Chen: Tell me the truth. No more lies. If I turn myself over to you, will you leave the Ching Wu School alone? The truth!
Inspector: You have my word on it. Don't worry, on my word of honor.
Chen: Now you hear this! I will accept punishment for the lives I took. You just leave this school alone!
Japanese consulate: Yes, of course! Of course!
Wu: I feel dizzy, so dizzy!
Petrov: Three more cups!
Suzuki: Now then, if you want to go out of here, go out like a Chinese! On your hands and knees!
Wu: You mean crawl?
Suzuki: Why not?
Wu: Oh yes, sure. I will, I will crawl. Crawl!
Wu: I was being used, have pity on me! Please, sir!
Chen: Have pity? Who had pity for Huo Yuan-Chia?
[a drunken Wu comes out and beckons to a rickshaw driver...]
Chen: Where to?
Wu: Home...
[Chen takes him to a deserted street. Wu staggers out and *then* sees who his driver is]
Wu: [falling to his knees] I was being used, have pity on me! Please, sir! Have pity...
[Chen doesn't make a move, so he quietly creeps up behind him with his fist, but is struck senseless]
Chen: [scornfully] Have pity!
[Chen has overheard the cook saying he poisoned his teacher. Enraged, he bursts in and shoves him against the wall]
Chen: [shouts] Why did you kill my teacher? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
[With each "Why?" he puts his fist into the cook. With the last blow, the cook's ribs crack and he dies]
Chen: [Chen doesn't believe the reports that Teacher died from pneumonia] Oh, I see! And you believed what you were told. He was well. There was nothing wrong with him. How could a healthy man die?
[first scenes]
[Chen comes home to find his teacher being buried]
Chen: Teacher...
[he goes berserk, trying to claw at the ground, and has to be restrained by his friends]
[an exhausted Chen comes home after fighting]
Chen: [sadly, to Le-erh] To think I was going to ask you to be my wife...
[At the Shanghai Park gate]
Sepoy: Hold it. What do you want?
Chen: I want pass.
Sepoy: Not allowed, I'm afraid.
[Points to a sign that says "No Dogs And Chinese Allowed." A dog walks in]
Chen: And that?
Sepoy: You're the wrong color, so beat it.
[a Japanese official walks by and stops at the gate]
Japanese official: Hey you, come here! You want to get in there? Now, now, tell you what. There's only one thing you have to do. Pretend you're a dog and I'll take you in.
Chen: Whenever you're ready, I'll take on any japanese here.
Chen: Now you listen to me. I'll only say this once. We are not sick men.
Chen: Eat. This time you're eating paper. The next time it's going to be glass.
Chen: I have come here to avenge my teacher. This doesn't concern you. I'll allow you to leave. Out.
[nobody moves]
Chen: Out.
[no response]
Chen: Out.
Chen: Out.
Chen: SCRAM.
Petrov: Now that I've escaped from Russia, I'm your man.
Suzuki: That's very pleasing to me.
Wu: [drunk] What was that? What did he say?
Petrov: [Suzuki want's to kill Chen but Petrov stops him] Let me take care of him.
Fist of Fury Quotes
Dave 2022-03-19 09:01:07
Bruce Lee's representative work, Japanese elements make the picture unique, and the position scheduling is also quite considerate. Shaw's composition and feelings are also added, and the improved subjective lens and slow lens. Demonizing the Japanese was a patriotic requirement at the time, which was in line with the sentiments of the people, and finally became extremely ignited. Kicking insults, lurking poison, destroying martial arts, and performing traitors' cheeks and faces are all sensational enough. Like Miao Kexiu's tranquility, she and Chen Zhen Yeyu are really tender.
Aletha 2022-03-27 09:01:15
Too much emphasis on kung fu and relatively weak plot. Still a classic