Focus Quotes

  • Nicky: [shouting] Where are the black people?

  • Nicky: It's about distraction. It's about focus. The brain is slow and it can't multitask. Tap him here, take from there.

  • Jess: Why did you come up here if you were on to us?

    Nicky: Professional curiosity, and I like boobs, so I considered it was a win win.

  • Nicky: I can convince anyone of anything. I once convinced a man that an empty warehouse was the federal reserve, so I'm good.

  • Nicky: There's two kinds of people in this world. There's hammers and there's nails. You decide which one you want to be.

  • Nicky: You see, there's a science to getting people to trust you. With women, it's all about emotion. Connection. That you feel the emotion as strongly as they do. They've been dreaming about that shit ever since they were little girls.

    Nicky: With her it was shared history. A friendly face. Set her off balance. Helps diffuse aggression. Start discussing emotional shit. They're disarmed. Now they're open. You know you got 'em when they start to unconsciously mimic you. A head nod. A hand gesture. It means you're in sync. Sociologists refer to it as the Gauchais Reaction.

    Nicky: And then, you move in for the kill. You tell them how they've changed you. Changed how you see the world. Then you close. A talisman. A gift that says: You've always been in my thoughts.

  • Owens: There's a lazy Sunday softness to your generation. Makes me uncomfortable. I like to be on my feet. I'll lie down when I get cancer. Or if I fuck. Both of which will be done on my back, in case you were wondering.

    Nicky: Actually, I wasn't wondering. But thank you for sharing that.

    Owens: Sarcasm. Another pillar of your generation. You wanna tell somebody to fuck off, tell them to fuck off. Don't say, "Gee, what a great jacket." It's weakness.

  • Jess: [suddenly sitting at his table] Will you be my boyfriend? Just for a minute. You're not a serial killer, are you?

    Nicky: That depends. How many times does it take to get to "serial"?

    Jess: Five.

    Nicky: Oh, no, we're good.

  • Farhad: Who's the girl?

    Nicky: Her name is Jess, Farhad. She's our internal.

    Farhad: Ah. You're hittin' that?

    Jess: [from in the back seat of the car] I'm right here.

    Nicky: No, Farhad, I'm not hitting that.

    Farhad: You should hit that.

    Jess: Yeah. Hi. I'm still right here.

    [waving her hand in his face]

  • Pretty Woman: Maybe you should slow down a little.

    Nicky: No, no, no. I just wanna talk to the man. This is a free country. Buenos Aires is a free country, right?

    Pretty Woman: No, Buenos Aires is a city.

  • Nicky: You need to put some clothes on.

    Jess: Excuse me?

    Nicky: There's Australian people here.

    Jess: What is that supposed to mean?

    Nicky: I'm just sayin', Jess, they shipped all those people down there for a reason.

  • Nicky: I wish you the best of luck.

    Garriga: With friends like you, who needs luck?

  • Nicky: Here's the thing about lying. Here's the problem: it fucks up all your options. Paints you into a corner.

    Owens: What the fuck you talking about? You out of your mind?

    Nicky: And then you're forced to do some *really* *dumb* *shit*.

    Owens: You wanna die?

    Nicky: Well, if I die, I die telling the truth. And if I lie, I'm gonna lie like normal people lie.

  • Owens: He is *not* gonna die! You hear me? He is *not* gonna die!

    Owens: Probably.

  • Owens: I took you off the street. Taught you my trade. I taught you my passion. Three generations of skills. And in spite of all my earnest efforts, in spite of all my hard work, you turned into a good person.

  • Owens: Love'll get you killed in this racket. No place for that shit here. No happiness with that. You know how they say there's honor among thieves? Well, you're no thief, Mellow. You made your choice.

  • [last lines]

    Jess: [limping toward emergency room] We'll be fine.

    Nicky: How?

    Jess: Trust me. I got you.

  • Nicky: [after Jess passes Horst's test] You're in!

    Jess: [excited & giggly] Really?

    Horst: [stern & no nonsense] Congratulations, you're a criminal.

  • Nicky: You get that focus, you can take whatever you want.

