Hostage Quotes

  • Mars Krupcheck: [while choking Jennifer] You're my girl. And my girl comes with me.

  • Mars Krupcheck: [leaning in really close to Jennifer when she's tied up] What's the best day of your life?

    [looks at him, scared, and doesn't say anything]

    Mars Krupcheck: You don't know?

    [shakes her head]

    Mars Krupcheck: Mine's today.

  • Dennis Kelly: [holding his dying brother Kevin] Mars, please, do something. Please. Please. Please. Please...

    Mars Krupcheck: I am.

    Dennis Kelly: What?

    [Mars shoots Dennis]

  • Jennifer Smith: Would you stop it?

    Tommy Smith: We need to help daddy.

    Jennifer Smith: Shut up! Watch the tv. That's the police, okay? They're gonna help.

    Tommy Smith: We gotta cut the tape.

    Jennifer Smith: Shut up!

    Tommy Smith: Pull all together, okay? Off the bed then like maybe we can get what's under the bed.

    Jennifer Smith: Under my bed? What's under my bed?

    Tommy Smith: Your bong. We can break it.

    Jennifer Smith: What? Have you been sneaking in my room?

  • [watching a tape of Mars robbing a convenience store and shooting the clerk]

    Wil Bechler: Classic foster product. Three years old, Marshall Krupcheck witnesses daddy kill mommy then sees daddy kill himself. You can guess the rest.

    [zooming in]

    Wil Bechler: Look at this. He was only seventeen at the time.

    [zooming in again]

    Wil Bechler: Clerk... He's trying to say something.

    Jeff Talley: He's saying, "help me."

    Wil Bechler: Yeah. Why's he standing there? Why's he just standing there?

    Jeff Talley: He's not just standing there.


    Jeff Talley: He's watching him die. We're talking to the wrong guy.

  • Jeff Talley: Fucking rich people.

  • Jeff Talley: Why don't you tell me something that I don't fucking know?

  • Mr. Jones: [phone rings] That would be the white phone.

  • Kevin Kelly: Why do I always gotta go?

    Dennis Kelly: If I'm buying, you're flying. Get outta the truck.

  • Dennis Kelly: Rich people always got a way out.

  • Kevin Kelly: I'm your brother!

    Dennis Kelly: I said I fucking...

    Kevin Kelly: I'm your brother! So you gotta choose. Me, or Mars?

    Dennis Kelly: I choose the money.

  • Jeff Talley: I thought you were the man in charge. Isn't that what you told me? You said "I'm the man"?

    Dennis Kelly: I am the man! I am in charge!

  • Kevin Kelly: You're just making it worse.

    Dennis Kelly: Look, I always take care of you.

    Kevin Kelly: Bullshit.

  • [pointing his gun at Jeff in the dark while they stare at each other]

    Mars Krupcheck: Bang.

    [smirks and disappears back into the dark again]

  • [answering Walter's phone]

    Dennis Kelly: Hello?

    Jeff Talley: Dennis, this is Jeff Talley. Listen to me. Watch the security channel. Dennis? Can you hear me?

    Dennis Kelly: Yeah, I don't really know what you're talkin' about.

    Jeff Talley: The hell you don't! Shut up! Listen to me. Just watch the TV. Just keep watching the outside camaras.

    [Kevin walks up, looking at him questioningly]

    Dennis Kelly: Yeah, what am I supposed to see?

    Jeff Talley: Shut up! Get your ass on the floor and watch the outside camaras, Dennis!

    Dennis Kelly: I'm watching. Okay, I'm watching.

    [the outside camaras get shot out and a bunch of "signal lost" messages appear on the screen]

    Kevin Kelly: Huh? What are they doing?

    [a helicopter flies overhead and Dennis pulls Kevin onto the floor beside him]

    Kevin Kelly: [whispering] What?

    Jeff Talley: Talk to me, Dennis.

    Dennis Kelly: Yeah, yeah, I'm here.

