Free Willy Quotes

  • Perry: New clothes. New gig?

    Jesse: Staying with some people.

    Perry: That's cool. Hey, what happened to you that night, man? It's like you popped.

    Jesse: Not much. Had to clean up all their mess. I'm working their now.

    Perry: They looking for me?

    Jesse: Nah.

    Perry: Cool. Yeah, it's a total drag, man. Sorry.

  • [Randolph gives Jesse a book]

    Jesse: What's this?

    Randolph: Thought you'd might want to know what we're dealing with this year. My father gave it to me.

    Jesse: Thanks.

    Randolph: It's Haida.

    Jesse: What?

    Randolph: [goes to the chair to sit down] Haida is the name of my people. 300 years ago, there were so many fish in the water my people only had to spend one day a week gathering food. Everybody ate like kings.

    Jesse: So what did they do the rest of time?

    Randolph: Carved and painted totems. Made music, told stories, made babies.

    Jesse: Sounds good to me.

  • Jesse: So how much they payin' you to be my jailer?

    Glen: [clears throat] A jailer, huh? Yeah, boy, I'm making such a great deal on you you wouldn't believe it. You're a regular cash cow, kid. That, plus a million dollars I could probably retire by the time I'm 300 years old. Look, you're gonna have to help me out a little bit here. Okay? Dwight says that I was supposed to make some rules for you and, uh, problem is, I've always been a better rule-breaker than rule-maker, myself and, uh. So you're gonna have to tell me what you think you need.

  • Rae: You like whales?

    Jesse: I like him.

    Rae: Well, he doesn't like anybody. So you be careful around him. You see, Willy's a case. A very special case.

    Jesse: So? Who isn't?

  • Randolph: [notices the lights in the Greenwoods' house are still on] Looks like your parents are still up.

    Jesse: They're not my parents.

  • Homeless Man: Nice whale.

    Randolph: Thanks.

  • Annie: [putting dinner on the table] You interested in computers, Jesse?

    Jesse: No.

    Annie: Well, I could teach you. I just learned last summer myself.

    Jesse: I'm not into it.

    Glen: That makes two of us.

    [Jesse and the Greenwoods start eating dinner]

    Annie: Well, I wasn't either. But then I decided that I want a second career in journalist and a teacher, and so I'm, uh, taking the summer off to write. A couple of weeklys have, uh, taken couple stories. I haven't earned anything yet.

    Glen: [watching Jesse go after the food] Go ahead. Just, uh, dig right in.

    [Jesse glares at Glen]

    Annie: In fact, that's what I know, Dwight did a story on Cooperton.

    Jesse: Dwight's a jerk.

    Glen: So what are you exactly into, Jesse?

    Jesse: I'm not into talking while I'm eating.

  • Glen: Just be straight up with us from now on, alright. If there's something that you need just ask us. Think you can do that? Alright, it's past your bedtime. I think you should get in the house, son.

    Jesse: I'm not your son.

    [Jesse heads inside]

    Glen: Yeah, I know that.

  • Dial: So can you do all that again?

    [Jesse nods]

    Dial: Would you and Rae want to cost a lot of money? I have to be sure.

    Jesse: Do dogs pee on brick walls?

    [Rae smacks Jesse]

    Jesse: Um, I mean, yes, sir. Sure, we can do it again. Anytime.

    Dial: [looks at Wade, who approves the proposal, and then looks back at Jesse and Rae] We'll set it up.

  • Annie: [touches Jesse's head] Jesse, where have you been? You're soaked.

    Jesse: I was at work.

    Glen: You snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to clean up graffiti? That's an amazing story.

  • Randolph: [hands Jesse the mug] You must have something special, kid. That's why Willy didn't eat you up.

    Jesse: What do you mean?

    Randolph: Oh, I don't know. High blood, medicine roots.

    Jesse: No way.

    Randolph: Oh, then you're just one lucky little white boy. You like the sound of that better?

    Jesse: Willy doesn't have a problem with me. We appreciate each other.

