Generation Kill Quotes

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Stay frosty gents.

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: A Nutbusting haji, is a happy haji.

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Look Brad, I'm a man! Just like you- only I don't look like a faggot and speak all educated.

  • Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje: Doc?

    Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan: I'm all squared away, sir.

    Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje: Doc, I know the guys look up to you. I'd like to hear what you have to say.

    Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan: You're asking me to be frank, sir?

    Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje: Yes.

    Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan: You're incompetent, sir.

    Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje: ...I'm doing my best.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Ugh! Perfect shitting opportunity. Fuck it- I'm going for it!

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Daddy's back!

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Peace sucks a hairy asshole, Freddy. War is the motherfucking answer.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: [to Person] Careful with the Rip Fuel.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Fuck, man! I'm on thirty hours no sleep! Beat the record I made in high school when I was on the debate team.

    Evan 'Scribe' Wright: Wait a minute, you were on the debate team?

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Whats the channel for the 119s?

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: [to Colbert] 64 and tad 7.

    [to Wright]

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Yeah, I was really really fucking good, but all the other guys on the team thought I was high all of the time.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Gentlemen, we just seized an airfield. That was pretty fucking ninja.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: The point, Lance Corporal: we're supposed to be a recon unit of pure warrior spirit. We're out here, 40 klicks in enemy lines, and this man of God here, he's a fuckin' POG. In fact, he's an officer POG. That's one more layer of bureaucracy and unnecessary logistics, one more asshole we need to supply MREs and baby wipes for. And worst of all, worst of all, the motherfucker doesn't even carry a weapon. When push comes to shove even Rolling Stone picks up a gun but this fuckin' shill of God, he can't cover a sector, he'll never hump ammo or Claymores. This is a fuckin' war and we're here as warriors, so on top of everything else that's expected of us do we really need to drag him along and indulge in this make-believe bullshit?

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Oh, no. Now not only do we have to worry about all the Charms you've eaten, but now Brad's just pissed off God.

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Goddamn Baptista! How the fuck would he like it if I joined the Brazilian Marines and only spoke English?

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: This is really interesting, Brad. You know, Iraqis don't really seem good at fighting, but then they never really completely surrender either.

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Put down that fucking milkshake and dig a fucking hole.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Why, so I can be more like the teacher's pet?

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Yeah, that's exactly it. You should be more like Trombley.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: More like Trombley? MORE LIKE TROMBLEY?

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: [running around a field with his arms outstretched like an airplane]

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: What did you like give him some Rolling Stone drugs or something?

    Evan 'Scribe' Wright: I don't know.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: What the fuck did you do to him?

    Evan 'Scribe' Wright: Just asked him what he would be if he wasn't a Marine.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Oh my god, he wants to be a ballerina? That's my fucking dream!

  • Evan 'Scribe' Wright: Speaking of which - one of you guys still has my girlfriend's picture.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Dude, I hate to tell you this, but your girlfriend's kind of a whore.

    Evan 'Scribe' Wright: What?

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Yeah. Last time I saw her, she was doing all of H & S Company.

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: She doesn't deserve you, man.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Once more into the great good night. Cry 'havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war.

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Damn, Brad, what else you got hidden in the humvee - a fat chick?

  • Cpt. Bryan Patterson: It's important to remember that they'll never take a recon marine alive...

    Gunnery Sgt. Rich Barrett: Oorah, sir.

  • Cpt. Bryan Patterson: [chukles] Interrogative. Did you find any non-specific destroyed Iraqi armor?

  • Cpt. Bryan Patterson: They want our help to clear a minefield.

    Gunnery Sgt. Rich Barrett: At night? That's against division orders.

  • Cpt. Bryan Patterson: Solid copy. Now you copy this... I am not following that order.

    [Throws handset down]

    Cpt. Bryan Patterson: They want our help to clear a minefield.

  • Sgt. Larry Shawn 'Pappy' Patrick: Damn! I'd eat a mile of her shit just to see where it came from...

  • Cpl. Walt Hasser: Rollin' Stone?