    Jeff Talley: Listen to me. Listen to me carefully. The Sheriff's playbook is to make you dead. First they're gonna shoot out those camaras, and then they're gonna shoot you. Am I clear?

    Dennis Kelly: What are you talking about?

    Jeff Talley: I'm trying to save your life!

    Dennis Kelly: Wait, I don't understand what...

    Jeff Talley: Shut up! I'm trying to save your life.

    Dennis Kelly: But you said you weren't the guy.

    Jeff Talley: I am the guy, Dennis. I am the guy.

    [looking sort of mad, Dennis takes the phone from his ear and looks at it like he wants to say something, but just throws it down]

  • Mars Krupcheck: [after stepping around corner and pointing gun point blank at kevin] You really should listen to your brother.

  • [sitting on the couch while Walter's cellphone is ringing in his pocket]

    Kevin Kelly: He keeps ringing.

  • Kevin Kelly: Put it back.

    Mars Krupcheck: Claustrophobic?

    Kevin Kelly: Try fuckedaphobic.

  • Dennis Kelly: [on the phone]

    Dennis Kelly: Fuck you. I'm running this shit. You talk to me.

    Jeff Talley: Yes, Dennis. You are running this shit.

  • [cd starts skipping]

    Dennis Kelly: This yours?

    [throws it out the window and smiles]

    Mars Krupcheck: Dennis.

    [Dennis looks out the back window and turns around quickly, then Kevin looks back and sees a cop car behind them]

    Kevin Kelly: Smooth. Hey, that's like a $200 ticket.

    Dennis Kelly: Shut up.

    Kevin Kelly: You got $200? Huh?

    Dennis Kelly: Shut up, Kevin.

    Mars Krupcheck: Green light.

  • Jeff Talley: You know what cops do when they retire? They play golf. I don't want to play golf. I hate fucking golf.

  • Dennis Kelly: [after Mars shoots a cop] Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fucking shit!

  • Jeff Talley: [talking to The Watchman] Go ahead. Kill my family. Kill me. Before you do, let me get to Smith's house and I'm gonna box up all that dead motherfucker's DVDs and you and the feds can bid on it on eBay! How's that, smart fuck?

  • [first lines]

    Joe Mack: I need to talk to that motherfucker! You hear me? I want to talk to that fucker right now! I want that motherfucker!

  • [last lines]

    Walter Smith: Goddamnit, kill him!

  • Jeff Talley: Captain Wubba's going to save Planet Xenon.

  • Sean Mack: [crying] Mr. Talley? Are you gonna save us?

    Jeff Talley: [pause] Yeah, Sean. I'm gonna save you.

  • Jeff Talley: Joe! Only God gets to decide who lives and who dies!

  • Tommy Smith: Chief Talley?

    Jeff Talley: Yeah, Tommy.

    Tommy Smith: Is my daddy gonna be okay?

    Jeff Talley: Yeah, son. A good friend o' mine is watchin' over him.

  • Jeff Talley: Yeah?

    Ridley: It's about Walter Smith.

    Jeff Talley: What happened?

    Ridley: He's awake.

  • Tommy Smith: Are you like Captain...


    Tommy Smith: are you like Captain Wubba? And my house is like Planet Xenon! And Captain Wubba is gonna save Planet Xenon...


    Tommy Smith: Right?

    Jeff Talley: [pause, sniffling] Yeah, Tommy. Captain Wubba's gonna save Planet Xenon. But I need your help.

  • Tommy Smith: [opens door to safe room] Chief Talley!

    Jeff Talley: [on his knees, hugs him] You did very good. You did really good. Ok?

  • Mr. Jones: Nobody leaves until I get what I need.

    Jeff Talley: Just get them to the front door.

    [Jones shoots Jeff]

    Jeff Talley: [staggers, falls to one knee; tosses DVD cases to him] Just let them go.

Extended Reading
  • Melba 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    good! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  • April 2022-04-23 07:02:14

    It still feels great to revisit