer and move to Buford Abbey. Would you like a card with this?

    Nicholas Angel: [In shock at what he's hearing] Wha... no... sorry, you were talking about the offer.

    Leslie Tiller: [continuing rapidly] Well, it turns out that Martin Blower - God rest him - knew where the new Bypass Road is going 'cause he was knocking off Eve Draper from the council - God rest her. And then that reporter - God rest him - finds out about the route and tells me this land is very valuable. Ten times what George Merchant and Martin Blower - God rest them - offered me. So with them having passed on, I decided to sell it all myself to some folks from the city that Martin, George, and Eve - God rest the lot of them - have been talking to. Apparently, they want to build a big shopping center or something. Of course, Cousin Sissy won't be too happy about that but, as far as I'm concerned, Cousin Sissy can go and fu...

    Nicholas Angel: [cutting her off] Would you just excuse me for just one second?

    [He rushes out to his squad car]

  • [Sergeant Angel has told Danny Butterman that Official Vocabulary no longer refers to car crashes as accidents: They are now called collisions]

    Danny Butterman: Hey, why can't we say "accident," again?

    Nicholas Angel: Because "accident" implies there's nobody to blame.

  • Nicholas Angel: Police work is as much about preventing crime as it is about fighting crime. Most importantly, it is about procedural correctness in the execution of unquestionable moral authority.

  • Nicholas Angel: That's what I'm talking about.

  • Reverend Philip Shooter: Tim, your number's up.

  • [Danny and Nicholas have just watched 'Point Break']

    Danny Butterman: What do you think?

    Nicholas Angel: Well, I wouldn't argue that it wasn't a no-holds-barred, adrenaline-fueled thrill ride. But there is no way you can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork.

    Danny Butterman: That is nothing man, this is about to go off!

  • [Skinner is explaining why the NWA had Martin Blower murdered]

    Simon Skinner: You see, much as I enjoyed your wild theories Sergeant, the truth is far less complex. Blower's fate was simply the result of his being... an appalling actor.

    NWA Members: [echoing in agreement] Appalling.

    Nicholas Angel: You murdered him for that?

    Simon Skinner: He murdered Bill Shakespeare.

    Nicholas Angel: What? Oh.

    Annette Roper: Martin Blower was less concerned with the reputation of the village than he was with his sordid affair with Eve Draper!

    Nicholas Angel: So Eve deserved to die too?

    Dr. Robin Hatcher: Well, she did have a very annoying laugh.

    NWA Members: [echoing in agreement] Annoying.

    Nicholas Angel: George Merchant?

    Simon Skinner: He had in awful house.

    NWA Members: [echoing in agreement] Awful.

  • Simon Skinner: I'm a slasher, I must be stopped.

  • Nicholas Angel: What the f-!

    Inspector Frank Butterman: Sergeant!

  • Nicholas Angel: [Trying to stop Frank Butterman from killing Danny] Pack it in Frank you daft bastard!

  • [repeated line]

    Tom Weaver: Well, well I see we have visitors...

  • Danny Butterman: Dad just said it was his special club.

  • Danny Butterman: Yeah, Roy-ee!

  • Nicholas Angel: [about his notebook] This is the most important piece of equipment you will ever own. This notebook has saved my skin more times than I care to remember. Do you use yours?

    Danny Butterman: Yeah I use it.

    [shows him a flip animation]

    Nicholas Angel: [stunned] That's just extraordinary.

    Danny Butterman: You should see the one on the other side.

  • Nicholas Angel: We just sat through three hours of so-called acting, constable, and their kiss was the only convincing moment of it.

  • Nicholas Angel: I just want to be... good at what I do.

    Danny Butterman: You are good at what you do, you just need to switch off that big ol' melon of yours.

    Nicholas Angel: That's just it Danny, I don't think I know how.

    Danny Butterman: I can show you.

    [opens doors to a closet, reveals his rather large and extensive DVD collection]

    Nicholas Angel: [stunned] By the power of Greyskull!

    Danny Butterman: Point Break or Bad Boys II?

    Nicholas Angel: Which do you think I'd prefer?

    Danny Butterman: No I mean which do you want to watch first?

    Nicholas Angel: You are pulling my leg right?

  • Joyce Cooper: Fascist!

    Nicholas Angel: I beg your pardon?

    Joyce Cooper: [doing a crossword puzzle] System of government categorized by extreme dictatorship. Seven across.

    Nicholas Angel: Oh, I see. It's "fascism."

    Joyce Cooper: "Fascism"! Wonderful. Now, we've put you in the Castle Suite. Bernard will escort you over there.

    Nicholas Angel: Well, actually, I can probably make my own way up. Hag!

    Joyce Cooper: I beg your pardon?

    Nicholas Angel: Evil old woman, considered frightful or ugly, 12 down.

    Joyce Cooper: [thinks about it] Oh... bless you!

  • Dr. Robin Hatcher: [showing CCTV footage of the estate explosion] Interesting - we only seem to get a glimpse of the outer-most edge of the explosion. But we did happen to catch a glimpse of Sandford's most wanted!

    [shows the swan, everyone claps]

    Nicholas Angel: This isn't funny, doctor!

  • Nicholas Angel: [blocked by a gaggle of women pushing baby strollers] Oh you mothers.

