General Al Rawi: Your government wanted to hear the lie Mr. Miller... they wanted Saddam out and they did exactly what they had to do... this is why you are here...
Martin Brown: I want you to tell him not to talk to the American interrogators.
Miller: I thought we were all on the same side?
Martin Brown: Don't be naïve...
Miller: When you peddled that shit in DC, did they know it was a lie? Or did they just never bother to ask?
Clark Poundstone: Okay, okay. Come on, none of this matters anymore. WMD? This doesn't matter.
Miller: [grabs Poundstone angrily and forcefully] What the fuck you talking about? Of course it fucking matters! The reasons we go to war always matter! It's all that matters! It fucking matters!
[first lines]
Al Rawi Bodyguard: [air raid sirens] Leave that! Space is limited!
Al Rawi Bodyguard: [explosions beginning] Hurry up! Hurry! We must leave now!
Al Rawi Bodyguard: [chaos in the hallways] Downstairs everyone!
Al Rawi Bodyguard: General...
General Al Rawi: [no response]
Al Rawi Bodyguard: General Al Rawi, sir. We must leave now.
Al Rawi Bodyguard: Ayad, get in the car. I'm right behind you.
[leaving the building]
Al Rawi Bodyguard: Seyyed, send the men to the safe houses.
General Al Rawi: Tell them to wait for my car.
Al Rawi Bodyguard: Yes, General.
[all drive off amid fire balls]
Computer Dispay: [on Miller's tablet] A source has confirmed that chemical and biological weapons are stored at a facility in Al Mansour District.
Martin Brown: You cannot just hand this country over to an exile no one's ever heard of, and a bunch of interns from Washington.
Wilkins: Chief, our mission is here.
Miller: You want to sit around dig holes all day, or get something done?
Miller: What happened to your leg?
Freddy: My leg is in Iran. Since 1987. Me too, I fight for my country.
Miller: Freddy listen, you give me your information, I'm going to get you a reward for what you did today.
Freddy: Award... You think I do this for money? You think I don't care about my country? I see what's happening. You don't think I see what's happening? And all the people now, they have no water, they have no electricity - you think I do this for reward? You don't think I do this for me? For my future. For my country. For all these things? Whatever you want here, I want more than you want. I want to help my country.
[repeated line]
Miller: I'll keep it in mind.
Miller: At least tell me how it happened. How does this happ... how does someone like you write something that's not true? Tell me.
Freddy: [to Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller] It is not for you to decide what happens here.
Clark Poundstone: [to Brown] D.C.'s got too much riding on this to have you and some Bathist generals fuck it up.
Miller: What happened to your leg?
Freddy: My leg is in Iraq since 1987.
Briggs: Have a nice war.
Green Zone Quotes
Extended Reading