Fighting with My Family Quotes

  • [Saraya and Zak bump into The Rock backstage]

    The Rock: Sorry about that.

    Raya Knight: Dick me dead, bury me pregnant.

    [the Rock turns around]

    The Rock: That's a good pick-up line.

    Zak Knight: [offering a handshake] Zak Zodiac, mate.

    The Rock: [shakes Zak's hand] What's up, Zak?

    Zak Knight: What an honor to meet you, mate.

    The Rock: Oh, thanks, Zak.

    Zak Knight: Yeah. Yeah, Zak, Zak. Yeah.

    The Rock: Cool.

    Zak Knight: This is my sister, Saraya.

    Raya Knight: We're huge fans.

    The Rock: Thank you so much.

    Zak Knight: Since we were kids.

    Raya Knight: Yeah, we've been fans since you had hair.

    The Rock: Oh, thank you.


    The Rock: Hey, it's a choice. A damn good one, too.

    Raya Knight: Yeah, no, it looks good.

    Zak Knight: It looks great. Fantastic.

    The Rock: See you guys.

    [the Rock heads towards the arena]

    Zak Knight: Rock, Rock, Rock!

    [the Rock turns around]

    The Rock: Yo.

    Zak Knight: What's happening? Are you getting back in the ring? You wrestling again?

    The Rock: Uh, no. No, no, no. I'm just shooting a movie here in London and I'm gonna surprise the crowd tonight. Gonna electrify. Don't tell anybody.

    Zak Knight: No, no.

    Raya Knight: No.

    The Rock: All right. See you guys.

    [the Rock heads towards the arena]

  • [At WrestleMania XXX, Raya is sent to the Skybox by Hutch. She stares at the whole arena from the window]

    The Rock: Hey!

    [the Rock walks in]

    Raya Knight: Hey.

    The Rock: How're you doing?

    Raya Knight: Yeah, good. You? Did you bring it?

    The Rock: [laughs] Yeah. Yeah, I brought it. Paige, uh, when's the last time you spoke to your family?

    Raya Knight: Couple of weeks ago.

    The Rock: Well, I think we should call 'em.

    Raya Knight: [chuckles] You wanna call my family?

    The Rock: I would like to call your family. So what's their number?

    Raya Knight: [sighs] Am I in trouble?

    [as the Knight family are watching WrestleMania XXX at home, the phone rings. Ricky picks it up]

    Ricky Knight: Which prick is calling me during WrestleMania?

    The Rock: [laughs] It's, uh... It's Dwayne Johnson.

    Ricky Knight: Yeah, and I'm Vin Diesel, mate.

    The Rock: [chuckles] Well, let's hope not. No, it is, Mr. Knight. It's Dwayne Johnson. How are you?

    Ricky Knight: Prove it.

    The Rock: Uh, okay.



    Ricky Knight: Yeah? Bullshit.

    [Ricky hangs up]

    Raya Knight: I'm sorry.

  • The Rock: Paige, I myself have come from a wrestling family too. I know exactly what it means to you. But don't worry about being the next me. Be the first you.

  • Raya Knight: I don't want to be a thousand miles away! I have no idea who I'm supposed to be!

  • Julia Knight: Dick me dead, and bury me pregnant.

  • [Zak is watching WWE on TV while holding a belt]

    Young Zak: [Saraya changes the channel] Oi, I'm watching that. Give me the remote!

    Young Saraya: No!

    [Saraya and Zak begin fighting over the TV remote until Ricky shows up]

    Ricky Knight: Zak! What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?

    Julia Knight: [entering] What is going on?

    [Saraya and Zak are still fighting]

    Julia Knight: [Zak and Saraya end up in a twisted position] Are you gonna do something about it?

    [Saraya breaks free]

  • Ricky Knight: I'd just got out of prison.

    Hugh: Prison? What was that for?

    Ricky Knight: Mainly violence.

