Hostel: Part II Quotes

  • Whitney: [to Beth] Is he hot, or is he too Eastern Bloc?

  • Stuart: Are you scared?

    [Beth silently nods]

    Stuart: You fucking better be.

  • Bubblegum Gang Leader: Bitches!

  • Stuart: I am strong. I am fucking Hercules!

  • Riccardo: I knew you were a tease, you fucking cunt.

    Beth: What the fuck did you call me?

    Riccardo: I called you stupid fucking American cunt!

    Beth: Fuck you!

    Riccardo: You know what? The train to fucking Prague is long, you bitch! We'll come see you.

  • Whitney: [to Miroslav] Come on, Borat, let's see what ya got.

  • [last lines]

    Beth: Na zdrowie.

  • Axelle: [looking at Beth in the mirror] You have a scratch.

    Beth: [Axelle picks up a make-up brush and paints over it] Ouch... it's sore.

    Axelle: I'm sorry.You have such beautful skin.

  • Lorna: [to Bubblegum Gang] Would you like a smint?

  • Axelle: As my father always says, "na zdrowie!", to your health!

  • [after Axelle drops her robe to pose nude for the art class]

    Art Class Professor: Hands on your pencils, boys!

  • Stuart: Where's Todd?

    [Todd's corpse is wheeled by in background]

    Big Guard: Problem with friend.

  • [first lines]

    Italian Police Officer: [to Paxton] Signore?

  • Italian Translator: How is your hand?

    Paxton: It's... it's better. What's left of it.

  • Stephanie: When are you gonna tell Josh's mother what happened?

    Paxton: I'm not.

    Stephanie: She still thinks her son is in Europe.

    Paxton: What the fuck am I supposed to tell her? She'll go straight to the police.

    Stephanie: Yeah, exactly. Someone should.

    Paxton: No, no one should. You don't get it. These people are tied into everyone. Someone starts asking questions, they're gonna come after me and find me.

  • Whitney: [about Lorna] Do you think she ever saw a cock before this class?

    Beth: If she did, it was in a Botticelli.

  • Whitney: [about Lorna] She's homesick for Baltimore? We're in Rome for fuck's sake!

  • Desk Clerk Jedi: This is a notice for the harvest fair tonight, girls. Will be sexy good times.

  • Lorna: Gosh! This village is so enchanting.

    Whitney: Lorna, are you having a journal-gasm right now?

    Lorna: Actually, yes. Multiple ones. I get to write about how beautiful this village is... and I get to write about what a raving bitch you are.

  • Lorna: [about Beth] Does she get, like, a really big allowance?

    Whitney: No, it's more like an inheritance. Her mom died when she was twelve and, like, left her everything. And so she keeps her dad on an allowance.

    Lorna: Really?

    Whitney: Yeah. She could pretty much buy Slovakia if she wanted to.

  • Whitney: Wow, is that a new journal you got there?

    Lorna: Yeah. It's a travel journal. For emotional callbacks.

  • Stuart: A tattoo is a little difficult to explain, Todd.

    Todd: Well it didn't seem like you had any problem explaining away the gonorrhea you brought back from Thailand.

  • Todd: Stuart, this is not like going to a whorehouse. You can't just back out.

  • Pavel: [to Beth] I could have helped you.

  • Stuart: [to Beth] I'm sorry. There's probably a small army of Slovak boys all fighting over you. Why travel all this way just to talk with an ugly American?

  • Stuart: Your friend looks like she's having fun.

    Beth: Yeah. I get to listen to them have sex later.

    Stuart: Can we switch? I'm over at the Dvorzak hotel and it's probably been three centuries since anybody's had sex over there.

  • Todd: Do you remember the first guy in your high school to get laid?

    Stuart: No, but I remember the last.

    Todd: Well, I do. This kid Greg. He came back from summer break; something about him had changed. It wasn't anything he said or did, but something was different. You just knew it.

    Stuart: I know what you mean. It's like you can sense it the way an animal senses it.

    Todd: Exactly. Like an animal. Sometimes, you meet a guy and there's just something fucking scary about him. Something that makes you think this guy has killed somebody. He doesn't have to act tough. He never has to say it. But like an animal, you can sense it. You know that this guy's got the balls to do what few others can. And that's you after today, my friend. People are gonna fucking fear you. Linda is gonna fucking fear you. What we do today is gonna pay off every day for the rest of our lives.

  • Todd: [toasting] To the next level.

  • Stuart: Isn't it bad luck to toast with water?

    Todd: Yeah. Bad luck for whoever meets us today.

  • Beth: So you and Sasha. Are you two...

    Axelle: Oh, no. God, no. He's old enough to be my dad.

    Beth: What does he do?

    Axelle: He does auctions.

  • Make-Up Woman: I make you pretty.

    Whitney: Pretty for what?

    Make-Up Woman: For the client.

  • Sasha: We have contract here.

    Beth: What kind of contract?

    Sasha: Anyone who comes to this place... cannot leave... without killing.

  • Stuart: Do you think we're sick?

    Todd: Fuck no. Dude, you look anywhere in the world where there's no law... whether it's fucking Chad or New Orleans... and this is the shit people are doing, bro. We're the normal ones.

    Stuart: Any idea what you're gonna do in there?

    Todd: You don't even wanna know. You don't even wanna know.

  • Beth: What is this place?

    Stuart: This place... people come here... people come here to kill people.

    Beth: What? Who kills? Oh my God, are they gonna kill us?

    Stuart: Well... not... us.

  • Todd: [after his electric saw becomes unplugged while terrorizing Whitney] That's fucking rich! You should see your fucking face!

  • Lorna: Oh my gosh! Could we go?

    Whitney: [Whispering to Beth] It sounds kind of gay.

    Miroslav: [while taking a flyer for the harvest festival] Excuse me.

    Whitney: Oh, we are so going to the harvest festival.

  • Whitney: I love that Lorna's the only one of us that got any action last night.

    Miroslav: Hey, I tried.

    Whitney: Keep trying.