Gerald's Game Quotes

  • Gerald Burlingame: Isn't this why we came up here? To spice things up and try and push the boundaries?

  • Jessie Burlingame: Just uncuff me and we can talk.

    Gerald Burlingame: What if I won't?

    Jessie Burlingame: What do you mean?

    Gerald Burlingame: What if I won't?

  • Gerald Burlingame: Everybody's got a little corner in there somewhere; a button they won't admit they want pressed. Year after year, I barely gave you a glimpse of mine.

  • Gerald Burlingame: People are safe from ghouls and ghosts and the living dead in the daylight. And they're usually safe from them at night, if they're with others. But a person alone in the dark... women alone in the dark are like open doors, Jessie, and if they scream for help, who knows what might answer. Who knows what people see in the moment of their solitary death. Is it so hard to believe that some of them might have died of fear? No matter what the words on the death certificate say... died of fear... because they saw, at their bedside, the Moonlight Man. Maybe that's just what death looks like.

    Jessie Burlingame: Not... real...

    Gerald Burlingame: Then why did the dog leave?

  • Young Jessie: The people who were supposed to protect you from the monsters turned out to be monsters themselves...

  • Jessie Burlingame: This monster was real, real as they come. As real as the cuffs, as the dog. As real as the eclipse.

  • [last lines]

    Jessie Burlingame: [to Moonlight Man in the courtroom] You're so much smaller than I remember.