  • [Zak and Raya stop at a park bench after jogging. Zak then starts doing reverse push-ups on the bench while Raya sits down]

    Zak Knight: My name's Zak Zodiac. When I was three years old, I could name every WWE wrestler just by looking at his boots. Zak Zodiac. Every wrestler just by looking at his boots. When I was three years old, I could name...

    [Zak notices the concerned look on Raya's face]

    Zak Knight: You all right?

    [Raya nods. Zak sits down]

    Zak Knight: All right, what's wrong? I know when you're lying.

    Raya Knight: This is our shot, Zak.

    Zak Knight: I know.

    Raya Knight: But what if I screw up?

    Zak Knight: You won't. Come on. You're gonna smash it tomorrow.

    Raya Knight: How do you know?

    Zak Knight: Because you're a Knight. Wrestling's in your blood.

    Raya Knight: That's not good. That makes it sound like hepatitis.

    Zak Knight: Yeah, it is. We're riddled with wrestling.

    [Raya laughs]

    Zak Knight: And there's no cure. Okay?

    Raya Knight: Okay.

    [Raya shoves Zak before running off]

  • [Zak and Raya enter the arena through the SmackDown Live Titantron entrance]

    Raya Knight: Whoa.

    Zak Knight: So cool. Can you imagine it? 20,000 people just shouting your name. Zodiac! Zodiac! Zodiac! Just insane.

  • Zak Knight: Rock, Rock, Rock!

    [the Rock turns around]

    The Rock: Hey.

    Zak Knight: We're wrestlers as well, actually.

    Raya Knight: We're actually doing the tryouts today.

    The Rock: Oh, cool.

    Zak Knight: WAW, up in Norwich. You've probably heard of it.

    The Rock: Uh, no.

    Zak Knight: No?

    Raya Knight: Actually, whilst you're here...

    [looking at Zak]

    Raya Knight: He should come to one of our shows!

    Zak Knight: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!

    Raya Knight: We could get you tickets. Half-price, probably.

    The Rock: Half-price?

    Raya Knight: I'll text Mango Pete, get him on the list.

    Zak Knight: Yeah, yeah.

    Raya Knight: Do you need a plus-one?

    The Rock: Uh, that's awesome. Thank you for the invite. I don't think I'll be able to make it, though. Good luck with your tryout, okay?

    Raya Knight: Thanks.

    Zak Knight: Thanks, mate.

    [the Rock heads towards the arena]

    Zak Knight: Rock, Rock, Rock!

    [the Rock bangs a power box before turning around]

    The Rock: Yes, Zak?

    Zak Knight: What advice would you give us? If, if we wanna...

    Raya Knight: Win over the crowd.

    Zak Knight: Win over the crowd. If we wanna... if we wanna be the next you?

    [the Rock looks around]

    The Rock: What are your names again?

    Raya Knight: My name is...

    The Rock: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAMES ARE! You walk around here interrupting The Rock? You, like you haven't seen the sun in 20 years? You, like you just stepped out of Oliver Twist? 'Please, sir? May I have some more advice, sir?' You want some advice? Here's The Rock's advice: Shut your mouth! What you want? What you want? How about what The Rock wants? The Rock wants you to go out there, take no prisoners, have no regrets, have no fear! Lay it all out on the line! Because if you don't do that, The Rock is gonna find your friend Mary Poppins. He's gonna take her umbrella. Yeah, he's gonna shine it up real nice. He's gonna turn that sonuvabitch sideways and stick it straight up your candy asses! There's your advice, straight out of... the Jabroni-beatin', pie-eatin', trail blazin', eyebrow raisin', entertaining the globe never hotter, talkin' to two rejects from Harry Potter!


    The Rock: So that's how you win over the crowd.

    Zak Knight: Yeah.

    [Zak and Raya start laughing]

    The Rock: Even though this crazy wrestling world is a fictionalized world, the fans know 1,000% if you're not being real. All right? That guy just now, that was The Rock. The Rock is me. Dwayne Johnson. Just with the volume turned way up, the treble adjusted, the bass. Same guy. So don't worry about being the next me.