    Randolph: Appreciate?

    Jesse: [nods while drinking] Mmmm.

    Randolph: Willy saved your butt.

    Jesse: [gets up] You know what. I don't know why everybody out here has such a big problem with him just because he...

    Randolph: Willy doesn't like visitors in his tank. What the heck were you doing out there?

    Jesse: [picks up the orca carving from the desk] Came to say goodbye. Job was almost up. Didn't wanna say goodbye.

    Randolph: Well, just maybe.

    Jesse: What?

    Randolph: Ahh, old Indian stuff.

    [Randolph gets up and briefly takes the orca carving from Jesse]

    Randolph: [examining the carving] Orcas. Ever look into Willy's eyes? Those eyes discovered the stars long before man was even a whisper on Mother Earth? Can look into a man's soul if they want.

    [Randolph gives the carving back to Jesse]

    Randolph: Willy? He won't look at Rae or me. Maybe he sees you.

  • Jesse: They tried to kill Willy.

    Randolph: Wade was with them?

    Jesse: [gives Randolph the bolt] Yeah and they dropped this.

    Randolph: [identifies the bolt] It's part of the tank. Dial is trying to collect the insurance money. Willy's worth a million dollars.

    Jesse: A million dollars?

    [Jesse looks at the frightened Willy. Knowing that Willy will be killed, he comes up with a risky plan]

    Jesse: Randolph, let's free him.

    Randolph: What?

    Jesse: Let's free Willy. We can take him by the bay and put him back in the water.

    Randolph: I don't like this job anyway.

  • Dial: God, I hate that whale!

  • Glen: [grabbing Wade] Let go of my boy!

    [Glen punches Wade in the face]

  • Dwight: You know I don't think you have such a bad thing with the Greenwoods, Jesse.

    Jesse: Then you go live there. Sick of this place. Going to find my mom.

    Dwight: K, you mean you're gonna go hit the streets again?

    Jesse: No. Going to find my mom.

    Dwight: Yeah right. The state can't find your mom. The federal government can't find your mom either.

    Jesse: Yeah, well, I'll find her.

    Dwight: [stands up] When are you gonna get it, huh? When are you gonna get it? Hey, your mom isn't coming back. Forgot the day she dropped you on our doorstep? Forgot about that. Well I remember. Turned around and drove away!. Didn't look around, didn't slow down, didn't even look in the rearview mirror. Does that sound like somebody's mama to you? You've got two people over here who wanna be your friend. That's more than your mother ever was, and you could use a friend right now, son. Because if you go off on your own, you are gonna end up losing big time. You got that.

    Jesse: [storms off] Dwight, shut up and leave me alone.

  • Rae: [about Willy] Randolph, you ever see him jump that high?

    Randolph: Things can happen.

  • Randolph: We've all become great admirers of your work around here, but all good things must come to an end. Time to let you're creativities go backwards. You know what to do with all this?

    Jesse: Yes. I do.

    Randolph: Good. See you later.

  • Rae: [to Willy after getting splashed by him] Well, you have a nice day too, grouch.

    Jesse: [laughing] He likes messing with people's heads. Doesn't he?

    Rae: Yes, he does. If I can't get him to perform, no one can. Orcas are usually nice and smart. Willy's smart and nasty. You really like him?

    Jesse: Yeah.

    Rae: [gives Jesse the box of fish scraps] Good. You can help me.

  • Glen: So what's going on? What the heck are you doing with my truck? And this whale?

    Jesse: They tried to kill Willy.

    Annie: Kill the whale?

    Jesse: So we're putting him back in the ocean.

    [Glen refuses to listen]

    Jesse: Glen, help us. Help us and I'll do anything. Anything.

    Glen: What is it that you think I want from you, Jesse?

    Jesse: I don't know. I don't know what you want from me. Look, I got to look out for Willy and I got to do what's best for him. You understand?

    [Willy cries as Glen looks to Randolph and Rae who aren't sure if he's going accept Jesse's help]

    Jesse: Please, Glen, please. I'm asking for your help. He's gonna die.

