Carmen: Ramon, you're beautiful...!
Ramon: Only on the outside...!
The Mighty Sven: If you want it, you must will it. If you will it, it will be yours.
[shouts down at Carmen who is down below, far beyond the ice block cliff where Ramon stands at]
Ramon: I hate this long distance relationship!
The Mighty Sven: Today is great victory... for defeat.
Ramon: You, me, beautiful egg, right now.
Carmen: You, me, fat chance.
Ramon: I have a chance, and it's fat!
Atticus: Y'all best be apologizin', or I'll be tearing you a new nostril.
Bill the Krill: What's happening, Will!
Will the Krill: It's the wave of change, Bill! We've got to get on the ride!
Will the Krill: So this is the end. I better make my will. I, Will Williams, do hereby leave everything to my imagination. Oh, no! I have an imagination, the second sign of madness.
Will the Krill: That's one small step for a krill, one giant leap for a spineless invertebrate.
Will the Krill: I want to be free, Bill.
Bill the Krill: There is no such thing as free, Will.
Ramon: [falling and reciting his name] My name is Ramón, Ramón Carlos Boyer García Sánchez Santa María La Niña Pinta Pacífico Beni...
[hits the ground]
Erik: [singing to Bryan the Beachmaster] "And the kings are all fools."
Will the Krill: You hear that? They're doing it again!
Bill the Krill: Doing what?
Will the Krill: This.
[starts to dance and laugh frantically]
Bill the Krill: Fascinating. What is it?
Will the Krill: I have no idea.
Bill the Krill: [starts to dance as well] Wow! What's it for?
Will the Krill: Perhaps it's a momentary relief from the existential terrors of existence.
Bill the Krill: Oh.
Bill the Krill: What?
Will the Krill: It brings out my happy!
[last lines]
Bryan the Beachmaster: No worries, Mumble. No worries.
Mumble: [to his family] Yeah. No worries.
Happy Feet Two Quotes
Extended Reading