Gimme Shelter Quotes

  • Agnes 'Apple' Bailey: I'm okay. I'm not scared. I'm okay. I can do this. I'm not scared.

    June Bailey: You owe me!

    Taxi driver: Back off the cab, lady! Get away!

    June Bailey: You aren't going nowhere. Honey, mommy loves you. You'll be back! You hear me? You need me!

  • Agnes 'Apple' Bailey: When I was eight, I was taken away from my mother when she was arrested for drugs. By the time I was 12, I was in my 10th foster home... I was too scared to even open up my own mouth. I ran away. I went to try to find my mother and try to stay with her for a while. Things got real bad and I had to go and all that time, that letter was the only thing I ever got from you. Now I'm just asking you for a little time because I am done being passed off as someone's case number. I want out of the system! So are you going to help me out?

  • June Bailey: You don't know what I ever wanted out of life. Look at me now. I deserve a second chance.

  • Agnes 'Apple' Bailey: It's crazy how you can go and live with strangers and feel like a family.

  • June Bailey: You got people asking all types of questions coming around my place, looking around. You crazy? Huh? She said you carrying a baby? And I gotta hear about it from a stranger? That's nice. That's real nice, humiliate me like that. What's wrong with you? No, no, come on. Why you think I'm here, huh? State's going to take care of us. You, me and baby, that makes three. That means when that baby comes out, they're gonna be paying us more money. Yo, we got another chance, all right? We're gonna be a real family now, sweetie. For real. Come on.

  • Tom Fitzpatrick: It's clear that you are not ready to assume the responsibility of motherhood.

Gimme Shelter

Director: Ron Krauss

Language: English Release date: October 17, 2013