    Glen: [pauses] There's a 10 foot length of chain and the winch control behind the seat of the truck. Go and get it.

    Jesse: [hugs Glen] Thanks, Glen.

  • [Dial finds out through a disturbing call with Wade that someone got to Willy before them]

    Dial: Nobody steals a whale.

    Wade: [voice] But I'm telling you the whale is gone, the trailer is out of there, the forklift has been moved. That big mouth trainer and Indian must've done it.

    Dial: [sighs] This is a disaster.

    Wade: [voice] Why?

    Dial: [angrily] Because we don't have theft insurance on the whale, that's why.

    [Dial checks the time on his watch]

    Dial: Call Wilson. Tell him to bring his crew down.

  • Glen: Hey, Brody.

    Brody: Hey, Glen.

    Glen: You heard anything about a stolen pickup?

    Brody: It's yours?

    Glen: Yup.

    Brody: The whale's yours, too?

    Glen: The what?

    Annie: The whale?

  • Jesse: [running and guiding Willy] Come on, Willy! Come on, boy! Follow me to the breakwater! Hurry! Go, Willy, go! Get away from those boats. They're dangerous! Swim! Come on! Come to me, Willy! Get away from those nets! Over here, boy! Hurry! Over here! Hurry, Willy! Hurry! Come here, boy. Come on!

    [Jesse then places his hand in the water after he arrives at the breakwall]

    Jesse: Come on.

    [Willy comes up to Jesse]

    Jesse: [puts hand in the water again] Come here, boy. Come here.

    [Willy squeals]

    Jesse: [sobbing] I'll miss you.

    [Willy squeals again]

    Jesse: [sobbing] Don't forget me, okay? I won't forget you.

    [Willy responds by snorting air out of his blowhorn. Jesse breaks down, knowing that this could be the last time he sees Willy]

    Jesse: [sniffles] Say hello to your mom for me, okay? I really love you, boy. I believe in you. You can do it. You can be free.

    [Willy nods]

    Jesse: [gives the signal] Do it. Do it.

    [With some encouragement, Willy prepares to follow Jesse]

    Jesse: [starts running] Now come on, Willy. I know you can do it, boy! I know you can jump this wall. Come on! I believe in you, Willy! You can do it! You could be free! Come on! You can jump it!

    [Everyone at the marina watch Jesse race to the top of the rocks]

    Jesse: [stops running] Come on, Willy! You only have to do it once! Just once, boy!

  • Jesse: [to Willy] You saved my life.

  • Dwight: [escorting Jesse to his desk while reading the charges in the report] Breaking and entering. Malicious mischief. Vandalism. Resisting arrest.

    [Dwight smacks Jesse's head]

    Dwight: Anything else happened I should know about?

    Jesse: Yeah, I robbed a few banks. Is that a problem?

    Dwight: Yeah, I'm glad you were only out there for three days, son. Sit down.

    Jesse: Ah, did you miss me Dwight?

  • Randolph: Seven thousand pounds, that one. Jaws powerful enough to crush bones to oatmeal. Willy gets into moods. You've got to give him his space. You know what I mean? Don't bother him, and he won't bother you. You understand?

    Jesse: Sure.

  • Perry: So, I'm going. First Sacramento, then L.A. Dayton and I are like... business partners. You know, you can get in on it.

    Jesse: [looks at Willy] Perry, I can't do that right now.

    Perry: Uh, come on, man. This is major stuff. We're gonna be rich.

    [Jesse ignores Perry]

    Perry: All right, fool. Be that way. Here. This is where we're going.

    [Perry gives Jesse a card with the image of Venice]

    Perry: Look, if you ever got the guts to go, look me up.

    Jesse: Sure. See you, Perry.

  • Randolph: [to Jesse] Go get em, champ.

  • Jesse: Excuse me. My mom dropped me off on her way to work and forgot my bus fare. Could I borrow some money?

