Oscar Grant: [to Tatiana] Baby, I love you.
Oscar Grant: I'm good, I'm good, I'm gonna be good.
Tatiana: Nooo! Don't go. I'm scared.
Oscar Grant: Scared of what?
Tatiana: I hear guns outside.
Oscar Grant: You know what, baby? Those are just firecrackers. You'll be safe inside, with your cousin.
Tatiana: But what about you Daddy?
Oscar Grant: Me? Baby, I'll be fine.
Oscar Grant: You shot me. I got a daughter...
Sophina: What happened?
Jason: They fucking shot him! They shot him in the fucking back for no reason, man!
Wanda: I told him to take the train. I told him to catch the BART. I didn't know they were gonna hurt my baby. I should've just let him drive. I should've let him drive, but I wanted to keep him safe. You gotta let me hug him. Please, let me hug him. Please. Please! He didn't like to be alone.
[first lines]
Oscar Grant: What's your resolution?
Sophina: I'm gonna cut carbs.
Oscar Grant: Aren't you Mexican? You can't eat nothin' Grandma makes.
Sophina: It only takes 30 days to form a habit, and then it becomes second nature.
Oscar Grant: Who says that?
Sophina: Oprah.
Oscar Grant: Okay. Oprah cool now?
Sophina: What's yours?
Oscar Grant: I wanna quit selling trees.
[last lines]
Tatiana: Where's daddy?
Lead Surgeon: He didn't make it.
Wanda: I need to see him.
Lead Surgeon: Okay, you can see him. But they don't want you to go into the room or to touch him, because they ruled it a homicide.
Wanda: I need to see him.
Wanda: Heavenly Father, we kneel before you and ask you to put healing hands around your child. We ask you, dear Lord, to operate through these doctors. Breathe strength into their hands, Lord, as they work on him. We're asking you right now to heal him. Oh, heal him, dear Lord, so we can hold him and see his smile again. In your name, we pray. Amen.
Sophina: Wanda, they shot Oscar. They say he's alive, but his eyes was closed. They're taking him to Highland. You gotta come get us right now.
Wanda: I'm on my way.
Sophina: [hanging up] Oh, fuck.
Oscar Grant: We just tryin' to get home.
Officer Caruso: Well, maybe you should've thought about that before started acting like a punk-ass bitch.
Oscar Grant: You's a bitch-ass nigger, for real.
Officer Caruso: Did you call me a bitch-ass nigger?
Oscar Grant: Don't fuckin' say that.
Officer Caruso: Bitch-ass nigger, huh?
Oscar Grant: [grabbed and thrown on his stomach] What the fuck? I ain't do shit!
Katie: [bumping into each other on the BART train] Hey! Oscar! Hey. Katie, from the store.
Oscar Grant: Hey. Hey!
Katie: How are you?
Oscar Grant: I'm good, I'm good. Happy New Year.
Katie: Happy New Year.
Cale: Oscar? Oscar from fuckin' Palma Ceia? What's up with all that shit you were hollering?
Oscar Grant: Look, fuck all that shit, aight? This ain't the time, bruh.
Cale: Fuck that shit, bitch. This is DGF, motherfucker.
Oscar Grant: How long you guys been married?
Peter: Eight years. You thinkin' about it?
[Oscar nods]
Peter: What's stopping you?
Oscar Grant: No money.
Peter: Ah, shitty reason. We had nothing when we got married.
Oscar Grant: No shit.
Peter: I wasn't working at all, and she's a teacher, it's practically the same thing, as far as money goes.
Oscar Grant: How'd you get a ring?
Peter: Uh... I stole it.
[Oscar is surprised]
Peter: Told you, I didn't have any money. Used to be good with credit cards. I would not go down that route.
Oscar Grant: No, bruh. I'm-I'm cool on that.
Peter: Seriously, but then I got my business started, and got her the ring she wears now.
Oscar Grant: What do you do?
Peter: Got a web design company.
[giving him a business card]
Peter: Hit me up if you ever need anything.
Ashae: I like your dreads.
