Elsa: You can't just follow me into fire!
Anna: You don't want me following you into fire? Then don't run into fire!
[from the trailer]
Anna: I believe in you, Elsa. More than anyone or anything.
[from trailer]
Anna: Has Elsa seemed weird to you?
Kristoff: She... seems like Elsa.
[from trailer]
Anna: I'm coming with you.
Elsa: Anna... no.
Anna: Excuse me, I climbed the North Mountain, survived a frozen heart, and saved you from my ex-boyfriend, so... you know, I'm coming.
Elsa: What woud I do without you?
Anna: You'll always have me.
Olaf: Anna? Elsa? Sven? Samantha?
[pause; Olaf bursts out laughing]
Olaf: [in between giggles] I-I don't even know a Samantha!
Anna: You're the bridge!
Elsa: Bridges have two sides, and our mother had two daughters.
Pabbie: We have always feared Elsa's powers were too much for this world. Now, we must pray they are enough.
Pabbie: Magic is very alluring. Without you, she may lose herself to it.
Olaf: Advancing technologies will be both our savior and our doom.
Olaf: Did you know gorillas burp when they're happy?
Olaf: I wish this could last forever, and yet change mocks us with her beauty.
Pabbie: The past is not what it seems. A wrong demands to be righted. Arendelle is not safe. The truth must be found. Without it, I see no future.
Mattias: Be prepared. Just when you think you found your way, life will throw you onto a new path.
Olaf: Don't chew that, you don't know what I've stepped in.
Olaf: Tell me, you're older, and thus all-knowing, do you ever worry about the notion that nothing is permanent?
Anna: Uh, no.
Olaf: Really? Wow, I can't wait until I've aged just like you, so I don't have to worry about important things.
Pabbie: [to Elsa and Anna] Oh, never a dull moment with you two.
Olaf: Who knows the ways of men.
Olaf: I bet you're wondering who we are and why we're here. It's really quite simple. It began with two sisters. One born with magical powers, and one born powerless, with her love of snowmen, infinite.
Olaf: We're calling this 'controlling what you can when things feel out of control.'
Olaf: I just find clothes restricting.
Anna: Look around. Every Arendellian ship has a compartment, waterproof.
Olaf: That's very clever. Although, it does make me wonder why they don't just make the whole ship waterproof.
Olaf: [to Anna] Come on. It'll be fun. Assuming we don't get stuck here, and no one ever finds us, and you starve and I give up.
Anna: [lost in a cave] I could really use a bright side, Olaf.
Olaf: Bright side? Um, turtles can breathe through their butts?
Anna: Huh?
Olaf: And, I see a way out.
Kristoff: Anna, you are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. I love you with all that I am. Will you marry me?
Kristoff: [sung] Reindeers are better than people. Sven why is love so hard?
Sven: [sung] You feel what you feel, and those feelings are real. Come on Kristoff, let down your guard.
Anna: Our lands and people now connected by love.
Elsa: Anna, now I have my powers to protect me, you don't.
Anna: Excuse me, I climbed the North Mountain, survived a frozen heart, and saved you from my ex-boyfriend. And I did it all without powers. So, you know, I'm coming.
Kristoff: Me too. I'll drive.
Olaf: I'll bring the snacks!
Elsa: [vocalizing]
Olaf: [vocalizing off-key]
Anna: Olaf, maybe only one of you should do that?
Olaf: I agree, she's a little pitchy.
Olaf: [sung] 'Cause when you're older, absolutely everything makes sense!
Iduna: [singing] Come my darling, homeward bound...
Elsa: [singing] ... I am found!
Elsa: [to Anna; after being reunited with her] Can I ask you a question, Anna?
Anna: Sure.
Elsa: [with a warm smile] ... Do you wanna build a snowman?
Anna: [gasps with joy]
Elsa: [summoning the watery snow that was once Olaf to recreate him] Thank goodness water has memory.
[Anna excitedly watches her sister recreate Olaf. She rushes over and puts on the finishing touches - his twig arms and his carrot nose]
Olaf: [giggles as he is brought back to life, then gasps with joy when he sees Anna] Anna?
[Anna waves. Elsa smiles]
Olaf: Elsa!