    [the woman gives Jesse a dollar bill]

    Jesse: Ah, thanks, lady. You have a good day. Thanks a lot.

  • [Jesse tosses two big empty soda bottles that are connected to a rope]

    Rae: What you got there?

    Jesse: It's a toy that I made for Willy.

  • Jesse: He's got a family out there. I heard em. Don't you get it? He's homesick. That's why he acts so weird.

    Rae: Jess...

    Jesse: Rae, they tried to kill him.

    Randolph: Hand me that, Jesse.

    [Jesse hands Randolph the rope]

    Rae: Randolph, did you call the police?

    Randolph: What good would that do? If we don't get Willy into the water soon, he's gonna die. Rae, either get the heck out of here or go turn on the #2 pump.

  • Jesse: [feeds Willy the salmon] This is from me to you. Here you go, bud. Got that with all my pocket money. Enjoy.

  • Annie: I feel sorry for Willy.

    Jesse: Me too.

    Annie: You know, animals can be unpredictable and they can misbehave sometimes just like people. But that doesn't mean you have to lose faith in them, right?

    [Jesse refuses to answer]

    Annie: [pauses] Well, goodnight.

  • [repeatable line]

    Jesse: Salanaa Eiyung Ayesis.

  • Jesse: [listening to Willy's crying] What's the matter? What are you making that awful noise for?

  • Wade: Whale's still not performing. We're getting deeper into this. And Rae keeps saying we have to expand that tank.

    Dial: Very nice. This is what I get for bringin' the animal in to boost business. Why don't we just move him into the Ritz Carlton? I can tack it onto the 5,000 they just dumped in his latest insurance premium.

    Wade: [chuckles] The whale's worth more dead than alive.

    Dial: It will cost at least 100,000 to expand that psychotic malcontent's playpen.

    Wade: Huh?

    Dial: Oh, God, I hate that whale.

  • Randolph: I saw what you did.

    Jesse: So.

    Randolph: So nothing. I'm sure Willy's grateful.

  • [Jesse uses the ladder to get Willy to leap up and grab the salmon from him]

    Jesse: [to Willy] I got your chocolate, buddy.

  • Wade: Stop them. Don't let that whale get away.

  • Jesse: Got any leftover, uh, scraps or anything? I mean, you want me to take off your hands.

    Fish Vendor: Might have.

    Jesse: Well, I got a really special friend name Willy.

    Fish Vendor: Why would he want scraps?

    Jesse: Well, he's a whale.

    Fish Vendor: [surprised] A whale?

  • Randolph: Well, the artist returns. Welcome back.

  • Rae: You and Dial bought Willy from some slimeball whale catcher. He was too big and too old to be caught in the first place. Then, you put him in a dolphin tank alone. He's not a natural performer. You expect me to work miracles?

    Wade: We paid to train him. Not analyze him.

    Rae: These are not the circumstances you described to me when I signed on.

    Wade: You're a professional, right? So make it work.

    [Jesse sneaks pass Rae and Wade's argument and sees Willy eyes in sadness]

    Wade: Dial's given me a line and I am not gonna cross that.

    [Jesse looks at the rope, but is cautious that he might get caught]

    Rae: This is not about crossing the lines.

    Wade: Which words don't you understand? Look, if the whale was to bring in customers...

    [Willy cries while still being frightened by the nets]

    Wade: Then we could spend some money on him. But since he's not, you're just gonna have to make do with what you've got.

    [Jesse unties the rope to release Willy]

  • Jesse: Go, Willy. Go!

  • Dwight: Well, Glen, got a little paperwork. Always got to have the paperwork. You know, I bought a new car recently, man, with the contracts and it all came with 37 pages.

    Glen: [examining the paperwork] Well, this is a lease. I ain't buying yet.

  • Jesse: Hey, Willy. You miss your family? Well, my mom's a pain. Couldn't take care of me. Couldn't even take care of herself. I haven't seen her since I was a little kid. But, you know, I still miss her. Greenwoods are okay. They're okay. You know, it's rough. I'm nervous with them. That's just the way it is. Could be a lot worse. Really. You understand?

