Frida Quotes

  • David Siqueiros: I'd rather have an intelligent enemy than a stupid friend.

  • Frida Kahlo: What do you think matters most for a good marriage?

    Guillermo Kahlo: A short memory.

    Frida Kahlo: Why did you get married?

    Guillermo Kahlo: I can't remember.

  • Frida Kahlo: I had two big accidents in my life Diego, the trolley and you... You are by far the worse.

  • Diego Rivera: Sex is like pissing. People take it much too seriously.

  • Frida Kahlo: I'm just keeping you honest, panzon.

  • Frida Kahlo: Did I tell you that I'm going to walk again.

    Alex: Yes...

    Frida Kahlo: Did you believe it?

    Alex: Of course I do.

    Frida Kahlo: You'd better, because you are going to miss it.

  • Frida Kahlo: If I'm not good enough, I have to do something else to help my parents.

  • Diego Rivera: Thank you.

    Frida Kahlo: For what?

    Diego Rivera: For making a fat, old, crazy Communist a happy man.

  • Diego Rivera: It was just a fuck. I've given more affection in a handshake.

  • Diego Rivera: I'm physiologically incapable of fidelity.

  • Frida Kahlo: They say never trust a limping dog or the tears of a woman.

  • Frida Kahlo: You've been my comrade, my fellow artist, and my best friend, but you've never been my husband.

  • [last title card]

    Title card: I hope the exit is joyful and I hope never to return. - Frida

  • Frida Kahlo: At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.

  • Diego Rivera: There was this skinny kid with these eyebrows shouting up at me, "Diego, I want to show you my paintings!" But, of course, she made me come down to her, and I did, and I've never stopped looking. But I want to speak about Frida not as her husband, but as an artist. I admire her. Her work is acid and tender... hard as steel... and fine as a butterfly's wing. Loveable as a smile... cruel as... the bitterness of life. I don't believe... that ever before has a women put such agonized poetry on canvas.

    Frida Kahlo: [as she's brought into the gallery] Shut up, panzon. Who died?

  • Frida Kahlo: I love a man with melones that are bigger than mine.

    Diego Rivera: And I love a woman with cojones.

  • Nelson Rockefeller: Señor Rivera, I must ask you one last time to reconsider your position.

    Diego Rivera: I will not compromise my vision.

    Nelson Rockefeller: In that case, this is your fee, paid in full, as agreed, but your services are no longer required.

    Diego Rivera: It's my painting!

    Nelson Rockefeller: On my wall.

    Diego Rivera: It's the people's wall, you bastard!

  • [first lines]

    Frida Kahlo: Careful, guys. This corpse is still breathing. Try to get me there in one piece.

  • [last lines]

    Frida Kahlo: Happy silver.

    Diego Rivera: It's not for two more weeks.

    Frida Kahlo: Seventeen days.

  • Tina Modotti: I don't believe in marriage.

    [crowd laughs]

    Tina Modotti: No, I really don't. Let me be clear about that. I think at worst it's a hostile political act, a way for small-minded men to keep women in the house and out of the way, wrapped up in the guise of tradition and conservative religious nonsense. At best, it's a happy delusion - these two people who truly love each other and have no idea how truly miserable they're about to make each other. But, but, when two people know that, and they decide with eyes wide open to face each other and get married anyway, then I don't think it's conservative or delusional. I think it's radical and courageous and very romantic. To Diego and Frida.

  • Diego Rivera: You know, I don't believe in God... but I thank him every day that he kept you safe for me.

    Frida Kahlo: Oh really?... I tell you he's got a lot of explaining to do.

  • Frida Kahlo: You've lost weight.

    Diego Rivera: And you've lost your toes.

    Frida Kahlo: Is that why you're here? To offer your condolences?

    Diego Rivera: I'm here to see how you are. How are you?

    Frida Kahlo: Tired of answering that question. Otherwise, like shit.

  • Frida Kahlo: I just want your serious opinion.

    Diego Rivera: What do you care about my opinion? If you're a real painter, you'll paint because you can't live without painting. You'll paint till you die.

  • Guillermo Kahlo: Who's there?

    Frida Kahlo: The ghost of Frida Kahlo.

    Guillermo Kahlo: I knew her!

    Frida Kahlo: How are you?

    Guillermo Kahlo: Lonely. Only you ghosts come to visit these days.

  • [Diego refuses to let her attend her show and is taking her prosthetic leg away]

    Frida Kahlo: Gimme back my fucking leg!

  • [In the hospital after the accident]

    Cristina Kahlo: Will she ever walk again?

    Doctor: Let's make sure she lives first.

  • [They kiss for the first time and all the lights in the street turn on when they separate]

    Frida Kahlo: Did you arrange for that?

    Diego Rivera: Cost me a fortune.

  • Frida Kahlo: Don't think I am going to sleep with you just because you took me under your wing.

    Diego Rivera: Before you came along, I was painting murals and womanizing in peace.

  • Diego Rivera: Is fidelity that important to you?

    Frida Kahlo: Loyalty is important to me. Can you be loyal?

  • Diego Rivera: Unfortunately, I'm physiologically incapable of fidelity.

  • Diego Rivera: [upon learning Frida has been unfaithful to him with Leon Trotsky] You've broken my heart, Frida.

    Frida Kahlo: It hurts doesn't it? But why? It was just a fuck, like a handshake.

    Diego Rivera: No. I told you who I was when you married me.

    Frida Kahlo: Yes, you did, and I married you anyway. And, you promised to be loyal. You have been my comrade, my fellow artist... my best friend. But you've never been my husband.

  • Frida Kahlo: [Carried in her bed, arriving at her exhibition in Mexico] Shut up Panzone. Who died? Where is the music? You see doctor, I followed your orders. I didn't leave my bed.

  • Frida Kahlo: [to Diego] I want you to burn this Judas of a body. I don't want to be buried. I've spent enough time lying down. Burn it.

  • Diego Rivera: [to the dog who has just urinated on his painting] Lord Xolotl, Prince of darkness - you are the best art critic there is. Only you see what shit this country has made of me.

  • Lupe Marín: [upon seeing Diego's naked model] Why is this whore still here? Huh? Tell me, tell mi amor, are you planning to have her after lunch? Or have you fucked her already?

    Diego Rivera: Lupe, please don't start.

    Lupe Marín: You think I don't know what's going on, you think I am an idiot?

    Diego Rivera: I can't work like this.

    Lupe Marín: Yes you can. Your food and your slut. That's all you need to paint your pinche murals!

    [throws the basket of food at Diego]

    Diego Rivera: HEY! Get out!

    Lupe Marín: And don't come home! Don't come home and give me one of your speeches! About your artists, and the people and your fucking revolution! You only care about yourself, you piece of shit!

  • Diego Rivera: I'm here to ask you to marry me.

    Frida Kahlo: I don't need rescuing, Diego.

    Diego Rivera: I do.

    Frida Kahlo: [sighs] I've lost the toes of one foot. My back is useless, I have an infection of the kidneys. I smoke, I drink, I curse. I can't have children. I have no money and a stack of hospital bills. Shall I keep going?

    Diego Rivera: It's practically a letter of recommendation.

  • Diego Rivera: [after learning that Frida is pregnant] I cannot bare to think of you in pain.

    Frida Kahlo: I'm used to pain.