From Paris with Love Quotes

  • James Reece: I'm not your driver, I'm your partner.

  • James Reece: Sir, you do realize that I am not Special Ops certified, right?

  • [Reece is beating the crap out of Rashid]


    FBI agent Charlie Wax: That's what I'm talkin' about! Get him back!

  • FBI agent Charlie Wax: Shoot the fucker.

    James Reece: I'm not gonna shoot him, Wax.

    [two men come in and start beating up Reece, Wax shakes his head and continues looking out the window with binoculars. Finally he pulls out a gun and shoots the two men]

    James Reece: [Walks over to Reece and hands him a big vase] Next time I tell you to shoot the fucker, shoot the fucker!

  • Caroline: [from trailer] Did you save the world again, baby?

    James Reece: If only you knew, Caroline.

  • James Reece: [after Wax admitted fabricating the story about the Secretary of Defense's niece] I don't know where the fuck we're going, or what the fuck this is about!

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: What the fuck do you think this is about? It's about terrorists! It's about terrorists, man, converting their finances into drugs so they can move it around without being detected.

  • James Reece: I'm not your driver. I'm your partner.

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: Yeah, you're the chess player. I read your file.

    James Reece: You play?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: Do I look like I play board games?

  • FBI agent Charlie Wax: This motherfucker hates Americans so much, even though we saved his country's ass in not only one world war but two, he still won't let me through with my cans!

  • FBI agent Charlie Wax: Checkmate, motherfucker!

  • [first lines]

    James Reece: [accepts printout] Thank you, Cindy.

    Secretary: Welcome...

    James Reece: [reading] African Aid Summit prep meeting with the Foreign Minister tomorrow at noon, Summit Conference on Wednesday, G8 Undersecretary conference dinner on Thursday, and a reception for the Secretary of State Friday, sir.

    Ambassador Bennington: Can't you see we have more urgent matters to consider, Reece?

    [moves his queen]

    James Reece: Of course, sir.

    [counter moves his queen]

    James Reece: Check.

    Ambassador Bennington: Must you always be so methodical?

    James Reece: Well that's what you pay me for, sir.

    Ambassador Bennington: And you're worth every penny. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to sit here and watch you copy Fischer's ambush on Spassky back in '72.

  • FBI agent Charlie Wax: Nice work Reece.

    James Reece: [splattered in blood] What's so nice about it?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: How 'bout the fact that he's dead and you're alive.

  • James Reece: [Mocking Wax's earlier statement] Wax on, Wax off.

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: What about it?

    James Reece: I don't get it. Are you The Karate Kid or something?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: If you wanna be a secret agent man, you have to roll like a secret agent man. It's code.

    James Reece: Code?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: Yeah. Code. Wax is on, he's gonna take you off. Gives them something to think about, throws them off balance. Got it?

    James Reece: Got it.

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: Good.

  • FBI agent Charlie Wax: [after buying 5 grams of cocaine] All right, give me a kilo.

    Rashid: A kilo? You think this is Bogota?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: What the fuck am I gonna do with five grams?

    Rashid: [pulling out a gun] Maybe you can sniff it off of your homeboy's ass.

  • James Reece: [points a gun at a man] Stop! Give me your charger!

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: Yeah! That's the big boss shit I'm looking for

    James Reece: [pulls hammer on gun] Give me your charger!

    [the man gives Reece his charger]

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: What the fuck are you doing man?

    James Reece: What the fuck does it look like I'm doing? I'm charging my fucking cell.

  • Caroline: [putting her arms around Reese] So, what are we eating for dinner?

    James Reece: Whoa whoa, Wait a second. Isn't it part of French tradition that the woman cooks while the guy watches TV?

    Caroline: Well, things have changed since the Middle Ages, you know. Now it's exactly the contrary.

    James Reece: Why don't we skip dinner altogether and go straight to dessert?

    Caroline: Is that all you can think about?

    James Reece: Every second of the day.

  • Caroline: [as Reese is about to drive off] Wait, one more kiss?

    James Reece: [kisses Caroline] Don't get me started, my partner's waiting.

    Caroline: [sweetly] Just remember who your partner really is.

  • James Reece: How many more of them do you think there are?

    FBI agent Charlie Wax: Last census, about a billion.

From Paris with Love

Director: Pierre Morel

Language: English,French,Mandarin,German Release date: February 5, 2010