[Kristoff and Sven smile at Olaf]
Olaf: And... Kristoff and Sven! You all came back!
[Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven embrace in a group hug]
Olaf: I love happy endings!
Anna: [looking at a scroll] What language is this?
Elsa: I don't know. But look, this is Mother's handwriting.
Anna: [reading the handwritten words on the scroll] The end of the ice age. The river is found but lost. Magic source. Elsa's source?
Elsa: You said you believed in me and this is what I was born to do.
Anna: And, I don't want to stop you from that. I, I don't want to stop you from being whatever you need to be. I just don't want you dying, trying to be everything for everyone else too. Don't do this alone. Let me help you, please. I can't lose you, Elsa.
Elsa: I can't lose you either, Anna.
Mattias: [after Olaf explains everything; to Elsa] Are you really queen of Arendelle?
Elsa: I am.
Yelena: Why would nature reward a person of Arendelle with magic?
Mattias: Perhaps to make up for the actions of your people.
Yelena: My people are innocent. We would've never attacked first.
Mattias: May the truth be found.
[notices Anna next to him]
Mattias: Hi. I'm sor- What's happening?
Anna: That's it! Lieutenant Mattias! Library, second portrait on the left. You were our father's official guard!
Mattias: Agnarr. What did happen to your parents?
Anna: Our parents' ship went down in the Southern Sea six years ago.
Mattias: I see him. I see him in your faces.
Anna: Really?
Mattias: [to his knights] Soldiers! We may be getting on in years, but we're still strong. And proud to serve Arendelle.
[Elsa is chasing down the fire spirit. She has it cornered when she notices that it's just a little salamander. The salamander spits fire at her, but she dodges and it hits a tree, setting it on fire. Elsa quickly uses her powers to put it out. The salamander growls, but then looks at Elsa curiously. It cautiously approaches her. Elsa holds out her hand and the salamander slowly crawls up to it. As soon as the salamander enters her hand, it immediately burns it, but it calms down. It then settles in her hands and as it does, the fire on the trees goes out. Elsa then uses her magic to create snowflakes, which the salamander proceeds to eat]
Elsa: They're all looking at us, aren't they? Got any advice?
[the salamander just looks at her]
Elsa: Nothing?
[the salamander licks its eyeball]
Elsa: Should I know what that means?
[the mysterious voice is heard calling out, which they both hear]
Elsa: You hear it too. Somebody's calling us. Who is it? What should we do?
[the salamander jumps down, runs to the top of a rock, and tilts its head forward]
Elsa: Okay, keep going north.
Olaf: Well, at least they have their parents!
Olaf: Their parents are dead.
Anna: [Anna and Olaf are in a cave and snowflakes start to flurry off of Olaf] Olaf?
Olaf: What's this? I'm... flurrying? That's not it... I'm flurrying away. The Magic in me... it's fading.
Olaf: I don't think Elsa's okay.
Anna: What?
Olaf: I think she may have gone too far.
Anna: [horrified] No. No.
Olaf: [sadly, as he begins to weaken] I'm sorry Anna. You're gonna have to do the next part on your own. Ok?
Anna: [tearfully] Wait! Come here!
[She holds Olaf in her arms]
Anna: [crying] I got you.
Olaf: [weakly] Oh, that's good. Hey Anna... I thought of one thing that's permanent.
Anna: [tearfully] What's that?
Olaf: Love.
Anna: [hugs Olaf] Warm hugs?
Olaf: [smiles weakly] I like warm hugs.
Anna: [crying while hugging Olaf, as he fades away] I love you.
Anna: I'm sorry I left you behind. I was just so desperate to protect her.
Kristoff: I know, I know. It's okay. My love is not fragile.
Kristoff: [Immediately after Kristoff saves Anna from being crushed by the Earth Giants] I'm here. What do you need?
Anna: [to Kristoff, with a crazed look on her face, as he attempts to propose, to her...] YOU THINK, THAT I'M CRAZY?
Elsa: [riding bareback, on the water spirit, Nokk, Elsa discovers Ahtohallon] Of course: Glaciers are rivers of ICE! Ahtohallon is frozen! I hear you, and I'm coming.