  • Danny Butterman: [reading a DVD cover] Supercop... meet the cop, that can't be stopped.

  • Annette Roper: That SGT Angel's back. Get a look at his horse!

  • Inspector Frank Butterman: We lost the title. And Irene lost her mind. She drove her Datsun Cherry into Sanford Gorge.

  • Nicholas Angel: [investigating Tim Messenger's murder] Did you find anything?

    DS Andy Wainwright: Yeah, I looked at my watch, and I found out that it's way past time to stop working and that I should be at the pub!

  • [Angel and Butterman are driving to interview Arthur Webley, with PC Walker and his dog riding in the back]

    Nicholas Angel: What do we need the dog for?

    Danny Butterman: [chuckles] It's not the dog we need.

    [cut to the interview with Webley]

    Arthur Webley: [mumbles unintelligibly]

    Nicholas Angel: Right...

    [turns to Butterman and Walker]

    Nicholas Angel: What did he say?

    PC Bob Walker: He said...

    [mumbles only slightly more intelligibly]

    Nicholas Angel: [turns to Butterman] What did he say?

    Danny Butterman: He said, "an hedge is an hedge, he only chopped it down because it spoilt his view, and what's Reaper moaning about?"

  • Nicholas Angel: [talking to schoolchildren] Wanna do something useful?

  • [seeing Webley's barn full of guns]

    Nicholas Angel: Where on earth did you get these?

    Arthur Webley: Found 'em.

    Danny Butterman: He found them.

    Nicholas Angel: And what is this?

    Danny Butterman: Sea mine.

    Arthur Webley: Sea mine.

    Nicholas Angel: Well, Mr. Webley this is an extremely dangerous collection, it's a wonder nobody's been hurt before.

    Arthur Webley: Nah, just a lot of junk.

    [He hits the mine with the butt of his shotgun. With a creak, it slowly tips onto its side and starts ticking softly. The three men exchange a look]

    Nicholas Angel: MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!

  • Simon Skinner: I'm afraid my nickname of 'Sissy' is a revelation only to yourself. My teenage years studying ballet are well known.

    DS Andy Wainwright: Yeah, Sissy Skinner. What a gaylord!

    Simon Skinner: Thank you, Andrew.

  • [Pointing a gun at Nick]

    Tom Weaver: You know what you are? A bloody busybody!

  • Sergeant Tony Fisher: Must have hit the sign at some speed. Took the whole top off.

    PC Doris Thatcher: I've had my top off in this lay-by. Ha ha!

    PC Bob Walker: Tits.

  • Nicholas Angel: That's just grossly inappropriate!

  • Danny Butterman: [to Nick] You don't know how to switch off!

  • Nicholas Angel: [Just before the final confrontation with the NWA] Morning.

  • Tom Weaver: If we don't come down hard on these clowns, we are gonna be up to our balls in jugglers.

  • Nicholas Angel: Did you notice what I was doing? I was writing down everything that he said.

  • Nicholas Angel: I was hoping to check in.

    Joyce Cooper: Check in? But you've always been here...

    Nicholas Angel: Excuse me?

    Joyce Cooper: Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were my husband.

  • Nicholas Angel: You did good kid.

    Aaron A. Aaronson: Ta.

    Nicholas Angel: What's your name?

    Aaron A. Aaronson: Aaron A. Aaronson

    Nicholas Angel: Sorry?

  • [Danny and Nicholas are eating ice cream in the car when Nicholas makes a revelation about the case]

    Danny Butterman: What's a matter, you got brain freeze?

    Nicholas Angel: No, I've got brainwave. Get us back to the station. Now!

    Danny Butterman: [Danny shoves all of his ice cream in his mouth] Aargh!

  • Nicholas Angel: Chief Inspector...

    Chief Inspector: Keep your seat. Now, I know what you're going to say, but the fact is, you've been making us all look bad!

    Nicholas Angel: ...I'm sorry, Sir?

    Chief Inspector: Of course we all appreciate your efforts, but you've been rather letting the side down.

    Metropolitan Police Inspector: It's all about being a team player, Nicholas.

    Sergeant: You can't be the Sheriff of London.

  • PC Danny Butterman: Sorry, I just- I just feel like I'm missing out sometimes. I wanna do what you do.

    Nicholas Angel: You *do* do what I do! What on earth you think you're missing out?

    PC Danny Butterman: Gun fights, car chases... proper action and shit!

    Nicholas Angel: Police work is not about proper action. Or shit.

  • [Nicholas begins his assault on Stanford until Reverend Shooter appears holding his hands up]

    Reverend Philip Shooter: Stop! Stop this, please! Let us stop this mindless violence! Nicholas my son, you may not be a man of God, but surely you are a man of peace.

    Nicholas Angel: I may not be a man of god, Reverend, but I know right, and I know wrong, and I have the good grace to know which is which.

    Reverend Philip Shooter: [beat] Oh, fuck off, grasshopper!

    [produces two derringers from his robe sleeves and shoots Nicholas]

Extended Reading
  • Zachariah 2021-10-20 19:00:00

    A bloody violent movie that tells a bad story! It's better to give up the story or give up the blood, so that it may become a genre. It is full of inexplicable British humor, and it looks like Japanese.

  • Dorothy 2021-10-20 18:59:51

    How can little Simon be so handsome... Watching a comedy with two people will definitely enhance the relationship.