    [looking at Raya]

    The Rock: Be the first you.

  • Hutch: To be a WWE Superstar, you have to have two things. Number one: you gotta have the skills, and number two: you have to have the spark. Now, skills, that's obvious, right? You gotta be able to wrestle. The spark, well... that's the magic dust. It's what the audience falls in love with. It's why they buy your poster. It's why they come back every week. It's why they chant your name. It's why they buy a six-inch action figure of you. Do you see yourself as a six-inch action figure?

    Wrestling Performer: Yeah, yes, I do. I see myself as WWE Champion.

    Hutch: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Bingo, guys! That's exactly right. That's called a great attitude. And that's a big plate of yes. That's one of the biggest requirements that you have to have to be a WWE Superstar. And you don't have any of the other things. But the attitude's the one thing you're in control over and the attitude's the one thing that you have.

    [Hutch approaches Zak and Raya and points at Zak]

    Hutch: Name?

    Zak Knight: Zak Zodiac.

    Hutch: Sounds a little bit like a dancer at a male strip club. Why do you want to wrestle?

    Zak Knight: I wanna be a wrestler because since I was three years old, I could name every single WWE wrestler just by looking at their boots. And I've wanted to be one ever since. I'm passionate, I'm determined, and... I'm the toughest bastard in any room. Including this one. Oh, probably shouldn't swear, not when there's ladies present.

    [Zak looks at a long-haired male wrestler on his left]

    Zak Knight: Sorry, miss. Sorry about that.

    Hutch: Miss, what's your name?

    Raya Knight: Saraya. No, sorry. Britani.

    Hutch: Do you not remember your name?

    Raya Knight: No, I do. It's just they, they asked me to change it.

    Hutch: Do you remember what you changed it to?

    Raya Knight: Yeah.

    Hutch: Okay, that's good. What is it?

    Raya Knight: Uh, Paige.

    Hutch: As a wrestling name, Paige?

    Raya Knight: Yeah.

    Hutch: Paige feels a little more like she might work at the perfume counter at the mall like, "Do you want a free sample?".

    Raya Knight: No. Paige is the name of a witch from a TV show that I like.

    Hutch: So you liked the name off the show and then you took it?

    Raya Knight: Yeah.

    Hutch: Nobody's gonna pay to watch a timid little British girl wrestle.

    Raya Knight: Yeah, well, not all British girls are timid. Just like not all Americans are arrogant wankers.


    Raya Knight: Just saying.

    Hutch: Why do you wanna wrestle, Paige?

    Raya Knight: Been wrestling since I was 13. My whole family wrestles.

    Hutch: But why do you wanna wrestle?

    Raya Knight: Been wrestling since I was 13. My whole family wrestles.

    Hutch: But why do you wanna wrestle?

    Raya Knight: Um... It's an escape, isn't it? From the real world. And when I'm in that ring with my family, working together, flowing together, it feels like the world just disappears. And I sort of feel like I belong somewhere.

    Hutch: She showed us her heart. And I wanna vomit.

  • Hutch: Give yourselves a big hand, everybody. That was a tremendous amount of energy and effort and I want to thank all of you for that. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there, and I respect that. If I call your name, please step forward. That means you'll be coming with me to Florida, where you will join NXT Developmental. At which point, we will assess whether or not you get to go on to the WWE. If I do not call your name, then this is the end of the line for you.


    Hutch: Paige.

    [Raya smiles and steps forward]

    Hutch: Thank you all very much.

    [surprised look on everyone's faces as Hutch leaves the ring. Raya and Zak look at each other in shock]

    Zak Knight: Well done.

    Raya Knight: This isn't right.

  • [Raya and Zak follow Hutch out of the arena]

    Raya Knight: You have to take my brother.

    Hutch: Excuse me?

    Raya Knight: No one deserves this more than Zak. Why didn't you pick him?

