Fly Away Home Quotes

  • David Alden: You must be Amy. I gave you Silly Putty once for Christmas. You ate it.

  • David Alden: With this baby you could fly over the Empire State Building.

    Thomas Alden: Or end up as a big pound of ground round. One of the two.

  • Susan Barnes: Broken promises are the worst. Better not to promise anything.

  • [Startled awake, still remembering a dream]

    David Alden: They came at me from the frozen food section. Their lips were so blue...

  • Susan Barnes: [about the plan to fly south with the geese] This will never work!

    Thomas Alden: [confused] But I thought you liked the geese.

    Susan Barnes: [shouts] I *DO* LIKE THE GEESE!

  • [first lines]

    Thomas Alden: Amy? It's your dad.

    Amy Alden: Dad?

    Thomas Alden: I came down from Canada. I've come to take you home.

    Amy Alden: Where's Mom?

    Thomas Alden: Um...

    Amy Alden: Mum died, didn't she?

  • Amy Alden: Why did he bring that ranger guy here to CHOP THEIR WINGS OFF?

    Susan Barnes: Your father didn't know, nobody knew he was going to do that...

    Amy Alden: Yes he did and he's coming back!

    Susan Barnes: No!

    Amy Alden: Yes he is! He said he was!

    Susan Barnes: Amy, listen to me.

    Amy Alden: No!

  • Amy Alden: [Just after Barry and Tom have accidentally seen her after her shower] HE'S SO WEIRD!

    Susan Barnes: You're right. He is.

    Amy Alden: Who was that guy?

    Susan Barnes: Oh, he's just a guy, and he didn't see you.

    Amy Alden: He did. And why did he bring that guy to CHOP THEIR WINGS OFF?

    Susan Barnes: You're father didn't know he was going to do that. Nobody knew he was going to do that.


    Susan Barnes: Amy, listen to me. I know I can never replace your mother. No one can. But if you let me, I can be your friend. And the first rule about friends is they have to trust each other, right? I promise you, nothing is going to happen to those geese. I won't let it and neither will your dad.

    Amy Alden: [cries]

  • Amy Alden: [the ranger picks up Igor, one of Amy's goslings] Excuse me, sir, please leave him alone.

    DNR Officer: Your name's Amy, isn't it? Well Amy, these geese belong to the crown.

    Amy Alden: What crown?

    DNR Officer: That's the Queen of England.

    Thomas Alden: Pinioning?

    Susan Barnes: I have no idea.

    DNR Officer: She made rules. It's for the good of the goose, it's for the good of the people. Now what you do is you take the wing and you just shave a bit off the cuticle here--

    [prepares to cut the tip off Igor's wing with a fingernail clipper]

    Amy Alden: [utterly enraged] WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

    [shoots up from her chair and hits the ranger on the head with a bowl of popcorn]


    Thomas Alden: [indignantly grabs the ranger and hauls him to the door] What the hell are you doing?

  • DNR Officer: Who's the guy at the house?

    Amy Alden: It's my Uncle David. He's got a black belt. We call him KILLER!

  • Amy Alden: Mama to Papa. That was so cool!

    Thomas Alden: Yeah, great. I just made a criminal out of my own daughter. Now we'll both do time behind bars.

    Amy Alden: Dad, stop being so dramatic.

    Thomas Alden: Now, look, this is just the beginning, Amy. We've got to make 120 nautical miles by sundown, fly across Lake Ontario, cross an international boundary without a permit carrying stolen goods, without filing a flight plan, without any official approval, four days behind schedule. We're on the edge, my dear.

  • [watching Amy lead the geese around]

    Thomas Alden: It's amazing, isn't it, how they, uh, follow her around like that?

    DNR Officer: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, uh, called imprinting. The first living thing a goose sees when it's born, it automatically assume is its mother.

    Thomas Alden: Huh.

    DNR Officer: They'll follow her anywhere.

  • Thomas Alden: GET OFF OF MY LAND!

  • Thomas Alden: Knock them off!

    Hunter: Holy shit!

Extended Reading
  • Adah 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    The silhouette shot is so beautiful!

  • Guadalupe 2021-12-30 17:17:10

    Some movies are very simple, so simple that they are almost mediocre. But don’t forget, not every movie has to be super-skilled. Some movies go straight to the hearts of the people and give viewers spiritual comfort...