Elsa: [singing] Where are you going? Don't leave me alone! How do I follow you... Into the Unknown?
Olaf: [singing] I will have all the answers when I am older, like why we are in this dark, enchanted wood. I know in a couple years, these will seem like childish fears, and so I know it isn't bad, it's good.
[spoken; to a unseen figure with red eyes]
Olaf: Excuse me...
[He leaves]
Elsa: Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit. A bridge between the magic of nature, and us.
Anna: A fifth spirit?
Elsa: That's what's been calling me. From Ahtohallan. The answers about the past are all there.
Anna: So we go to Ahtohallan.
Elsa: Not we. ME.
Anna: [Anna running after Elsa] Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?
Elsa: This is my fault. They were looking for answers about me.
Anna: You are not responsible for their choices, Elsa.
Elsa: No, just their deaths.
Anna: Stop! No! Yelena asked, why would the spirits reward Arendelle with a magical queen? Because our mother saved our father. She saved her enemy. Her good deed was rewarded with you. You are a gift.
Elsa: For what?
Anna: If anyone can resolve the past, if anyone can save Arendelle and free this forest, it's you. I believe in you, Elsa, more than anyone, or anything.
[last lines]
Elsa: Hey, Gale, I'm going for a ride. Wanna come? Are you ready?
[last lines]
[after reenacting the voice, Olaf enters Elsa's former castle where Marshmallow resides]
Olaf: [singing] Show yourself.
Olaf: Right now. Elsa, be who you are. I will, Mama. I will.
[drops dead]
Olaf: Elsa's dead.
[drops dead again]
Olaf: Olaf's dead.
[turned backside]
Olaf: Anna cries. And then a bunch of important things that happen that I forgot but all that matters is that I was right and water has memory, and thus.
Olaf: I live. And so do you.
Marshmallow: Whoa, we live.
[to the little marshmallows]
Marshmallow: We live.
Marshmallow: Good story.
[first lines]
Agnarr: Anna. Elsa.
Iduna: Bedtime soon.
Young Anna: Uh-oh! The princess is trapped in the snow goblin's evil spell. Quick, Elsa, make a prince! A fancy one!
[Elsa makes a prince figure]
Young Anna: Oh no! The prince is trapped too! Who cares about danger when there's love?
[She makes the figures kiss]
Young Elsa: Ugh, Anna, bleugh! Kissing won't save the forest. The lost fairies cry out.
[imitates elephant trumpet]
Young Elsa: What sound does a giraffe make?
Young Anna: I don't know.
Young Elsa: Never mind. They wake the fairy queen who breaks spell and saves everyone!
Young Anna: And they all get married!
Anna: [During Elsa's turn at Charades] This is going to be a cinch. Two sisters, one mind!
Elsa: [Taking the clue from Sven] Thank you.
Anna: Okay! Here we go! You got this, Elsa.
Elsa: [Elsa gestures weakly, unsure of herself]
Anna: Anytime... Just do it with your body!
Elsa: [Elsa flails weakly towards the floor]
Anna: Uh... Nothing!
Yelena: Threatening my people, Lieutenant?
Mattias: Invading my DANCE SPACE, Yelena?
[Elsa is in Ahtohallan]
Arendellian Soldier: King Runeard, I'm sorry. I don't understand.
Elsa: Grandfather.
King Runeard: We bring Arendelle's full guard.
Arendellian Soldier: But they have given us no reason not to trust them.
King Runeard: The Northuldra follow magic, which means we can never trust them.
Elsa: Grandfather?
King Runeard: Magic makes people feel too powerful, too entitled. It makes them think they can defy the will of a king.
Elsa: That is not what magic does. That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted.
[Elsa has followed the memory of her grandfather too far into Ahtohallan]
Northuldra Leader: King Ruenard, the dam isn't strengthening our waters. It's hurting the forest. It's cutting off the north.
King Runeard: L-L-Let's not discuss this here. Let's meet on the fjord, have tea, find a solution.
Olaf: [Excited for a chance to play a game] Who's into trivia?
Olaf: [When no one else answers] I am!
Olaf: [to Anna] Did you know that water has memory? True fact.