Tim: Shit, I like your everything. We need to put it together.
Lauren: Oh, we gay.
Cato: No shit.
Tim: Gay, huh?
Cato: Sounds like a coincidence. We gay, too.
Lauren: [dissing him] You're not gay.
Cato: Hey, Osc, bruh. Hey, ain't we gay?
Oscar Grant: Yeah, they gay as fuck.
Oscar Grant: When you wake up in the morning, we're gonna play Candy Land. And then guess what we're gonna do after that.
Tatiana: Go to the park?
Oscar Grant: Better.
Tatiana: Toys R Us?
Oscar Grant: Way better than that.
Tatiana: What?
Oscar Grant: I don't know, maybe... Chuck E. Cheese.
Tatiana: Really?
Oscar Grant: I promise. Daddy's gonna give you hecka tokens and we gonna play all the games, okay? And then we're gonna get your favorite pizza, and we'll eat it all up. Even Mom is, 'cause she can't have carbs.
Tatiana: What's a carb?
Oscar Grant: You ain't got to worry about that right now.
Wanda: You guys got plans for the night?
Oscar Grant: Yeah, nothing major, though. Might meet up with the fellas, head out to the city.
Wanda: You guys going "out" out, or...
Oscar Grant: I think we're just gonna be low-key. Catch the fireworks, probably roll around a little bit after that.
Wanda: Roll around?
Oscar Grant: Yeah, it's gonna be cool, though. Chill. Plus, Phina gotta get up and go to work in the morning anyway.
Wanda: You guys gonna be drinking?
Oscar Grant: Mama, they gonna be drinking. I haven't had a drink since... I can't even remember.
Wanda: Mm. Why don't you take the train out there? That way you guys can drink and hang out and not have to worry about anything.
Oscar Grant: Nah, I feel like getting over there and getting back. Not waiting on no train.
Wanda: No traffic, either. You know? You know it's gonna be crazy, going and coming back.
Oscar Grant: Yeah, we might take it.
Wanda: Don't make me follow you guys to make sure. Remember prom?
Oscar Grant: Trying to forget.
Oscar Grant: Who do you think will win the Super Bowl?
Cephus: The Steelers.
Oscar Grant: Steelers?
Cephus: Yeah, the Steelers.
Daryl: What?
Cephus: Yeah.
Daryl: A Raiders fan cheerin' for the Steelers.
Cephus: Yes, a Raiders fan cheerin' for the Steelers. Black uniforms, black players, black coach. Coach even has a black wife. I'm going for the Steelers.
Daryl: You insane!
Sophina: Osc... what's up? Hmm?
Oscar Grant: Fuck it. I lost my job.
Sophina: For what?
Oscar Grant: Being late. Last couple days, trying to get some money.
Sophina: And they told you today? On your day off?
Oscar Grant: I keep it real. They told me two weeks ago. My bad, Phina. I thought I was gonna get my job back. I thought I could talk to Emi...
Sophina: You think life's a fucking joke? You think you're gonna get fired and somebody's gonna give you your job back?
Sophina: What game you running now, Osc? You ain't shit, you know that? You lie to me, you lie to your fucking daughter.
Oscar Grant: I ain't had to tell your ass nothing. Food on the table, the lights still on. I could've kept getting it, and you wouldn't have known shit.
Sophina: Oh, so you would have just kept faking? And been out there bustin' knocks, and doing whatever else, or whoever else...
Oscar Grant: You say you want the truth, right? Well, you ain't even tryin' to hear me.
Sophina: [talking over each other] ... you do while I'm at work...
Oscar Grant: You're not even trying to hear me.
Sophina: Not after you lie for two weeks, get cornered, and don't have a choice. That's some pussy-ass shit. What'd you do today, huh? I bet you sold that fucking zip.
Oscar Grant: I dumped that shit, Phina. That's what I'm trying to tell you. I'm tired. Thought I could start over fresh, but... shit ain't workin' out.
Sophina: You threw a whole zip of weed out and you don't got a job? I could slap you right now.
