[Prologue title card]
Title card: I never truckled; I never took off the hat to Fashion and held it out for pennies. By God, I told them the truth. They liked it or they didn't like it. What had that to do with me? I told them the truth; I knew it for the truth then, and I know it for the truth now. FRANK NORRIS.
Title card: GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
Marcus: There's no water... within a hundred miles o' here!
[the two men hopelessly stand by the dead mule in the middle of the desert]
Marcus: We... are... dead... men!
Trina: Let's go sit on the sewer.
McTeague: [Trina won't let him in the house, and won't give him any money or food] Come on, Trina, I wouldn't even treat a dog like this!
Trina: [shows where her fingers were amputated] Not even if he... bit you?
Trina: [counting her money] $750, oh how I saved and slaved for you. Nobody will ever have you.
Trina: [McTeague sent her to the butcher with $1.00 to get some meat, turning up her nose at the prices] Got anything cheaper?
Butcher: [picks up a bucket] Three days old.
Trina: [looking in her change purse full of coins, closes it] I got no small change, Mac.
[McTeague pays for her orchid]
McTeague: [after Trina pockets his $1 and buys a 15 cent old mutton chop] Where's my change?
Trina: It takes money to live, Mac.
McTeague: The part I liked best was the guy that played 'Nearer My God to Thee' on the beer bottles.
Marcus: Mac, old pal, I wantcha to shake hands with my cousin, Trina Sieppe. She's my sweetie!
Marcus: Don't do anything I wouldn't do... you know!
Title Card: First... chance had brought them face to face; now... mysterious instincts, as ungovernable as the winds of the heavens, were knitting their lives together.
Lottery Agent: On presentation of your ticket... you will receive a check for five thousand dollars!
Title Card: For quite some time, McTeague had his eye on a little house... that they might be by themselves.
McTeague: What d'yer think?
Trina: We can't afford such extravagance. Thirty-five dollars... and the water extra!
Title card: Trina's miserly attitude grew steadily through the following months... but her brusque outburst of affection kept her tolerable to the slow-thinking McTeague.
McTeague: Better gimme a nickel for carfare - it's a long walk - an it's gonna rain.
Trina: A big fellow like you... 'fraid of a little walk!
Trina: I'll see you starve before you get another penny... of my money!
McTeague: He ate some loco-weed. We'd better finish him... t'ain't right to let'um suffer.
Greed Quotes
Extended Reading