    Hutch: 99% of the people don't get picked.

    Raya Knight: He was running rings around those other guys!

    Hutch: We're not looking for ring runners.

    Raya Knight: No, wait! You have to explain why you didn't pick him.

    Hutch: I don't have to explain anything. I wish you the best, son. But this is the end of the line for you.

    Raya Knight: If he's not going, neither am I.

    Zak Knight: Raya, don't be stupid, okay?

    Hutch: Is that a threat?

    Raya Knight: Yes.

    Zak Knight: No.

    Hutch: You know, thousands of people apply for this opportunity every week. Now I'm gonna give you ten seconds to let me know that you want it.

    Raya Knight: Not without Zak.

    Zak Knight: Coach, she wants this. Don't listen to her.


    Zak Knight: Raya, let's just leave it. Come on!

    Hutch: Five.

    Zak Knight: Raya.

    Hutch: Four.

    Zak Knight: You're not just doing this for you, Raya, are you? You're doing it for the family.

    Hutch: Three. Two.

    Raya Knight: Yeah, okay, I want this.

    Hutch: See you in Florida.

  • [the Rock calls Ricky again]

    Ricky Knight: What?

    Raya Knight: Dad! It's actually him.

    Ricky Knight: You what?

    Raya Knight: Yeah, it's actually him.

    Ricky Knight: Hold the line one second.


    Ricky Knight: It's Saraya and The Rock.

    Julia Knight: Yeah, right.

    Ricky Knight: I got you on speakerphone, sir.

    The Rock: Hey, yeah. It's, uh, Dwayne Johnson. I'm here with your daughter now, and, uh, I first met her in London. And I've been keeping tabs on her, and I just heard some news that I wanted to share with her and I thought you guys should hear it too at the same time.

    Ricky Knight: Right.

    Julia Knight: What news?

    The Rock: Paige's time with the NXT is over.

    Raya Knight: Oh.

    Ricky Knight: Oh.

    Julia Knight: Okay.

    The Rock: Because, tomorrow night, she'll make her debut live on RAW and... she will be fighting AJ Lee for the Divas title.

    Raya Knight: Wait, what?


    Julia Knight: Dick me dead, bury me pregnant.

    The Rock: There it is again.

    Julia Knight: You don't know what this means to us, Mr. Rock.

    The Rock: Actually, uh... I know exactly what it means to you, ma'am. I, um, I myself have come from a wrestling family, too, and I wanted to share this news with you guys just so you could enjoy it and also just so Paige can prepare herself mentally to go out there tomorrow night and win over the crowd. Because if you don't do that, then they're gonna find somebody else who will. And then this whole opportunity will, uh, be gone by next week.


    Ricky Knight: She's not gonna let you down, Mr. Rock. I-I'll promise ya. She's gonna smash it. She'll kill it.

    Julia Knight: Proud of you, Ray.

    Ricky Knight: I love you, Princess. We're all with you, darling.

    Julia Knight: You're amazing, baby.

    Ricky Knight: I love you, Rock.


    Ricky Knight: Rock?

    The Rock: I... I love you, too.

  • [the Rock escorts Raya out of the skybox]

    The Rock: Good luck tomorrow, Paige.

    Raya Knight: Yeah, um, thanks for picking me.

    The Rock: Nah, I didn't pick you. I just work here.

    [the Rock looks at Hutch, who is on his phone]

    Raya Knight: You know him?

    The Rock: [laughs] Yeah. Yeah, I know that guy. We once had a crazy match where he threw himself off the top of a 30-foot steel cage just to make me look good.

    [to Hutch]

    The Rock: I'll see you later, Sex Tape.

    [Hutch waves back]

    Raya Knight: Why'd you call him Sex Tape?

    The Rock: Oh, because he makes people famous. Good luck tomorrow.