Oscar Grant: [picking Tatiana up from pre-school, they race to the car] Undefeated! Undefeated! You still haven't beaten me yet. You know that, right?
Tatiana: Eh.
Oscar Grant: Eh.
Sophina: [after he jumps on the roof] What are you doing?
Oscar Grant: What you mean?
Sophina: You're going to break this car!
Oscar Grant: I... it's gonna be aight. It'll be aight.
Sophina: It's already falling apart.
Oscar Grant: I can't lose. Undefeated.
Sophina: Daddy cheated.
Oscar Grant: Daddy's 100 and 0.
Sophina: Big, big, big cheater. You're a cheater.
Oscar Grant: I didn't cheat. How do you know if I cheated or not? You were sitting in the car. T, Mommy's a hater.
Oscar Grant: What kind of cake you get?
Sophina: Carrot cake.
Oscar Grant: Why you ain't get ice cream?
Sophina: 'Cause it ain't your birthday.
Wanda: Remember that microwave popcorn you bought a while back?
Oscar Grant: Hella good.
Wanda: Yeah. For awhile, I was putting it in the bowl. Tatiana just standing there, staring up at me. Looking like she wanted something.
Oscar Grant: Okay, then what? Come on, Ma.
Wanda: She says "Grandma, do we have any dark butter?"
Oscar Grant: Dark b... what's dark butter?
Wanda: I'm thinking maybe she watched Food Network or something. I say "Sweetheart, what's dark butter?". And she said "Well, when my daddy took me to see "WALL-E", he asked for light butter. So now I want to try some dark butter this time."
Cale: This moms right here? She a snitch, too?
Oscar Grant: What the fuck you say about my moms, bruh?
Cale: I'll fuck you and this bitch.
Oscar Grant: Yeah, you talkin' real tough in here with these guards. I'mma see your bitch-ass on the outside, bruh.
Cale: Bitch-ass Palma Ceia nigger.
Oscar Grant: Bitch-ass motherfucker.
Wanda: Oscar.
Oscar Grant: [spitting on the floor] Fuck DGF!
Corrections Officer 1: [intervening] Is there a problem in here?
Cale: Oh, fuck you!
Corrections Officer 1: Is there a problem here?
Oscar Grant: No, we good. Yeah, we good for now.
Wanda: I'm not coming here anymore.
Oscar Grant: What?
Wanda: I'm not coming here for these visits anymore. This is my last time.
Oscar Grant: I know, I know... I know. I know, this is the last time for me, too. I told you that. I ain't going down no more.
Wanda: You wanna keep putting Sophina through this, then you go right ahead, okay? But Tatiana? That baby doesn't deserve this, Oscar.
Oscar Grant: She's too young to know what's going on.
Wanda: So I guess that's why she asked me why you love taking your vacations more than you like being with her.
Oscar Grant: She ain't say that.
Wanda: Oh, so I'm a liar now.
Sophina: [as Oscar tries to get romantic] Hold up, hold up.
Oscar Grant: Fuck, Sophina. I've been holding how long?
Sophina: I don't know. Every time you touch me, all I can think about is how you was touching that bitch.
Oscar Grant: I'll never hear the end of that shit.
Oscar Grant: What I gotta do? Hm? Fucked with her that one time.
Sophina: Nah. You got caught one time. Are you gonna sit here and tell me that was the first time you kicked up with that bitch? You ain't never seen her before that, huh?
Oscar Grant: That shit's over with. All I want is you... and T. Forever.
Sophina: What you mean, forever?
Oscar Grant: Let me show you.
Fruitvale Station Quotes
Kiley 2022-04-20 09:02:02
12 Years to Fruitvale, freedom never came after all. It's like Hoover, MLK & South Central washing all over me again, and it ain't even the whole picture of the life of minorities in America. How I wish I was never there, but I was, seein'&feelin' cleanly as it can be seen or felt
Aisha 2022-04-23 07:03:10
The issue of race is a social phenomenon that exists in every country, and no one can completely isolate or prevent such a small probability event from happening, but its occurrence has alerted some people! ! ! A loss, a gain.