  • Nicky: This is a game of focus

    [Shows Jess the ring he just stole]

    Jess: [Takes ring back] Very clever.

    Nicky: Now attention is like a spotlight, and our job, is to dance in the darkness.

    [shows her watch he just stole]

    Jess: I didn't even feel you take that.

    Nicky: The human brain is slow, and it can not multitask.

    [shows ring he stole again]

    Jess: Jesus.

  • Nicky: You are not going to slap my face, are you?

    Jess: Why?

    Nicky: You would if you knew where my hand was.

  • Nicky: [Walking around empty office space] So why do I like this place?

    Horst: Lots of space. It does not open for a month or two. We can tie into multiple lines, diffuse our footprint. Keep on the anti stress. Plus, military grade fiber.

    Nicky: How many bathrooms? Fat ass Farhad is flying in.

    Horst: Two. Coed. He still get irritable bowel?

    Nicky: Yeah.

    Horst: Man, he should do a cleanse.

    Nicky: Horst, he is a 400 pound Persian. He is not going to do a cleanse.

    Horst: Where have you been staying? Hyatt again?

    Nicky: Yeah, I love the brunch. You should stop by.

    Horst: I don't do brunch. I'm doing a cleanse.

  • Nicky: I'm all crewed up, sweetie.

    Jess: Oh come on, PLEASE. Can we just skip the part where I speak through thinly veiled allure and lead you to believe there is some earth-shattering hump in the works, cause I suck at that kind of stuff. I just want in.

    Nicky: There is no earth-shattering hump in the works?

    Jess: Yep.

    Nicky: I don't even get thinly veiled allure?

    Jess: No

    Nicky: No baby voice. No lingering eye contact?

    Jess: I'm hopeless.

    Nicky: That's all my favorite shit.

    Jess: I'm sorry.

    Nicky: Can I suggest you learn. Professionally.

    Jess: [seductively] I mean, you could show me. In your room.

    Nicky: [pauses] That is so BAD.

    Jess: Is it?

    Nicky: Does it feel sexy on your face?

    Jess: A little.

    Nicky: It does? Ok, let's go.

    Jess: Wait... Where... Wait... Wait... Am I in?

    Nicky: No. This is Horst.

    Horst: Hello Jess.

    Jess: Hi

    Horst: Nicky told me you were coming.

    Jess: [hits Nicky] You are such a dick.

    Horst: He gets that a lot. Let's go. Are you a size 4?

  • Nicky: There's a flight landing every two minuets at Louis Armstrong. Whoever is not here for the game, is here for the party. Everyone of them is looking to drink big, bet big, and cheat on their spouses. And it all costs money. There are boost teams at all the major hotels. Make is quick and get out before anyone knows what happens.

  • Nicky: There's card games everywhere, and they let anyone with enough cash in. Chances are, at least one of the guys you don't know is a mechanic who can work a deck like Bill Clinton works a room.

  • Nicky: So we are about 30 strong. Everybody gets a percentage. We cover bribes, and bail money for anyone who gets pinched, knock wood. We sell the ATM data to a guy in Singapore. The shopaholics here buy merchandise which we overnight back to ourselves and sell on the grey market. Yesterday, we bought 200 MacBook Airs.

  • Jess: So what about the big con? I though you were all big time.

    Nicky: Oh, you mean the one where we make so much money, we can all retire and get yachts and boob jobs? Now, that's a fantasy. We are in the volume business. It's safer that way.

  • Owens: I got a little red hair on my taint that tickles when something's afoot. And lately? I've been scratching my nethers like a fucking macaque.

    Nicky: Ok.

  • Nicky: But at the end of the day... this is a game of focus.

  • Jess: I'm not falling for your sh** again.

  • Owens: You die with the lie, Mellow. And you just might.

Extended Reading
  • Glennie 2022-03-18 09:01:03

    There is no fault, but the overall look and feel is always rubbing back and forth in a twisted awkwardness. Entertainment is not real entertainment

  • Glennie 2022-04-22 07:01:06

    What logic, since he chose to leave back then, it means he didn't love him so much! How come three years later, the psychological shadow is cured? If we meet again, will we die of love?