Gerry: Fuck the thing!
Gerry: Power run to the thing!
Gerry: No, fuck the thing. It's probably just some thing at the end of the trail.
[last lines]
[Gerry and Gerry are both lying on the ground]
Gerry: [softly] How do you think the hike's going so far?
Gerry: [softly] Pretty good.
Gerry: [softly] I'm leaving.
Gerry: But we didn't see anything that looked the same and we could have just Gerried off in all these different directions.
Gerry: Yeah, but we could have bailed early, you know, we could have just bai... we ma... we... I mean, there were so many just different Gerries along the way...
Gerry: So we were going east, all right, which is a total Gerry...
Gerry: And then we Gerried off to the animal tracks. We went up the wrong fuckin' mountain. Okay?
Gerry: And our mountain scout-about was east, so we totally Gerried the scout-about.
Gerry: What are you doing on that rock?
Gerry: Looking for you.
Gerry: Why didn't you just go to the spot?
Gerry: I did. You weren't there.
Gerry: I've been there. I was just sitting there.
Gerry: Dude, that's not the spot. The spot is like a half of a mile that way. I was at the spot. I was waiting for you forever. I was yelling your name. And I just came walking up here, and I saw this rock. I crow's-nested up here to scout-about the ravine 'cause I thought maybe you Gerried the rendezvous. Sure enough, that's not the spot.
Gerry: All right, my fault.
Gerry: Come on, dude, let's go.
Gerry: I can't.
Gerry: Why not?
Gerry: Fucking marooned.
Gerry: Come on. You're not rock-marooned. Just climb down.
Gerry: But I am rock-marooned. I can't climb down. I'm gonna have to jump.
Gerry: Why don't you make me a dirt-mattress?
Gerry: No, Gerry.
Gerry: Come on, dude. I crow's-nested all the way up here to scout-about the ravine 'cause you Gerried the rendezvous.
Gerry: Well, I gotta haul the dirt.
Gerry: Well, get haulin'.
Gerry: I can haul it from over here.
Gerry: Shirt basket?
Gerry: Shirt basket.
Gerry: I thought maybe you'd succumbed.
Gerry: I almost did succumb, but then I turbanned up, and I feel a lot better.
[first lines]
Gerry: Hey, Gerry, the path.
Gerry: [after several minutes of walking in completely silence] Fuck you.
Gerry: Fuck you.
Gerry: I conquered Thebes.
Gerry: When?
Gerry: Two weeks ago.
Gerry: How'd you do it?
Gerry: Well, I got... I did more than that, actually. I said to Gerry, "I ruled this land for ninety-seven years... and, uh... and, uh, I'd like it." I had all the sanctuaries built. And then I, uh... this hot lava leaked out of a volcano, and half destroyed one of the - my sanctuary to, uh... Demeter, I guess it was. And, um... but I didn't have the... the marble to rebuild, like, the sculptures, and the - to fix the sanctuary. But I already had all these, um, docks, to, like, Calydon and... Argos, and... I had everything. I had everything. Um, I was trading with, like, twelve cities. And, uh... I had-I had a really good army. But, um, the river had - the river had just flooded. And it flooded out, like, four of my docks, and I couldn't import the marble, to rebuild the sanctuary. And she got - Demeter got really pissed off, and so she made my fields infertile. And then, uh... so I couldn't grow the grass. I couldn't grow the wheat, to feed the horses. And there was no... I couldn't... and there was nowhere for the sheep to graze... and the goats. And so my people were getting hungry and restless, and then, um... and so I, I couldn't trade because the - the rivers had flooded. And so, uh, Knossos, one of my vassals, got really upset with me, and, um... turned against me. And they, uh... attacked me. And because I couldn't, I couldn't train any sheep 'cause I didn't have the wheat. I didn't have, uh... I didn't have a, um... a, uh...
Gerry: You couldn't train any sheep?
Gerry: I couldn't train any of the *horses*, because I, uh, didn't have the wheat. And so, when they attacked me, I just got... they just dogged me. And I actually went to send my army out to defend the city, and, like, you can only send 'em out if you have, uh, twelve - if you have twelve, uh, trained horses, and I had eleven. So... I was one... horse... shy... I don't know... of saving the city.
Gerry: So then you didn't really...
Gerry: Oh, I *had* conquered Theb - I had just conquered Thebes. And then that happened.
Gerry Quotes
Alford 2022-04-23 07:05:31
The film asks us: what exactly is camera movement? Not only does it orient the viewer in space, it also degenerates into a "still" image that leaves the viewer lost in time. In a way, the camera really becomes the way the character is perceived.
Clarissa 2022-04-24 07:01:25
This film must be trying to express something, but I'm too shallow to see it. Two men with the same first name were driving on the interstate highway, then suddenly got off the car and headed for the Gobi Desert, and then they went all the way until they got lost and started to find their way. The other one found the car. . . All kinds of long shots and I don't know what to say, in order to make myself not so uncultured, I will give a Samsung