  • [Raya picks up the mic after defeating AJ Lee for the Divas' Championship]

    Raya Knight: I am a freak... from Norwich, England! And I have dreamt of this since I was 13 years old! And it's not just mine. It belongs to my family!


    Raya Knight: It belongs to anyone who ever felt like they are the freak from Norwich, the oddballs, the outsiders. The ones that don't belong!

    [crowd cheers]

    Raya Knight: My name is Paige. And this is my house now!

  • Zak Knight: I didn't get her up the duff. It's known as an unplanned pregnancy.

    Ricky Knight: All pregnancies are unplanned, son.

  • Hutch: [Sees Paige returning to the performance center from Christmas] Can I help you?

    Raya Knight: [Firmly] You didn't cut me and I didn't quit.

  • Zak Knight: [Angrily confronting Saraya about his rejection from WWE] Do you know what it like to have one thing in life and have your little sister take that away from you?

  • Julia Knight: You would love the buzz, darling. It's like coke, crack, heroin combined.

    Young Saraya: Have you done coke, crack and heroin?

    Julia Knight: Not combined.

  • Ricky Knight: Glen? Yeah. He'll take a bowling ball in the bollocks.

  • Ricky Knight: I've been training this one since before he had fur on his bollocks.

  • Hutch: Wrestling is storytelling. It is soap opera in spandex.

  • Julia Knight: If you have to go back to robbing banks to feed this family, so be it. 'Coz at this rate, we ain't gonna have one to feed.

  • Ricky Knight: You are the spark in our lives, no matter what you do with yours.

  • Roy Knight: Who'd a thought, ey? Our little sister's gone from here... to WWE.

    Zak Knight: You would've too, Roy if they'd given you the chance.

    Roy Knight: No, she-she has something I never had.

    Zak Knight: What's that?

    Roy Knight: You.

  • Hutch: How do you think this ends for you?

    Raya Knight: On the main roster, Divas Champion.

    Hutch: You realize that today was about proving that you deserve that. Right?

    Raya Knight: I'll start proving myself when you put me with real wrestlers. Wrestlers like my brother.

    Hutch: Your brother's a journeyman.

    Raya Knight: [dismissive scoff] No.

    Hutch: Yes.

    Raya Knight: No!

    Hutch: There's stars, and there's the journeymen who take the hits that make the stars look good. And your brother's a journeyman. He's the guy with the bad shorts, with no fanfare.

    Raya Knight: No, you bring him here...

    Hutch: I bring him out here and then what? We put him on the road for two hundred days a year? He's chasing fame that's never gonna come to him? His wife starts screwing the garbage man 'cause he's never around? His kid can't remember his face, and for what? Maybe he'd get a shot at a pay-per-view event. And he would try so hard to make an impression he'd probably let a real star... throw him off a 30-foot cage onto a concrete floor. Have his shoulder bone just kinda splice right through his rotator cuff, tear it clean in half. And then the doctor would say, "That's it. Your wrestling career is over." But why quit then? He wouldn't stop. So then the wife would leave him and take the kid. And then he would just keep chasing the pipe dream... until he'd end up four thousand miles away from anyone that ever loved him. He'd be bitter, and he'd be mean. And he'd be all by himself and... just wishing that, God, he could get his kid to return his phone call. Is that the life that you want for your brother?

    Raya Knight: No, I know that wouldn't happen to Zak.

    Hutch: I didn't think that would happen to me. We didn't sign your brother, and we shouldn't have signed you. You're weak in your body and your spirit's weak. You think it's tough now, this is only gonna get harder. You should go home. Wrestle with your family and be happy. That's how this ends for you.

Extended Reading
  • Ollie 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    It's actually the heroine of a female drummer. Her figure is really rare to see. Playing an ordinary female role is too strong to play a wrestler, not tight enough, not good at acting, and average in acting... Let's see what happens in the future. The missing brother Frost is also very handsome "Dick me dead, bury me pregnant!"

  • Emma 2022-04-23 07:03:17

    Nick frost and old Deng stand together very trance