[Anne coughs from another room]
Halder: It's... it's another one of my students.
Helen: Oh.
Halder: Soaking wet, poor thing. Can't very well go home on a night like this.
Helen: Mm.
Halder: I've made up a bed.
Helen: [sighs] Will he be warm enough?
[Halder eats the cheesecake that Maurice gave him]
Maurice: Where are you going to get proper Jewish cheesecake when you've locked up all the Jews, eh? Unless you give a special dispensation to Epstein's.
Maurice: We probably met him, you know? When we were at Ypres, October of that year, 16th Bavarian were in the line next to us. He'd have been running dispatches back and forth.
Halder: You may have sent him on an errand.
Maurice: "Oi, you! Lance Corporal! Yes, you, short arse. Get over here!"
Halder: And he'd have saluted you., imagine that.
[Freddie has just received his Kristallnacht orders]
Elisabeth: You didn't say where you were going, Freddie.
Freddie: Oh, I've got to burn down a few synagogues. I could be all night!
Anne: You said they'd stopped all that that stuff with the Jews.
Halder: Yes, that's what I thought.
Elisabeth: You're not really going to burn down synagogues, are you, darling?
Freddie: No.
[Elisabeth is relieved]
Freddie: No, the first thing is a briefing to organize a spontaneous demonstration of popular indignation for tomorrow night.
Maurice: [referring to his auditory hallucinations] How long has this been going on?
Halder: Don't know, a few months?
Maurice: Three months? Six months?
Halder: I don't know.
Maurice: Could it be the end of January, say?
Halder: Thereabouts, I suppose. Why? Do you think there's some connection to...
Halder: What? We put the country in the hands of a lunatic. Taking refuge in a fantasy might be a rational response to an irrational world.
Good Quotes
Briana 2022-04-22 07:01:49
The best part of the whole film is probably the part where Isaac begs him to help him buy a plane ticket. "I beg you" is so sympathetic
Jevon 2022-04-20 09:02:25
How a kind individual becomes an accomplice of evil under the threat of the torrent of the great era. Too bad we couldn't shoot.