[Turns to Elsa]
Olaf: It's disputed by many, but it's true.
Olaf: [to Kristoff] Did you know that men are six times more likely to be struck by lightning?
Olaf: [to Anna and Elsa as they pass more mountains] Did you know gorillas burp when they're happy?
Olaf: [to Kristoff as they round a narrow cliff] Did you know we blink four million times a day?
Olaf: [to Sven] Did you know that wombats poop squares?
Kristoff: [Turning around exasperated, as dusk falls] Did you know that sleeping on long journeys prevents insanity?
Olaf: [laughing hysterically] Yeah, that's not true.
Kristoff: It is.
Elsa: [Quickly chiming in] Definitely true.
Anna: [Hurriedly] It's the truth.
Olaf: [Subdued after Sven also moans in agreement] Well, that was unanimous--but I will look it up when we get home.
Mattias: Hey, back at home, Halima still over at Hudson's Hearth?
Anna: She is.
Mattias: Really?
Mattias: She married?
Anna: Mmm-mmm.
Mattias: Oh, wow. Why didn't that make me feel better?
Anna: What else do you miss?
Mattias: My father. He passed long before all this. He was a great man. Built us a good life in Arendelle. But taught me never to take the good for granted. He'd say, "Be prepared. Just when you think you've found your way, life will throw you into a new path."
Anna: What do you do when it does?
Mattias: Don't give up. Take it one step at a time and...
Anna: Just do the next right thing?
Mattias: [smiles] Yeah. You got it.
Anna: [an ice sculpture materializes in front of Anna and Olaf] Elsa's found it.
Olaf: What is it?
Anna: The truth about the past. That's my grandfather... attacking the Northuldra leader, who wields no weapon.
Anna: The dam wasn't a gift of peace. It was a trick.
Olaf: But that goes against everything Arendelle stands for.
Anna: It does, doesn't it?
[sits down]
Anna: I know how to free the forest. I know what we have to do to set things right.
Olaf: Why do you say that so sadly?
Anna: We have to break the dam.
Anna: [as the whirlwind blows them around, Olaf in pieces] I think I'm gonna be sick!
Olaf: I'd hold your hair back but I can't find my arms.
[They're stuck in the back of his head]
Young Anna: [after Agnarr tells Anna and Elsa about the day he was saved in the enchanted forest, they stare at him, stunned] Whoa, papa. That was epic. Whoever saved you, I love them.
Agnarr: I wish I knew who it was.
[Iduna averts her eyes]
Young Elsa: What happened to the spirits? What's in the forest now?
Agnarr: I don't know. The mist still stands No one can get in, and no one has since come out.
Iduna: So we're safe
Agnarr: Yes, but the forest could wake again. And we must be prepared for whatever danger it may bring.
Iduna: And on that note, how about we say good night to your father?
Young Anna: Oh, but I still have so many questions.
Agnarr: Save them for another night, Anna.
Young Anna: You know I don't have that kind of patience.
Frozen II Quotes
Stephan 2021-11-23 08:01:14
Don't look, you will want to buy 100 ost; don't look, you will want to raise little monsters; don't look, you will want to rush to the street to sing in the middle of the winter in the middle of the night; don't look, you will want to buy a full set of Elsa skirts and figures; don't look , I want to fall in love with girls.
Larue 2022-04-24 07:01:06
❶Old rules: sing at any time without discussion; ❷Post (guilty) arranging Xuebao to review the previous situation/end-credits egg to repeat this technique again, no comedy effect; ❸Retracing the history of Magic Forest and Arendelle, and going deep into Atta Horan. Fill in the hole slightly to further improve the world view; ❸I didn't think Elsa was so beautiful before; ❹Shuiling (Hai·Ma) was amazing, and the sense of horror at the bottom of the sea was short-lived, and it was also a surprise; ❺Official self-deprecating: Elsa faced "Let It Go" again , it is hard to hide the sense of shame; ❻ "Frozen": the prince is not a good person / "Frozen 2": the king is not a good person; ❼ Climax: Balance the roles played by everyone. Anna solves the main crisis, Elsa is not reduced to a vase, and Christopher is not reduced to a foil.