    Cpl. James Chaffin: Fuck if they don't give us a dope-smokin', peace-freak writer.

  • Sgt. Antonio Espera: It makes my heart heavy to see the white race stoop as low as James' mother has. At least if she was Mexican she'd be ashamed of herself.

  • Sgt. Maj. John Sixta: You has to o-dark-hundred to unfuck ya self.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Ray? Can I have one final moment enjoying the fruits of civilisation?

  • Sgt. Maj. John Sixta: Marines, around this world, would gives they left nuts, to be where you are!

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: You know, it doesn't make you gay if you think Rudy's hot. We all think he's hot.

  • Cpt. Dave 'Captain America' McGraw: Godspeed. God-fucking-speed you!

    Sgt. Eric Kocher: Fucking Captain America...

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Hey buddy! It's 10 in the morning! Don't you think you oughta change out of your pyjamas?

  • Sgt. Rodolfo 'Rudy' Reyes: 'afternoon, Sir. Beautiful day to get our war on.

  • Cpl. Gabe Garza: Semper Gumbi- always flexible!

  • Gunnery Sgt. Mike 'Gunny' Wynn: We need to make sure the stupidity in this company doesn't roll down too hard on our guys.

  • Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan: PFC Fucknuts! This is an enemy encampment.

  • Cpl. Evan 'Q-Tip' Stafford: Bravo Three's commander. Should I shoot him?

    Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan: Don't waste your bullet.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Thank you. Vote Republican.

  • Cpl. Gabe Garza: Hey. There's kids holding hands.

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Oh cute. Don't shoot 'em, Garza.

  • Cpt. Dave 'Captain America' McGraw: Shoot that fucking dog!

    Sgt. Eric Kocher: Darnold, give it a piece of your jerky.

  • Lt. Nathaniel Fick: Write this as you see it. I'm not here to stop you.

  • Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan: Iraqi's first contact with America; we fuck 'em.

  • Cpl. Jeffrey 'Dirty Earl' Carisalez: To think I believed the judge when he told me the Marine Corps was a superior alternative to jail. I should have shut up and done my time.

  • Sgt. Maj. John Sixta: You mockin' the groomin' standard, Stafford?

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: You know, Poke, guys in black pyjamas did alreight in Vietnam, too. You gotta respect the pyjama.

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Hey Walt, can you keep it down? I'm having trouble hearing the artillery.

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Lieutenant... have you gotten any word?

    Lt. Nathaniel Fick: I only get what's passed on to me from Godfather, and the only word he gets is from the BBC. If we're lucky, Saddam will back down, let the inspectors in, and we can go home. The important thing is we are doing our jobs by being here. All of you should be proud.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Sir, that's not the word I was asking about. I was... we wanted to know if you knew anything about J-Lo being killed.

    Lt. Nathaniel Fick: [pause] Ray, the battalion commander offered no sitrep as to J-Lo's status.

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: When my band opened up for Limp Bizkit in Kansas City, we fuckin' sucked. But then again, so did they. The only difference is that they became famous, and I became a Marine.

Extended Reading
  • Shemar 2022-03-27 09:01:12

    You can watch it over and over again, the first episode with absolutely no war scenes is the best episode

  • Kamryn 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    4.5 stars, talk drama. The background is the Iraq War, and the protagonist is the first reconnaissance battalion of the First Marine Division, which undertook a large number of in-depth decoy missions (non-reconnaissance nature) in the battle to capture Baghdad. Driving a Humvee with low defense and no air support. Fortunately, the enemies are all rookies, and there is no danger along the way. The soldiers complained all the time, and the officers were intrigued. Because it did not involve serious and dangerous wars, the atmosphere of the Brotherhood was no longer there, but there were extremely vivid and detailed descriptions of battlefield life (few battles), ranging from bad comments on the taste of military rations to hot A hapless enemy in the camera. The Virgin is naturally indispensable, but the Anti-Virgin is basically placed beside the Virgin to ensure the balance of perspective.