    [Willy responds by opening his mouth]

    Jesse: [petting Willy] I'm sure you miss your family too. And I hope you find them one day.

    [Jesse gives Willy a kiss]

    Jesse: [lays his head on top of Willy] I love you, Willy.

  • Randolph: [watching Willy and Jesse bond] Looks like Willy's got himself a soulmate.

  • Gwenie: [taking a piece of the stolen cake] You know, first time I ever went there, it was so bad. My mom dropped me off and went to work in Houston. I never saw her again. I don't care. I hate her anyway. You know, I could eat one of these every day.

    Jesse: Yeah, well, I bolted.

    Vector: Oh, you bolted from Cooperton?

    Jesse: I did, bonehead.

    Vector: Yeah, right.

    Perry: Shut up. We both did. What do you know?

    Gwenie: I know they watch you like they're gonna stick a knife in their back. I had to wait until some stupid foster home losers took me. And then I slipped.

    Perry: [pouring hot sauce on his cake piece] Maybe you ain't smart as us.

    Vector: Oh, eat it.

    Perry: I am.

  • [last lines]

    Jesse: Bye, Willy. I'm gonna miss you. Hope we get to see each other sometime. I love you.

    [Glen and Annie show up]

    Annie: Hey, Jess.

    Jesse: Thanks, guys. Thanks a lot.

    [Jesse tearfully embraces into the Greenwoods. Suddenly, Willy's voice is heard calling to Jesse]

    Jesse: So long, Willy

    Annie: [kisses Jesse in the head] Hey. Let's go home.

    Jesse: Okay.

  • Dial: We may be able to turn this around after all.

    Wade: It'll cost us to set up a show.

    Dial: So what. We let the kid work up a presentation. It catches on and we're back on track just like we've planned.

    [Wade opens the cardoor for Dial]

    Dial: [gets in his car] "The Willy Show". It will make money.

    [Dial shuts the cardoor]

    Dial: And that my friend is what we are all about.

  • Rae: Willy and I didn't get off to a very good start. He thinks I'm the Wicked Witch or something cause of all the medical tests I had to do on him.

    [Rae finishes feeding Olivia and Belinda]

    Rae: You know out in the ocean, killer whales like Willy live in families. Pods. Some of them spent their whole lives with their moms and they never leave them.

    Jesse: Never?

    Rae: [nods] Nope. Their social structure's really important to them. Over fifty orcas have been seen traveling together. Some of them stayed together forever for their whole lives.

  • Glen: How do you like that? Just when you think you're starting to get through, starting to make some sense, starting to make a connection, whammo!

    [Jesse stares at the present while in his room]

    Annie: Well, he's scared and he's pushing us away.

    Glen: Well, I'd like to give him a push right out the door.

    Annie: Hey, don't say things like that.

    Glen: What's the matter? Does that make you angry?

    Annie: Yes it makes me angry. It didn't help if you use that tone of voice when you came into the door.

    [Jesse takes the unopened present]

    Glen: He's driving me crazy. Look what he's doing.

    Annie: You know why you're really angry?

    Glen: Know why I'm really angry? Yeah.

    Annie: Is because you have feelings for him and that scares you because he reminds you of yourself.

    [Jesse opens welcome gift and letter from Greenwoods]

    Glen: Okay. You're right.

    Annie: I know I'm right.

    Glen: I don't like it. We don't owe anybody anything, okay? We tried, did the best we could do. It doesn't have to be any more than that.

    [Annie disagrees]

    Glen: What is this? Another one of your crusades?

    [Jesse witnesses the argument]

    Annie: This is not a crusade, Glen. We're talking about a human being.

    Glen: Annie, I'm happy. Just you and me.

  • Rae: Jess, we won't let anything happen to Willy. I promise.

  • Dial: That whale's not going anywhere. Water's 20 feet deep, those nets will touch bottom. Close it in.

Free Willy

Director: Simon Wincer

Language: English Release date: July 16, 1993