Handsome Devil Quotes

  • [Ned starts playing guitar, one chord only, repeatedly]

    Dan Sherry: Okay, so that's D.

    Ned Roche: That's D.

    [Ned plays D again after a pause]

    Dan Sherry: Is D your only...

    Ned Roche: D is my only chord, yeah!

  • Ned Roche: [voice over] Did you know lizards can regrow their tails? That's how it was in our school with English teachers. One dies, another grows in his place. No big deal.

  • Ned Roche: [voice over] The Berlin Wall was built overnight. The world woke up the morning after and there it was. Now I'm no communist, but there's a lot to be said for acting decisively.

  • Ned Roche: [voice over] We all have one thing we're ashamed of, the memory of one moment so embarrassing we don't think we'll ever get over it, a moment that still awakens us at four AM, sweating. My terrible moment happened because I was afraid. I was afraid because I lost the only true friend I'd ever known. People do bad things out of fear.

  • Weasel: Touch me, homo, and I call rape, okay?

  • Weasel: We can not have a teammate giving us AIDS in the middle of a scrum.

    Spainer: Yeah, I'm not totally sure that's how the HIV virus is transmitted.

    Weasel: And go fuck yourself, Spainer.

  • Dan Sherry: [first day in his new class] Darren Finnegan! Did you make that absurd noise?

    [silence from everyone]

    Dan Sherry: Age: sixteen. Birthday: June. Shoe size: eight and a half. Fan of Formula One car racing. Allergic to milk, and therefore all dairy. Father: a management consultant. Mother: stay at home mom. Uh, bed-wetter, I imagine, and a coward for sure. Congratulations, Mr. Finnegan, you are today's winner of the witless tool competition. Be gone!

  • Dan Sherry: There is no limit to what you can learn from reading.

  • Dan Sherry: In the meantime, we're going to be reading "Lord of the Flies" by Golding, a cautionary tale about giving power to an impressionable mass of fragrant and unkempt urchins - not that that's ever gonna happen in my class.

  • Dan Sherry: The next person to make a single solitary sound of any sort is in hideous trouble.

  • Dan Sherry: [if] You spend your whole life being someone else, WHO'S GONNA BE YOU?

  • Conor Masters: Today that was pretty cool. I liked the song.

    Ned Roche: Could you go straight to Hell, please?

  • Ned Roche: Despite my best intentions, I began to feel like I fit in.

  • Pascal O'Keeffe: You afraid to be hit? Go sign up for the school opera. I'm sure they're short a few tavern wenches.

  • [Conor's kicks go poorly]

    Pascal O'Keeffe: [sighs] Conor, sport... kicking... takes a quiet mind. You need to have nothing going on in there. Okay? So, what's eating you?

    Conor Masters: Sir... sometimes I just... feel... like a robot...

    Pascal O'Keeffe: Mm.

    Conor Masters: ...doing this again and again. Maybe... there's a little more to life than...

    [Pascal gives an incredulous look and Conor immediately shuts down]

    Pascal O'Keeffe: You have a rare gift, and you need to use it. And recently I've noticed you hanging around with different people - which is fine, I suppose, whatever - but here's the thing, son: You lie down with dogs, you get fleas. Have you identified the fleas? Don't complicate this, son.

    Pascal O'Keeffe: [identifying Conor, the rugby ball and the goal posts] There's you, and that... and those. Now, come on.

    [Conor's kick get even worse]

  • Weasel: Conor, I promised my father on his deathbed that I would do everything in my power to win that cup. I-I'm not the only one that's noticing you're spending a lot of time with the wrong kind of people. What we're gonna do is - you're gonna pick your company a little bit better. You're gonna focus on the semi-final, and we'll let the rumors from your old school be... rumors from your old school.

  • Dan Sherry: Some boys don't play rugby. What about those boys?

  • Pascal O'Keeffe: [on their star player's absence] And I don't know if you were aware of the rumors swirling around, but it transpires that he was dealing with serious personal issues. Well, he's missing today, and I want to tell you this: We are way better off without him. I mean, we all have personal issues, but look around ya. Anyone who can't be trusted to put those issues to one side can't be part of a team. Yeah? We all have shit that we're goin' through, you know, but do you run? No. You stay. You stay and you deal with your shit by standing in a field, blowing a whistle in the fucking rain.

  • Ned Roche: Reveal to them who you are, if you dare.

  • Pascal O'Keeffe: Your mind is shot, right? You're... you're all over the place. I understand that.

    Conor Masters: [confidently] How is it shot?

    Pascal O'Keeffe: Well... at this point... Conor, we all heard about... the thing.

    Conor Masters: [smirking] The thing?

    Pascal O'Keeffe: The thing.

    Conor Masters: The thing.

    Pascal O'Keeffe: [angrily] The t'ing! The t'ing! The t'ing!

  • Dan Sherry: Arthur's me fella.

  • Ned Roche: That year, everyone in school learned the same lesson: not to speak in a borrowed voice.

Handsome Devil

Director: John Butler

Language: English,Latin Release date: June 2, 2017