Hard Boiled Quotes

  • Mad Dog: You know what I hate? Two groups of people: fucking cops and creeps who betray their old bosses.

  • Tequila: You're full of shit, you know that? There's a toilet over there.

  • Superintendant Pang: Give a guy a gun, he thinks he's Superman. Give him two and he thinks he's God.

  • Johnny Wong: [Handing Alan a gun] We either conquer the world or you kill me tonight with this gun.

    Alan: I have my own.

  • Johnny Wong: There is no room for failure now. The innocent must die!

  • Tequila: What's with all these paper cranes? You bored? Maybe you feel lonely here?

    Alan: You know, I've always hated making cranes. I make one each time I kill somebody. How about it, shall I make you one?

    Tequila: No thanks. And if you'll get killed, who'll make yours?

  • [in English, unexpectedly]

    Superintendant Pang: Attention! This is a fucking order!

  • Tequila: You're really full of shit. The toilet's over there.

  • Johnny Wong: Everything goes in and out of style, except war.

  • Alan: When I'm a Triad, the cops want to kill me and when I'm a cop, everyone wants to kill me! I'm a scared man.

  • Alan: [shortly after Tequila reassured Alan that the guy he shot wasn't a cop] Was that guy I shot really a cop?

    Tequila: Yeah.

    Alan: Fuck!

  • Tequila: I can't afford any of these apartments!

    Cop: Why not live in a government apartment?

    Tequila: No way, I make too much for that! Wait... jazz bar! I'll live in the jazz bar!

    Cop: At least you'll get a lot of "sax".

  • Johnny Wong: Most things go in and out of style - that is with the exception of war of course.

  • Alan: Have you got a cop called Vodka?

    Superintendant Pang: He's called Tequila. He's a tough cop.

    Alan: I don't care who he is, tell him to back off. He'll ruin everything. Do you want to go to another funeral!

  • Alan: Birthdays aren't important when you don't have a real identity.

  • Tequila: What are you? It's hard to call you a triad. It's even harder to call you a cop. What rank are you? Sergeant? Inspector? Joker? Should I salute you?

    Alan: If you like. To you, I'm a criminal. To my mum, I'm a son. To the triads, I'm a hero.

  • Tequila: Should I salute you?

    Alan: You've got the gun. I'll go and milk a cow if you want.

    Tequila: Sorry, I don't drink milk

  • Tequila: If all cops were as selfish as you, Hong Kong would be dead

  • Tequila: Which year did you graduate? Who was your teacher?

    Alan: Are you testing me?

    Tequila: I'd just like to ask your teach how he managed to produce such a stubborn cop.

  • Alan: Pang said you don't waste bullets.

    Tequila: Are you testing me?

  • Tequila: Do you have any dreams?

    Alan: I do. I want to move to Antartica.

    Tequila: It's freezing there. You like that?

    Alan: At least I can come out of the dark. There's daylight 24 hours a day there.

  • Tequila: [Tequila's pants leg is on fire and a baby he's holding urinates down Tequila's leg, causing the fire to go out] You saved the day there, you little pisspot. Thanks a lot.

  • Tequila: [to Alan] I hate in-house funerals. I write all the music each time. A cop dies, and I have to play a tune for him. I really don't want to do that for you.

  • [to a baby, after shooting someone]

    Tequila: Hey, x-rated action!