Yassin: C'est la guerre!
[It is war!]
Mohamed: Tu cries comme ça à la classe?
[Do you shout at your pupils like that?]
Daru: [Of being of Spanish descent in Algeria] Pour les français, on était des arabes, et maintenant pour les arabes, on est des français.
[For the French, we were Arabs; and now for the Arabs, we are French]
Far from Men Quotes
Kiarra 2022-04-21 09:03:26
Mortenson's performance was fantastic.
Liliane 2022-04-23 07:04:26
Wilderness landscape sightseeing film. Why are there always wars in some places? related to culture. Killing those who surrender is also a war crime. Teachers are very well connected. Trust God, he will be with you. Surrender to him and he will protect you. Ask him for help, and he will answer you.