Pik van Cleef: Randal, Randal, Randal. You were going to leave without saying goodbye, huh?
Randal Poe: My momma got sick in Biloxi. I was gonna call you, Mr. Van Cleef...
Pik van Cleef: Of course you were, Randal. Of course you were. I know you didn't mean to... hurt... my feelings.
Pik van Cleef: Randal, I come back here, I cut me a steak.
Chance Boudreaux: If you understand me, just grunt.
Randal Poe: [Lying face down on a massage table thinking the masseuse is still massaging him, not knowing that Chance is] Oh yeah, baby...
Chance Boudreaux: Hello, Poe.
Randal Poe: [making a startled rise from the table] What the fuck?
Chance Boudreaux: [slamming Poe's face down into the head rest] You miss me?
Randal Poe: Oh Christ, not again!
Chance Boudreaux: It looks like you're short an ear, so you better listen very carefully. Now, who sent those apes after me?
Randal Poe: [squirming in pain] I don't know what you're talking about!
Chance Boudreaux: [pushes Poe's head harder into the head rest] Two million people in this city, who's gonna miss a fat slob like you, Poe?
Randal Poe: Van Cleef! His name is Van Cleef!
Chance Boudreaux: Good boy. Where is he?
Randal Poe: I dont know where he lives, he ain't even American! Look he'll kill me if I don't do what he says, please...
Chance Boudreaux: [pushes Poe's head further into the head rest] You tell your boyfriend Van Cleef that I'm going to find out who killed Douglas Binder. If you understand me, just grunt.
[Poe grunts hesitantly]
Chance Boudreaux: Again.
[Poe grunts again, louder this time]
Douvee: Ooh-wee! Ha ha! Sometimes I 'maze myself! Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear!
Chance Boudreaux: What's your name?
Natasha Binder: It's Nat.
Chance Boudreaux: Nat?
Natasha Binder: Mm-hmm.
Chance Boudreaux: Your parents named you for a... bug?
Chance Boudreaux: You trust me?
Natasha Binder: Of course I trust you.
Chance Boudreaux: Close your eyes.
Natasha Binder: Why do you want me to trust you with my eyes closed?
Chance Boudreaux: Now take your pig-stick and your boyfriend, and find a bus to catch.
Elijah Roper: Hey! Help me, man! Come on, man! Help me!
Man On The Street: Hey, man! I ain't got no change, man!
Emil Fouchon: You're not angry at me, are you, Pik?
Pik van Cleef: I don't get angry.
[holds up his shotgun]
Pik van Cleef: I'm a professional.
[after blasting Stephan]
Chance Boudreaux: Sorry about your shirt.
Emil Fouchon: Careless is what you are, Randal. Careless and stupid; and now you're sorry, too.
Douvee: [handing Natasha a flask of his moonshine] Here, drink. But do not spill. It kill de grass.
Emil Fouchon: I'll fuck you, then I'll eat you.
Stephan: [his only line] The place is clean, he just left.
Emil Fouchon: [his last line] Whoops!
Emil Fouchon: You are a fucking buffalo!
Emil Fouchon: There's always some unhappy corner of the globe where we can ply our trade.
Emil Fouchon: [Fouchon stops Zenan from shooting Roper before the chase can begin] This is New Orleans, Mr. Zenan... not Beirut!
Pik van Cleaf: [after punching a sleeping Poe in the stomach] Wakey wakey, you fat fuck!
Natasha Binder: What kind of a name is Chance?
Chance Boudreaux: Well... my momma took one...
Chance Boudreaux: Do you still have the 30.06... the one I gave you for your birthday?
Douvee: No... a gator ate it. But I still got your shot-gun.
Natasha Binder: [after Douvee has been shot in the leg] Can you get up?
Douvee: I cannot dance... but, I can get up.
Chance Boudreaux: Grab the bar!
Emil Fouchon: Load me!
Emil Fouchon: You see, Miss Binder, you I can understand. It was a matter of family.
[to Boudreaux]
Emil Fouchon: You had *nothing* in common with those people. What made you want to complicate my life like that?
Chance Boudreaux: Poor people get bored, too.
Waitress: How's that gumbo, Chance?
Chance Boudreaux: A tragedy. The coffee was tolerable, though.
Waitress: It ain't free, neither.
Chance Boudreaux: Yeah. I know.
Waitress: Leave your wallet in your tuxedo?
Chance Boudreaux: I play that one on you before?
Waitress: Yeah. For the gumbo.
Chance Boudreaux: That's right.
[hands her a whole bunch of change]
Emil Fouchon: [after a hunt] Was it worth it?
Mr. Lopacki: Every nickel.
Randal Poe: Well, if it ain't my good friend Boudreaux. I thought you was gonna catch a ship.
Chance Boudreaux: Maybe I'll stick around to run for mayor.
Pik van Cleef: It appears your trophy is ripping us a new orifice.
Emil Fouchon: Let me review the tactical situation for you, gentlemen. Boudreaux is wounded. He's been pursued and harried across miles of open country. Now he's cornered and outnumbered 20 to 1. He's an annoying little fucking insect and I want him stepped on hard.
Pik van Cleef: Boudreaux, Boudreaux, Boudreaux. I've been looking all over for you.
Chance Boudreaux: You've been looking in the wrong places.
Pik van Cleef: That's good, 'cause I know you wouldn't want to hurt my feelings.
[last lines; after Fouchon stabbed Douvee with an arrow]
Chance Boudreaux: [shakes him] Douvee! Douvee!
Douvee: [opens his eyes] What is this noise?
[they help him sit up]
Douvee: I think I hurt pretty bad.
[He takes his flask out of his breast pocket, which has a hole punched in it]
Douvee: Now this... this real catastrophe! This real bad!
Chance Boudreaux: Yeah, real bad.
Madam: Chance! What brings you here?
Chance Boudreaux: [mysteriously] Secret mission.
Madam: Oh...
[she motions him inside, he winks at her]
Chance Boudreaux: Hunting season... is over.
[over the chaos of an ambush, van Cleef hears a fuse burning]
Pik van Cleef: GET THE FUCK DOWN!
[first lines]
Douglas Binder: [trying to open a locked door] Please...
Chance Boudreaux: Hey, pigeon.
Emil Fouchon: [One of Fouchon's men has been bitten by the rattler that Chance planted as a booby-trap] If you men would die quieter and pick up the pace, Boudreaux would have less time for these little surprises.
Hard Target Quotes
Jacklyn 2022-04-21 09:02:33
When Jean-Claude Van Damme was young, the action scenes were a bit far-fetched. The reason why Jean-Claude Van Damme didn't have Schwarzenegger and Stallone is that, like Steven Seagal, he didn't have a good script.
Damaris 2022-04-22 07:01:32
American first night of Hong Kong-style action