Freeheld Quotes

  • [From Trailer]

    [about Laurel's appeal being turned down]

    Steven Goldstein: This is an outrageous miscarriage of justice. Their next meeting we show up with 100 protesters.

    Dane Wells: Radicals and strangers from New York aren't going to convince these guys.

    Steven Goldstein: I am not a radical. I am a middle-class, Jewish homosexual from New Jersey. How about you, sweetheart?

    Dane Wells: I'm a straight, white, ex-Protestant, atheist cop. You okay with that, *sweetheart*?

    Steven Goldstein: I am. That is very hot.

  • [From Trailer]

    Steven Goldstein: Hell! If you and I got married tomorrow, *I'd* be entitled to your benefits.

    Laurel Hester: Wait, is that a proposal?

    Dane Wells: Oh my god!

  • [From Trailer]

    [about Laurel's upcoming appeal]

    Toohey: If they say yes my tax dollars go to her girlfriend.

    Dane Wells: Yeah. The same way your wife gets your pension if *you* die!

    Toohey: Yeah, but she's my *wife*.

  • Laurel Hester: You can drywall?

    Stacie Andree: Hell yeah.

    Laurel Hester: That's sexy.

  • Dane Wells: [to his police team] Who's coming to the meeting?

    [no one responds]

    Dane Wells: [angrily] Oh, don't put yourselves out. Laurel would back any of you up in a heartbeat. And she's dying! But hey, you know, she's a dyke, so who gives a shit? Cowards!

  • Laurel Hester: When my heterosexual partners die. Their pension goes to their spouses. But because my partner is a woman, I don't get to do that. In my twenty three years of being a police officer, I've never asked for special treatment. I'm only asking for equality.

  • Stacie Andree: Here come the dykes.

  • Steven Goldstein: Hell! If you and I got married tomorrow, I'd be entitled to your benefits!

    Laurel Hester: Wait, is that a proposal?

    Steven Goldstein: Oh honey. I would marry you, but I wouldn't know what to do with your vagina.

  • Steven Goldstein: Steven, with a V, that means "Very Gay". And when people disrespect my gay brothers and sisters, I rain terror on them! Shock and awe, shock and awe.

Extended Reading
  • Richie 2022-04-09 09:01:07

    It's really sad to say, LGBT is only fighting for [equal rights]. I'm embarrassed to see their two boat scenes! Moore is still a good match for Amanda.

  • Bartholome 2022-03-31 09:01:10

    People watching the plot want to close the interface