Hide and Seek Quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Emily: Let's just hope you don't end up like her.

  • Emily: Do you like her, Daddy?

    David: Emily.

    Emily: Charlie says you do.

    David: Stop this.

    Emily: Did Daddy tell you about my mommy?

    David: I'm sure Elizabeth doesn't want to hear such things.

    Emily: She killed herself. She slit her wrists and drowned in the bathtub. Let's hope you don't wind up like her.

  • Laura: It's going to be a real treat having both of you here.

    David: I didn't even realize anyone else lived up here.

    Laura: Well, it does get pretty quiet in the off season.

  • Emily: I have a new friend.

    David: A new friend?

    Emily: He told me to call him Charlie.

    David: When did you meet Charlie?

    Emily: Today.

    David: When we went to town?

    Emily: Just before that.

    David: Is he here right now?

  • David: Emily, why would you do this?

    [scene changes to bathtub lit with candles. A message on the tub wall in blood: You let her die]

    Emily: It was Charlie.

  • David: Emily, did you have a part in this?

    Emily: I can't tell you.


    Emily: I'm sorry. I can't tell you.

  • David: Emily, what's going on?

  • Katherine: It's not unusual for a child to create an imaginary friend.

  • David: I don't want to be too forward, but I don't notice a lot of kids around and I'm trying to find other kids to have play dates with Emily.

  • David: You know Charlie doesn't exist.

    Emily: You shouldn't say that.

    David: Why not?

    Emily: You're gonna make him mad.

  • Emily: You like games?

    Elizabeth: I love games. Would you like to play one?

    Emily: I'm already playing.

  • David: What? Spaghetti and meatballs is your favorite dish.

  • [from trailer]

    David: We're gonna move, out of state - country.

    Katherine: What about Emily? This is a traumatic time for her. I think it's important she stays here and works through this.

    David: No, here she's flooded with memories. Right now, I need to be a full-time dad.

  • [first lines]

    Alison: Faster.

    Emily: No, no, no.

  • Elizabeth: Is your daughter this crazy?

  • [last lines]

    Katherine: Did you do your homework?

    Emily: Yes.

    Katherine: Did you brush your teeth?

    Emily: Yes.

    Katherine: Good.

  • [first title card]

    Title card: First day of the New Year. New York City

  • [last lines]

    Emily: Can you leave the door open?

    Katherine: You know I can't do that.

  • Emily: Can you see now, Daddy?

  • David: [after having several flashbacks]

    Emily: Can you see now, daddy?

    David: [possessed] It's okay. Daddy's gone now.

  • [after hearing a noise at the front door at about 2am in the morning]

    David: [tears open front door to see Mr. Haskins kneeling on porch]

    Mr. Haskins: [bolts up] Dr. Calloway. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you at this hour.

    [hands over small envelope]

    Mr. Haskins: These are the keys to the individual rooms in the house. I thought you might be needing them. I meant to be give them to you earlier, but I forgot. I'm sorry.

    David: [looks at the keys and then glares back at Mr. Haskins] It's a little bit late to be delivering keys, isn't it?

    Mr. Haskins: Wife and I are going to Canada early in the morning, so I thought I'd just slip them under your door while it was still on my mind.

  • Steven: Dr. Callaway!

    David: You. What are you doing here?

    Steven: I heard some noises. I saw you come out of the woods with a shovel. Is everything all right?

    David: No.

    Steven: Is Emily all right?

    David: You stay away from us.

    Steven: I want to see her.

    David: You stay away or I'm gonna call the cops.

    Steven: I want to see her now.

    David: You sick fuck.

  • [Steven is peering in through the windows]

    David: [screaming] You stay away. You stay away. You get out of here.

  • David: [hugging Emily] I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I'm so sorry, honey.

  • David: [possessed as Charlie] I can't help but sense a certain tension between us.

    Emily: [too scared to answer]

    David: What's the matter? Don't you want to play anymore? Don't you want to have fun?

    Emily: [sniffles sadly and scaredly]

    David: Hmm? You want your daddy back? Is that it? You like him more than me, don't you?

    Emily: [quietly] No.

    David: Oh. Liar.

    Emily: [quietly] No. I'm not.

    David: Yes you are. Liar, liar. You big fat liar.

    Emily: [quietly] You killed mommy.

    [wind whistles in the background]

  • [from deleted scene after David helped sheriff with problem]

    Sheriff Hafferty: You still got that parking ticket?

    David: Yeah. It's in the glove compartment.

    Sheriff Hafferty: No it's not.

  • [bedtime one night]

    David: Honey, where's Alex?

    Emily: I don't like her anymore.

    David: Did I just hear what I thought I heard?

    Emily: Are you mad, Daddy?

    David: No, I'm not mad at all, honey. I think it's great.

  • [about Charlie]

    David: Is he... here right now?

    Emily: I think he's sleeping.

    David: Okay. Well, in that case, we better not wake him.

  • Emily: Can you see now, daddy?

    David: [possessed] It's okay. Daddy's gone now.

  • Emily: You shouldn't be here.

    Amy: Why is that?

    Emily: You could get hurt.

  • David: So did you like Amy?

    Emily: I don't need anymore friends.

  • David: Why did Charlie do that? Was it because of Elizabeth?

  • Emily: Charlie did it!

  • [last lines, alternative ending]

    Emily: One-1000, two-1000, three-1000, four-1000, five-1000, six-1000, seven-1000, eight-1000, nine-1000, ten-1000. Ready or not, here I come.

    Emily: Come out, come out, wherever you are...

    Emily: There you are.

  • Emily: Come out come out, where ever you are...

  • Emily: [about Charlie] He doesn't want me to talk about him.

  • Alison Callaway: Some things are beyond therapy, David.

Extended Reading
  • Kasey 2022-04-25 06:01:01

    The film is compact and exciting when the bottom is not leaked, and it is boring and absurd when the bottom is leaked.

  • Aron 2022-04-25 06:01:01

    Three and a half. The actors and themes are well chosen, and the atmosphere and rhythm are very good. Some details need to be perfected.